import React from 'react'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import { EditServer as editServerConstruct } from '../../src/servers/EditServer'; import { ServerForm } from '../../src/servers/helpers/ServerForm'; describe('<EditServer />', () => { let wrapper; const ServerError = jest.fn(); const editServerMock = jest.fn(); const historyMock = { push: jest.fn() }; const match = { params: { serverId: 'abc123' }, }; const selectedServer = { id: 'abc123', name: 'name', url: 'url', apiKey: 'apiKey', }; beforeEach(() => { const EditServer = editServerConstruct(ServerError); wrapper = mount( <EditServer editServer={editServerMock} history={historyMock} match={match} selectedServer={selectedServer} selectServer={jest.fn()} /> ); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); wrapper && wrapper.unmount(); }); it('renders components', () => { expect(wrapper.find(ServerForm)).toHaveLength(1); }); it('edits server and redirects to it when form is submitted', () => { const form = wrapper.find(ServerForm); form.simulate('submit', {}); expect(editServerMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(historyMock.push).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); });