/* eslint-disable no-console, @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing, @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async, @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain */ // Do this as the first thing so that any code reading it knows the right env. process.env.BABEL_ENV = 'production'; process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production'; // Makes the script crash on unhandled rejections instead of silently // ignoring them. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will // terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => { throw err; }); // Ensure environment variables are read. require('../config/env'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const bfj = require('bfj'); const AdmZip = require('adm-zip'); const checkRequiredFiles = require('react-dev-utils/checkRequiredFiles'); const formatWebpackMessages = require('react-dev-utils/formatWebpackMessages'); const FileSizeReporter = require('react-dev-utils/FileSizeReporter'); const printBuildError = require('react-dev-utils/printBuildError'); const { checkBrowsers } = require('react-dev-utils/browsersHelper'); const paths = require('../config/paths'); const configFactory = require('../config/webpack.config'); const { measureFileSizesBeforeBuild, printFileSizesAfterBuild } = FileSizeReporter; // These sizes are pretty large. We'll warn for bundles exceeding them. const WARN_AFTER_BUNDLE_GZIP_SIZE = 512 * 1024; // eslint-disable-line const WARN_AFTER_CHUNK_GZIP_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; // eslint-disable-line const isInteractive = process.stdout.isTTY; // Warn and crash if required files are missing if (!checkRequiredFiles([ paths.appHtml, paths.appIndexJs ])) { process.exit(1); } // Process CLI arguments const argvSliceStart = 2; const argv = process.argv.slice(argvSliceStart); const writeStatsJson = argv.includes('--stats'); const withoutDist = argv.includes('--no-dist'); const { version, hasVersion } = getVersionFromArgs(argv); // Generate configuration const config = configFactory('production'); checkBrowsers(paths.appPath, isInteractive) .then(() => // First, read the current file sizes in build directory. // This lets us display how much they changed later. measureFileSizesBeforeBuild(paths.appBuild)) .then((previousFileSizes) => { // Remove all content but keep the directory so that // if you're in it, you don't end up in Trash fs.emptyDirSync(paths.appBuild); // Merge with the public folder copyPublicFolder(); // Start the webpack build return build(previousFileSizes); }) .then( ({ stats, previousFileSizes, warnings }) => { if (warnings.length) { console.log(chalk.yellow('Compiled with warnings.\n')); console.log(warnings.join('\n\n')); console.log( `\nSearch for the ${ chalk.underline(chalk.yellow('keywords')) } to learn more about each warning.`, ); console.log( `To ignore, add ${ chalk.cyan('// eslint-disable-next-line') } to the line before.\n`, ); } else { console.log(chalk.green('Compiled successfully.\n')); hasVersion && replaceVersionPlaceholder(version); } console.log('File sizes after gzip:\n'); printFileSizesAfterBuild( stats, previousFileSizes, paths.appBuild, WARN_AFTER_BUNDLE_GZIP_SIZE, WARN_AFTER_CHUNK_GZIP_SIZE, ); console.log(); }, (err) => { console.log(chalk.red('Failed to compile.\n')); printBuildError(err); process.exit(1); }, ) .then(() => hasVersion && !withoutDist && zipDist(version)) .catch((err) => { if (err && err.message) { console.log(err.message); } process.exit(1); }); // Create the production build and print the deployment instructions. function build(previousFileSizes) { console.log('Creating an optimized production build...'); const compiler = webpack(config); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { compiler.run((err, stats) => { let messages; if (err) { if (!err.message) { return reject(err); } messages = formatWebpackMessages({ errors: [ err.message ], warnings: [], }); } else { messages = formatWebpackMessages( stats.toJson({ all: false, warnings: true, errors: true }), ); } if (messages.errors.length) { // Only keep the first error. Others are often indicative // of the same problem, but confuse the reader with noise. if (messages.errors.length > 1) { messages.errors.length = 1; } return reject(new Error(messages.errors.join('\n\n'))); } if ( process.env.CI && (typeof process.env.CI !== 'string' || process.env.CI.toLowerCase() !== 'false') && messages.warnings.length ) { console.log( chalk.yellow( '\nTreating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true.\n' + 'Most CI servers set it automatically.\n', ), ); return reject(new Error(messages.warnings.join('\n\n'))); } const resolveArgs = { stats, previousFileSizes, warnings: messages.warnings, }; if (writeStatsJson) { return bfj // eslint-disable-line promise/no-promise-in-callback .write(`${paths.appBuild}/bundle-stats.json`, stats.toJson()) .then(() => resolve(resolveArgs)) .catch((error) => reject(new Error(error))); } return resolve(resolveArgs); }); }); } function copyPublicFolder() { fs.copySync(paths.appPublic, paths.appBuild, { dereference: true, filter: (file) => file !== paths.appHtml, }); } function zipDist(version) { const versionFileName = `./dist/shlink-web-client_${version}_dist.zip`; console.log(chalk.cyan(`Generating dist file for version ${chalk.bold(version)}...`)); const zip = new AdmZip(); try { if (fs.existsSync(versionFileName)) { fs.unlink(versionFileName); } zip.addLocalFolder('./build', `shlink-web-client_${version}_dist`); zip.writeZip(versionFileName); console.log(chalk.green('Dist file properly generated')); } catch (e) { console.log(chalk.red('An error occurred while generating dist file')); console.log(e); } console.log(); } function getVersionFromArgs(argv) { const [ version ] = argv; return { version, hasVersion: !!version }; } function replaceVersionPlaceholder(version) { const staticJsFilesPath = './build/static/js'; const versionPlaceholder = '%_VERSION_%'; const isMainFile = (file) => file.startsWith('main.') && file.endsWith('.js'); const [ mainJsFile ] = fs.readdirSync(staticJsFilesPath).filter(isMainFile); const filePath = `${staticJsFilesPath}/${mainJsFile}`; const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8'); const replaced = fileContent.replace(versionPlaceholder, version); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, replaced, 'utf-8'); }