import { pipe } from 'ramda'; import { FC, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { Card } from 'reactstrap'; import { useLocation, useParams } from 'react-router-dom'; import { OrderingDropdown } from '../utils/OrderingDropdown'; import { determineOrderDir, OrderDir } from '../utils/helpers/ordering'; import { getServerId, SelectedServer } from '../servers/data'; import { boundToMercureHub } from '../mercure/helpers/boundToMercureHub'; import { Topics } from '../mercure/helpers/Topics'; import { TableOrderIcon } from '../utils/table/TableOrderIcon'; import { ShlinkShortUrlsListParams } from '../api/types'; import { DEFAULT_SHORT_URLS_ORDERING, Settings } from '../settings/reducers/settings'; import { ShortUrlsList as ShortUrlsListState } from './reducers/shortUrlsList'; import { ShortUrlsTableProps } from './ShortUrlsTable'; import Paginator from './Paginator'; import { useShortUrlsQuery } from './helpers/hooks'; import { ShortUrlsOrderableFields, SHORT_URLS_ORDERABLE_FIELDS } from './data'; import { ShortUrlsFilteringProps } from './ShortUrlsFilteringBar'; interface ShortUrlsListProps { selectedServer: SelectedServer; shortUrlsList: ShortUrlsListState; listShortUrls: (params: ShlinkShortUrlsListParams) => void; settings: Settings; } const ShortUrlsList = ( ShortUrlsTable: FC, ShortUrlsFilteringBar: FC, ) => boundToMercureHub(({ listShortUrls, shortUrlsList, selectedServer, settings }: ShortUrlsListProps) => { const serverId = getServerId(selectedServer); const { page } = useParams(); const location = useLocation(); const [{ tags, search, startDate, endDate, orderBy, tagsMode }, toFirstPage ] = useShortUrlsQuery(); const [ actualOrderBy, setActualOrderBy ] = useState( // This separated state handling is needed to be able to fall back to settings value, but only once when loaded orderBy ?? settings.shortUrlsList?.defaultOrdering ?? DEFAULT_SHORT_URLS_ORDERING, ); const selectedTags = useMemo(() => tags?.split(',') ?? [], [ tags ]); const { pagination } = shortUrlsList?.shortUrls ?? {}; const handleOrderBy = (field?: ShortUrlsOrderableFields, dir?: OrderDir) => { toFirstPage({ orderBy: { field, dir } }); setActualOrderBy({ field, dir }); }; const orderByColumn = (field: ShortUrlsOrderableFields) => () => handleOrderBy(field, determineOrderDir(field, actualOrderBy.field, actualOrderBy.dir)); const renderOrderIcon = (field: ShortUrlsOrderableFields) => ; const addTag = pipe( (newTag: string) => [ Set([ ...selectedTags, newTag ]) ].join(','), (tags) => toFirstPage({ tags }), ); useEffect(() => { listShortUrls({ page, searchTerm: search, tags: selectedTags, startDate, endDate, orderBy: actualOrderBy, tagsMode, }); }, [ page, search, selectedTags, startDate, endDate, actualOrderBy, tagsMode ]); return ( <>
); }, () => [ Topics.visits ]); export default ShortUrlsList;