import React from 'react'; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import { faInfoCircle as infoIcon } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import { Modal, ModalBody, ModalHeader } from 'reactstrap'; import './UseExistingIfFoundInfoIcon.scss'; import { useToggle } from '../utils/helpers/hooks'; const renderInfoModal = (isOpen, toggle) => ( Info

When the  "Use existing URL if found"  checkbox is checked, the server will return an existing short URL if it matches provided params.

These are the checks performed by Shlink in order to determine if an existing short URL should be returned:

); const UseExistingIfFoundInfoIcon = () => { const [ isModalOpen, toggleModal ] = useToggle(); return ( {renderInfoModal(isModalOpen, toggleModal)} ); }; export default UseExistingIfFoundInfoIcon;