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synced 2025-03-31 13:55:07 +03:00
This part of the bridge was meant to find game info on IGN but rarely found useful results, and is harder to maintain than the rest of this bridge due to changes at IGN.
108 lines
4 KiB
108 lines
4 KiB
class Releases3DSBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'ORelio';
const NAME = '3DS Scene Releases';
const URI = 'http://www.3dsdb.com/';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 10800; // 3h
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest scene releases for Nintendo 3DS.';
public function collectData(){
$this->collectDataUrl(self::URI . 'xml.php');
protected function collectDataUrl($dataUrl){
$xml = getContents($dataUrl)
or returnServerError('Could not request URL: ' . $dataUrl);
$limit = 0;
foreach(array_reverse(explode('<release>', $xml)) as $element) {
if($limit >= 5) {
if(strpos($element, '</release>') === false) {
$releasename = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<releasename>', '</releasename>');
if(empty($releasename)) {
$id = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<id>', '</id>');
$name = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<name>', '</name>');
$publisher = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<publisher>', '</publisher>');
$region = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<region>', '</region>');
$group = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<group>', '</group>');
$imagesize = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<imagesize>', '</imagesize>');
$serial = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<serial>', '</serial>');
$titleid = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<titleid>', '</titleid>');
$imgcrc = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<imgcrc>', '</imgcrc>');
$filename = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<filename>', '</filename>');
$trimmedsize = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<trimmedsize>', '</trimmedsize>');
$firmware = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<firmware>', '</firmware>');
$type = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<type>', '</type>');
$card = extractFromDelimiters($element, '<card>', '</card>');
//Main section : Release description from 3DS database
$releaseDescription = '<h3>Release Details</h3><b>Release ID: </b>' . $id
. '<br /><b>Game Name: </b>' . $name
. '<br /><b>Publisher: </b>' . $publisher
. '<br /><b>Region: </b>' . $region
. '<br /><b>Group: </b>' . $group
. '<br /><b>Image size: </b>' . (intval($imagesize) / 8)
. 'MB<br /><b>Serial: </b>' . $serial
. '<br /><b>Title ID: </b>' . $titleid
. '<br /><b>Image CRC: </b>' . $imgcrc
. '<br /><b>File Name: </b>' . $filename
. '<br /><b>Release Name: </b>' . $releasename
. '<br /><b>Trimmed size: </b>' . intval(intval($trimmedsize) / 1048576)
. 'MB<br /><b>Firmware: </b>' . $firmware
. '<br /><b>Type: </b>' . $this->typeToString($type)
. '<br /><b>Card: </b>' . $this->cardToString($card)
. '<br />';
//Build search links section to facilitate release search using search engines
$releaseNameEncoded = urlencode(str_replace(' ', '+', $releasename));
$searchLinkGoogle = 'https://google.com/?q=' . $releaseNameEncoded;
$searchLinkDuckDuckGo = 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=' . $releaseNameEncoded;
$searchLinkQwant = 'https://lite.qwant.com/?q=' . $releaseNameEncoded . '&t=web';
$releaseSearchLinks = '<h3>Search this release</h3><ul><li><a href="'
. $searchLinkGoogle
. '">Search using Google</a></li><li><a href="'
. $searchLinkDuckDuckGo
. '">Search using DuckDuckGo</a></li><li><a href="'
. $searchLinkQwant
. '">Search using Qwant</a></li></ul>';
//Build and add final item with the above three sections
$item = array();
$item['title'] = $name;
$item['author'] = $publisher;
$item['timestamp'] = $ignDate;
$item['enclosures'] = array($ignCoverArt);
$item['uri'] = empty($ignLink) ? $searchLinkDuckDuckGo : $ignLink;
$item['content'] = $ignDescription . $releaseDescription . $releaseSearchLinks;
$this->items[] = $item;
private function typeToString($type){
switch($type) {
case 1: return 'Card Game';
case 4: return 'eShop';
default: return '??? (' . $type . ')';
private function cardToString($card){
switch($card) {
case 1: return 'Regular (CARD1)';
case 2: return 'NAND (CARD2)';
default: return '??? (' . $card . ')';