import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import { CsvJson } from 'csvjson'; import { ReportExporter } from '../../../src/common/services/ReportExporter'; import { NormalizedVisit } from '../../../src/visits/types'; import { windowMock } from '../../mocks/WindowMock'; import { ExportableShortUrl } from '../../../src/short-urls/data'; describe('ReportExporter', () => { const toCSV = jest.fn(); const csvToJsonMock = Mock.of({ toCSV }); let exporter: ReportExporter; beforeEach(jest.clearAllMocks); beforeEach(() => { (global as any).Blob = class Blob {}; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-extraneous-class (global as any).URL = { createObjectURL: () => '' }; exporter = new ReportExporter(windowMock, csvToJsonMock); }); describe('exportVisits', () => { it('parses provided visits to CSV', () => { const visits: NormalizedVisit[] = [ { browser: 'browser', city: 'city', country: 'country', date: 'date', latitude: 0, longitude: 0, os: 'os', referer: 'referer', potentialBot: false, }, ]; exporter.exportVisits('my_visits.csv', visits); expect(toCSV).toHaveBeenCalledWith(visits, { headers: 'key', wrap: true }); }); it('skips execution when list of visits is empty', () => { exporter.exportVisits('my_visits.csv', []); expect(toCSV).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('exportShortUrls', () => { it('parses provided short URLs to CSV', () => { const shortUrls: ExportableShortUrl[] = [ { shortUrl: 'shortUrl', visits: 10, title: '', createdAt: '', longUrl: '', tags: '', }, ]; exporter.exportShortUrls(shortUrls); expect(toCSV).toHaveBeenCalledWith(shortUrls, { headers: 'key', wrap: true }); }); it('skips execution when list of visits is empty', () => { exporter.exportShortUrls([]); expect(toCSV).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });