> If you are trying to find out how to run the project in development mode or how to provide contributions, read the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) doc.
If you want to deploy shlink-web-client in a container-based cluster (kubernetes, docker swarm, etc), just pick the [shlinkio/shlink-web-client](https://hub.docker.com/r/shlinkio/shlink-web-client/) image and do it.
If you want to self-host it yourself, get the [latest release](https://github.com/shlinkio/shlink-web-client/releases/latest) and download the distributable zip file attached to it (`shlink-web-client_X.X.X_dist.zip`).
The package contains static files only, so just put it in a folder and serve it with the web server of your choice.
* Provided dist files are configured to be served from the root of your domain. If you need to serve shlink-web-client from a subpath, you will have to build it yourself following [these steps](#serve-shlink-in-subpath).
* The app has a client-side router that handles dynamic paths. Because of that, you need to configure your web server to fall-back to the `index.html` file when requested files do not exist.
* If you use Apache, you are covered, since the project includes an `.htaccess` file which already does this.
* If you use nginx, you can [see how it's done](config/docker/nginx.conf) for the docker image and do the same.
The first time you access shlink-web-client from a browser, you will have to configure the list of shlink servers you want to manage, and they will be saved in the local storage.
Those servers can be exported and imported in other browsers, but if for some reason you need some servers to be there from the beginning, starting with shlink-web-client 2.1.0, you can provide a `servers.json` file in the project root folder (the same containing the `index.html`, `favicon.ico`, etc) with a structure like this:
> The list can contain as many servers as you need.
If you are using the shlink-web-client docker image, you can mount the `servers.json` file in a volume inside `/usr/share/nginx/html`, which is the app's document root inside the container.
docker run --name shlink-web-client -p 8000:80 -v ${PWD}/servers.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/servers.json shlinkio/shlink-web-client
Alternatively, you can mount a `conf.d` directory, which in turn contains the `servers.json` file, in a volume inside `/usr/share/nginx/html`. *(since shlink-web-client 3.2.0)*.
docker run --name shlink-web-client -p 8000:80 -v ${PWD}/my-config/:/usr/share/nginx/html/conf.d/ shlinkio/shlink-web-client
If you want to pre-configure a single server, you can provide its config via env vars. When the container starts up, it will build the `servers.json` file dynamically based on them. *(since shlink-web-client 3.2.0)*.
*`SHLINK_SERVER_URL`: The fully qualified URL for the Shlink server.
*`SHLINK_SERVER_NAME`: The name to be displayed. Defaults to **Shlink** if not provided.
* For example, if you want to build `v1.0.1`, use this link https://github.com/shlinkio/shlink-web-client/archive/v1.0.1.zip
* Replace the `v1.0.1` part in the link with the one of the version you want to build.
* Decompress the file and `cd` into the resulting folder.
* Open the `package.json` file in the root of the project, locate the `homepage` property and replace the value (which should be an empty string) by the path from which you want to serve shlink-web-client.
* For example: `"homepage": "/my-projects/shlink-web-client",`.
* Download [node](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) 10.15 or later.
* Install project dependencies by running `npm install`.
* Build the project by running `npm run build`.
* Once the command finishes, you will have a `build` folder with all the static assets you need to run shlink-web-client. Just place them wherever you want them to be served from.