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synced 2025-03-14 04:01:13 +03:00
184 lines
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184 lines
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import argparse
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Iterable
import os.path
# This script is specifically written to be used in automation for https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge
# This will scrape the whitelisted bridges in the current state (port 3000) and the PR state (port 3001) of
# RSS-Bridge, generate a feed for each of the bridges and save the output as html files.
# It also add a <base> tag with the url of em's public instance, so viewing
# the HTML file locally will actually work as designed.
class Instance:
name = ''
url = ''
def main(instances: Iterable[Instance], with_upload: bool, with_reduced_upload: bool, title: str, output_file: str):
start_date = datetime.now()
table_rows = []
for instance in instances:
page = requests.get(instance.url) # Use python requests to grab the rss-bridge main page
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser") # use bs4 to turn the page into soup
bridge_cards = soup.select('.bridge-card') # get a soup-formatted list of all bridges on the rss-bridge page
table_rows += testBridges(instance, bridge_cards, with_upload, with_reduced_upload) # run the main scraping code with the list of bridges
with open(file=output_file, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as file:
table_rows_value = '\n'.join(sorted(table_rows))
## {title}
| Bridge | Context | Status |
| - | - | - |
*last change: {start_date.strftime("%A %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}*
def testBridges(instance: Instance, bridge_cards: Iterable, with_upload: bool, with_reduced_upload: bool) -> Iterable:
instance_suffix = ''
if instance.name:
instance_suffix = f' ({instance.name})'
table_rows = []
for bridge_card in bridge_cards:
bridgeid = bridge_card.get('id')
bridgeid = bridgeid.split('-')[1] # this extracts a readable bridge name from the bridge metadata
bridgestring = '/?action=display&bridge=' + bridgeid + '&format=Html'
bridge_name = bridgeid.replace('Bridge', '')
context_forms = bridge_card.find_all("form")
form_number = 1
for context_form in context_forms:
# a bridge can have multiple contexts, named 'forms' in html
# this code will produce a fully working formstring that should create a working feed when called
# this will create an example feed for every single context, to test them all
formstring = ''
error_messages = []
context_name = '*untitled*'
context_name_element = context_form.find_previous_sibling('h5')
if context_name_element and context_name_element.text.strip() != '':
context_name = context_name_element.text
parameters = context_form.find_all("input")
lists = context_form.find_all("select")
# this for/if mess cycles through all available input parameters, checks if it required, then pulls
# the default or examplevalue and then combines it all together into the formstring
# if an example or default value is missing for a required attribute, it will throw an error
# any non-required fields are not tested!!!
for parameter in parameters:
if parameter.get('type') == 'hidden' and parameter.get('name') == 'context':
cleanvalue = parameter.get('value').replace(" ","+")
formstring = formstring + '&' + parameter.get('name') + '=' + cleanvalue
if parameter.get('type') == 'number' or parameter.get('type') == 'text':
if parameter.has_attr('required'):
if parameter.get('placeholder') == '':
if parameter.get('value') == '':
name_value = parameter.get('name')
error_messages.append(f'Missing example or default value for parameter "{name_value}"')
formstring = formstring + '&' + parameter.get('name') + '=' + parameter.get('value')
formstring = formstring + '&' + parameter.get('name') + '=' + parameter.get('placeholder')
# same thing, just for checkboxes. If a checkbox is checked per default, it gets added to the formstring
if parameter.get('type') == 'checkbox':
if parameter.has_attr('checked'):
formstring = formstring + '&' + parameter.get('name') + '=on'
for listing in lists:
selectionvalue = ''
listname = listing.get('name')
cleanlist = []
options = listing.find_all('option')
for option in options:
if 'optgroup' in option.name:
firstselectionentry = 1
for selectionentry in cleanlist:
if firstselectionentry:
selectionvalue = selectionentry.get('value')
firstselectionentry = 0
if 'selected' in selectionentry.attrs:
selectionvalue = selectionentry.get('value')
formstring = formstring + '&' + listname + '=' + selectionvalue
termpad_url = 'about:blank'
if error_messages:
status = '<br>'.join(map(lambda m: f'❌ `{m}`', error_messages))
# if all example/default values are present, form the full request string, run the request, add a <base> tag with
# the url of em's public instance to the response text (so that relative paths work, e.g. to the static css file) and
# then upload it to termpad.com, a pastebin-like-site.
response = requests.get(instance.url + bridgestring + formstring)
page_text = response.text.replace('<head>','<head><base href="https://rss-bridge.org/bridge01/" target="_blank">')
page_text = page_text.encode("utf_8")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, "html.parser")
status_messages = []
if response.status_code != 200:
status_messages += [f'❌ `HTTP status {response.status_code} {response.reason}`']
feed_items = soup.select('.feeditem')
feed_items_length = len(feed_items)
if feed_items_length <= 0:
status_messages += [f'⚠️ `The feed has no items`']
elif feed_items_length == 1 and len(soup.select('.error')) > 0:
status_messages += [f'❌ `{getFirstLine(feed_items[0].text)}`']
status_messages += map(lambda e: f'❌ `{getFirstLine(e.text)}`', soup.select('.error .error-type') + soup.select('.error .error-message'))
for item_element in soup.select('.feeditem'): # remove all feed items to not accidentally selected <pre> tags from item content
status_messages += map(lambda e: f'⚠️ `{getFirstLine(e.text)}`', soup.find_all('pre'))
status_messages = list(dict.fromkeys(status_messages)) # remove duplicates
status = '<br>'.join(status_messages)
status_is_ok = status == '';
if status_is_ok:
status = '✔️'
if with_upload and (not with_reduced_upload or not status_is_ok):
termpad = requests.post(url="https://termpad.com/", data=page_text)
termpad_url = termpad.text.strip()
termpad_url = termpad_url.replace('termpad.com/','termpad.com/raw/')
table_rows.append(f'| {bridge_name} | [{form_number} {context_name}{instance_suffix}]({termpad_url}) | {status} |')
form_number += 1
return table_rows
def getFirstLine(value: str) -> str:
# trim whitespace and remove text that can break the table or is simply unnecessary
clean_value = re.sub('^\[[^\]]+\]\s*rssbridge\.|[\|`]', '', value.strip())
first_line = next(iter(clean_value.splitlines()), '')
max_length = 250
if (len(first_line) > max_length):
first_line = first_line[:max_length] + '...'
return first_line
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--instances', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('--no-upload', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--reduced-upload', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--title', default='Pull request artifacts')
parser.add_argument('--output-file', default=os.getcwd() + '/comment.txt')
args = parser.parse_args()
instances = []
if args.instances:
for instance_arg in args.instances:
instance_arg_parts = instance_arg.split('::')
instance = Instance()
instance.name = instance_arg_parts[1] if len(instance_arg_parts) >= 2 else ''
instance.url = instance_arg_parts[0]
instance = Instance()
instance.name = 'current'
instance.url = 'http://localhost:3000'
instance = Instance()
instance.name = 'pr'
instance.url = 'http://localhost:3001'
with_upload=not args.no_upload,
with_reduced_upload=args.reduced_upload and not args.no_upload,
); |