import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { ExternalLink } from 'react-external-link'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import ShortUrlVisitsHeader from '../../src/visits/ShortUrlVisitsHeader'; import { ShortUrlDetail } from '../../src/short-urls/reducers/shortUrlDetail'; import { ShortUrlVisits } from '../../src/visits/reducers/shortUrlVisits'; import { Time } from '../../src/utils/Time'; describe('', () => { let wrapper: ShallowWrapper; const dateCreated = '2018-01-01T10:00:00+01:00'; const longUrl = ''; const shortUrlVisits = Mock.of({ visits: [{}, {}, {}], }); const goBack = jest.fn(); const createWrapper = (title?: string | null) => { const shortUrlDetail = Mock.of({ shortUrl: { shortUrl: '', longUrl, dateCreated, title, }, loading: false, }); wrapper = shallow( , ); return wrapper; }; beforeEach(() => createWrapper()); afterEach(() => wrapper.unmount()); it('shows when the URL was created', () => { const time = wrapper.find(Time).first(); expect(time.prop('date')).toEqual(dateCreated); }); it.each([ [ null, longUrl ], [ undefined, longUrl ], [ 'My cool title', 'My cool title' ], ])('shows the long URL and title', (title, expectedContent) => { const wrapper = createWrapper(title); const longUrlLink = wrapper.find(ExternalLink).last(); expect(longUrlLink.prop('href')).toEqual(longUrl); expect(longUrlLink.prop('children')).toEqual(expectedContent); }); });