import { fromPartial } from '@total-typescript/shoehorn';
import type { ServersMap } from '../../../src/servers/data';
import { ensureUniqueIds } from '../../../src/servers/helpers';

describe('index', () => {
  describe('ensureUniqueIds', () => {
    const servers: ServersMap = {
      '': fromPartial({}),
      '': fromPartial({}),
      'short-domain-s.test': fromPartial({}),

    it('returns expected list of servers when existing IDs conflict', () => {
      const result = ensureUniqueIds(servers, [
        fromPartial({ name: 'The name', url: '' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'Short domain', url: 'https://s.test' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'The name', url: '' }),

        expect.objectContaining({ id: '' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: 'short-domain-s.test-1' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: '' }),

    it('returns expected list of servers when IDs conflict in provided list of servers', () => {
      const result = ensureUniqueIds(servers, [
        fromPartial({ name: 'Foo', url: '' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'Bar', url: 'https://s.test' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'Foo', url: '' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'Baz', url: 'https://s.test' }),

        expect.objectContaining({ id: '' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: 'bar-s.test' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: '' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: 'baz-s.test' }),

    it('includes server paths when not empty', () => {
      const result = ensureUniqueIds({}, [
        fromPartial({ name: 'Foo', url: '' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'Bar', url: 'https://s.test/some/path' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'Baz', url: 'https://s.test/some/other-path-here/123' }),

        expect.objectContaining({ id: '' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: 'bar-s.test-some-path' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: 'baz-s.test-some-other-path-here-123' }),

    it('uses server URL verbatim when it is not a valid URL', () => {
      const result = ensureUniqueIds({}, [
        fromPartial({ name: 'Foo', url: 'invalid' }),
        fromPartial({ name: 'Bar', url: 'this is not a URL' }),

        expect.objectContaining({ id: 'foo-invalid' }),
        expect.objectContaining({ id: 'bar-this-is-not-a-url' }),