name: 'Bug' description: Something on shlink is broken or not working as documented? labels: ['bug'] body: - type: input validations: required: true attributes: label: shlink-web-client version placeholder: x.y.z - type: dropdown validations: required: true attributes: label: How do you use shlink-web-client options: - - Docker image - Self-hosted - Other (explain in summary) - type: textarea validations: required: true attributes: label: Current behavior value: '<!-- How is it actually behaving (and it should not)? -->' - type: textarea validations: required: true attributes: label: Expected behavior value: '<!-- How did you expect it to behave? -->' - type: textarea validations: required: true attributes: label: Minimum steps to reproduce value: | <!-- Emphasis in MINIMUM: What is the simplest way to reproduce the bug? Avoid things like "Create a kubernetes cluster", or anything related with cloud providers, as that is rarely the root cause and the bug may be closed as "not reproducible". If you can provide a simple docker compose config, that's even better. -->