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synced 2025-01-10 18:27:25 +03:00
Migrated ShortUrlForm test to react testing library
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 53 additions and 52 deletions
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ export const ShortUrlForm = (
const showBehaviorCard = showCrawlableControl || showForwardQueryControl;
return (
<form className="short-url-form" onSubmit={submit}>
<form name="shortUrlForm" className="short-url-form" onSubmit={submit}>
{isBasicMode && basicComponents}
{!isBasicMode && (
@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { UserEvent } from '@testing-library/user-event/dist/types/setup';
import { formatISO } from 'date-fns';
import { identity } from 'ramda';
import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery';
import { Input } from 'reactstrap';
import { ShortUrlForm as createShortUrlForm, Mode } from '../../src/short-urls/ShortUrlForm';
import { DateInput } from '../../src/utils/DateInput';
import { ShortUrlData } from '../../src/short-urls/data';
import { ReachableServer, SelectedServer } from '../../src/servers/data';
import { SimpleCard } from '../../src/utils/SimpleCard';
import { parseDate } from '../../src/utils/helpers/date';
import { OptionalString } from '../../src/utils/utils';
describe('<ShortUrlForm />', () => {
let wrapper: ShallowWrapper;
const TagsSelector = () => null;
const DomainSelector = () => null;
const createShortUrl = jest.fn(async () => Promise.resolve());
const createWrapper = (selectedServer: SelectedServer = null, mode: Mode = 'create', title?: OptionalString) => {
const ShortUrlForm = createShortUrlForm(TagsSelector, DomainSelector);
wrapper = shallow(
const ShortUrlForm = createShortUrlForm(() => <span>TagsSelector</span>, () => <span>DomainSelector</span>);
const setUp = (selectedServer: SelectedServer = null, mode: Mode = 'create', title?: OptionalString) => ({
user: userEvent.setup(),
initialState={Mock.of<ShortUrlData>({ validateUrl: true, findIfExists: false, title })}
initialState={{ validateUrl: true, findIfExists: false, title, longUrl: '' }}
return wrapper;
afterEach(() => wrapper.unmount());
it('saves short URL with data set in form controls', () => {
const wrapper = createWrapper();
async (user: UserEvent) => {
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Custom slug'), 'my-slug');
{ customSlug: 'my-slug' },
async (user: UserEvent) => {
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Short code length'), '15');
{ shortCodeLength: '15' },
])('saves short URL with data set in form controls', async (extraFields, extraExpectedValues) => {
const { user } = setUp();
const validSince = parseDate('2017-01-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd');
const validUntil = parseDate('2017-01-06', 'yyyy-MM-dd');
wrapper.find(Input).first().simulate('change', { target: { value: 'https://long-domain.com/foo/bar' } });
wrapper.find('TagsSelector').simulate('change', ['tag_foo', 'tag_bar']);
wrapper.find('#customSlug').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'my-slug' } });
wrapper.find(DomainSelector).simulate('change', 'example.com');
wrapper.find('#maxVisits').simulate('change', { target: { value: '20' } });
wrapper.find('#shortCodeLength').simulate('change', { target: { value: 15 } });
wrapper.find(DateInput).at(0).simulate('change', validSince);
wrapper.find(DateInput).at(1).simulate('change', validUntil);
wrapper.find('form').simulate('submit', { preventDefault: identity });
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('URL to be shortened'), 'https://long-domain.com/foo/bar');
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Title'), 'the title');
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Maximum number of visits allowed'), '20');
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Enabled since...'), '2017-01-01');
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Enabled until...'), '2017-01-06');
await extraFields(user);
await user.click(screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }));
longUrl: 'https://long-domain.com/foo/bar',
tags: ['tag_foo', 'tag_bar'],
customSlug: 'my-slug',
domain: 'example.com',
title: 'the title',
validSince: formatISO(validSince),
validUntil: formatISO(validUntil),
maxVisits: 20,
findIfExists: false,
shortCodeLength: 15,
validateUrl: true,
@ -71,29 +71,30 @@ describe('<ShortUrlForm />', () => {
'renders expected amount of cards based on server capabilities and mode',
(mode, expectedAmountOfCards) => {
const wrapper = createWrapper(null, mode);
const cards = wrapper.find(SimpleCard);
setUp(null, mode);
const cards = screen.queryAllByRole('heading');
[null, 'new title', 'new title'],
[undefined, 'new title', 'new title'],
['', 'new title', 'new title'],
[null, '', undefined],
[null, null, undefined],
['', '', undefined],
[undefined, undefined, undefined],
['old title', null, null],
['old title', undefined, null],
['old title', '', null],
])('sends expected title based on original and new values', (originalTitle, newTitle, expectedSentTitle) => {
const wrapper = createWrapper(Mock.of<ReachableServer>({ version: '2.6.0' }), 'create', originalTitle);
[null, true, 'new title'],
[undefined, true, 'new title'],
['', true, 'new title'],
[null, false, undefined],
['', false, undefined],
['old title', false, null],
])('sends expected title based on original and new values', async (originalTitle, withNewTitle, expectedSentTitle) => {
const { user } = setUp(Mock.of<ReachableServer>({ version: '2.6.0' }), 'create', originalTitle);
wrapper.find('#title').simulate('change', { target: { value: newTitle } });
wrapper.find('form').simulate('submit', { preventDefault: identity });
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('URL to be shortened'), 'https://long-domain.com/foo/bar');
if (withNewTitle) {
await user.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Title'), 'new title');
} else {
await user.clear(screen.getByPlaceholderText('Title'));
await user.click(screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }));
title: expectedSentTitle,
Reference in a new issue