import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import { faCaretDown as caretDownIcon, faCaretUp as caretUpIcon } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import shortUrlsListCreator, { SORTABLE_FIELDS } from '../../src/short-urls/ShortUrlsList'; describe('<ShortUrlsList />', () => { let wrapper; const ShortUrlsRow = () => ''; const listShortUrlsMock = jest.fn(); const resetShortUrlParamsMock = jest.fn(); const ShortUrlsList = shortUrlsListCreator(ShortUrlsRow); beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow( <ShortUrlsList listShortUrls={listShortUrlsMock} resetShortUrlParams={resetShortUrlParamsMock} shortUrlsListParams={{ page: '1', tags: [ 'test tag' ], searchTerm: '', }} match={{ params: {} }} location={{}} loading={false} error={false} shortUrlsList={ [ { shortCode: 'testShortCode', shortUrl: '', longUrl: '', tags: [ 'test tag' ], }, ] } /> ); }); afterEach(() => { listShortUrlsMock.mockReset(); resetShortUrlParamsMock.mockReset(); wrapper && wrapper.unmount(); }); it('wraps a ShortUrlsList with 1 ShortUrlsRow', () => { expect(wrapper.find(ShortUrlsRow)).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should render inner table by default', () => { expect(wrapper.find('table')).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should render table header by default', () => { expect(wrapper.find('table').shallow().find('thead')).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should render 6 table header cells by default', () => { expect(wrapper.find('table').shallow() .find('thead').shallow() .find('tr').shallow() .find('th')).toHaveLength(6); }); it('should render 6 table header cells without order by icon by default', () => { const thElements = wrapper.find('table').shallow() .find('thead').shallow() .find('tr').shallow() .find('th').map((e) => e.shallow()); for (const thElement of thElements) { expect(thElement.find(FontAwesomeIcon)).toHaveLength(0); } }); it('should render 6 table header cells with conditional order by icon', () => { const orderDirOptionToIconMap = { ASC: caretUpIcon, DESC: caretDownIcon, }; for (const sortableField of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(SORTABLE_FIELDS)) { wrapper.setState({ orderField: sortableField, orderDir: undefined }); const [ sortableThElement ] = wrapper.find('table').shallow() .find('thead').shallow() .find('tr').shallow() .find('th') .filterWhere( (e) => e.text().includes(SORTABLE_FIELDS[sortableField]) ); const sortableThElementWrapper = shallow(sortableThElement); expect(sortableThElementWrapper.find(FontAwesomeIcon)).toHaveLength(0); for (const orderDir of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(orderDirOptionToIconMap)) { wrapper.setState({ orderField: sortableField, orderDir }); const [ sortableThElement ] = wrapper.find('table').shallow() .find('thead').shallow() .find('tr').shallow() .find('th') .filterWhere( (e) => e.text().includes(SORTABLE_FIELDS[sortableField]) ); const sortableThElementWrapper = shallow(sortableThElement); expect(sortableThElementWrapper.find(FontAwesomeIcon)).toHaveLength(1); expect( sortableThElementWrapper.find(FontAwesomeIcon).prop('icon') ).toEqual(orderDirOptionToIconMap[orderDir]); } } }); });