import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { fromPartial } from '@total-typescript/shoehorn'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import type { ShlinkShortUrl } from '../../../src/short-urls/data'; import { ExportShortUrlsBtn as createExportShortUrlsBtn } from '../../../src/short-urls/helpers/ExportShortUrlsBtn'; import type { ReportExporter } from '../../../src/utils/services/ReportExporter'; import { renderWithEvents } from '../../__helpers__/setUpTest'; describe('', () => { const listShortUrls = vi.fn(); const buildShlinkApiClient = vi.fn().mockReturnValue({ listShortUrls }); const exportShortUrls = vi.fn(); const reportExporter = fromPartial({ exportShortUrls }); const ExportShortUrlsBtn = createExportShortUrlsBtn(buildShlinkApiClient, reportExporter); const setUp = (amount?: number) => renderWithEvents( , ); it.each([ [undefined, '0'], [1, '1'], [4578, '4,578'], ])('renders expected amount', (amount, expectedAmount) => { setUp(amount); expect(screen.getByText(/Export/)).toHaveTextContent(`Export (${expectedAmount})`); }); it.each([ [10, 1], [30, 2], [39, 2], [40, 2], [41, 3], [385, 20], ])('loads proper amount of pages based on the amount of results', async (amount, expectedPageLoads) => { listShortUrls.mockResolvedValue({ data: [] }); const { user } = setUp(amount); await'button')); expect(listShortUrls).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(expectedPageLoads); expect(exportShortUrls).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('maps short URLs for exporting', async () => { listShortUrls.mockResolvedValue({ data: [fromPartial({ shortUrl: 'https://s.test/short-code', tags: [], })], }); const { user } = setUp(); await'button')); expect(exportShortUrls).toHaveBeenCalledWith([expect.objectContaining({ shortUrl: 'https://s.test/short-code', domain: 's.test', shortCode: 'short-code', })]); }); });