logmanoriginal a4b9611e66 [phpcs] Add missing rules
- Do not add spaces after opening or before closing parenthesis

  // Wrong
  if( !is_null($var) ) {

  // Right
  if(!is_null($var)) {

- Add space after closing parenthesis

  // Wrong

  // Right
  if(true) {

- Add body into new line
- Close body in new line

  // Wrong
  if(true) { ... }

  // Right
  if(true) {

Notice: Spaces after keywords are not detected:

  // Wrong (not detected)
  // -> space after 'if' and missing space after 'else'
  if (true) {
  } else{

  // Right
  if(true) {
  } else {
2017-07-29 19:55:12 +02:00

96 lines
2.8 KiB

class T411Bridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'ORelio';
const NAME = 'T411 Bridge';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the 10 newest torrents with specified search
terms <br /> Use url part after "?" mark when using their search engine.';
const PARAMETERS = array( array(
'search' => array(
'name' => 'Search criteria',
'required' => true
public function collectData(){
//Utility function for retrieving text based on start and end delimiters
function extractFromDelimiters($string, $start, $end){
if(strpos($string, $start) !== false) {
$section_retrieved = substr($string, strpos($string, $start) + strlen($start));
$section_retrieved = substr($section_retrieved, 0, strpos($section_retrieved, $end));
return $section_retrieved;
return false;
//Retrieve torrent listing from search results, which does not contain torrent description
$url = self::URI
. 'torrents/search/?search='
. urlencode($this->getInput('search'))
. '&order=added&type=desc';
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url)
or returnServerError('Could not request t411: ' . $url);
$results = $html->find('table.results', 0);
if (is_null($results))
returnServerError('No results from t411: ' . $url);
$limit = 0;
//Process each item individually
foreach($results->find('tr') as $element) {
//Limit total amount of requests and ignore table header
if($limit >= 10) {
if(is_object($element->find('th', 0))) {
//Requests are rate-limited
usleep(500000); //So we need to wait (500ms)
//Retrieve data from RSS entry
$item_uri = self::URI
. 'torrents/details/?id='
. extractFromDelimiters($element->find('a.nfo', 0)->outertext, '?id=', '"');
$item_title = extractFromDelimiters($element->outertext, '" title="', '"');
$item_date = strtotime($element->find('dd', 0)->plaintext);
//Retrieve full description from torrent page
$item_html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($item_uri);
if(!$item_html) {
//Retrieve data from page contents
$item_desc = $item_html->find('div.description', 0);
$item_author = $item_html->find('a.profile', 0)->innertext;
//Cleanup advertisments
$divs = explode('<div class="align-center">', $item_desc->innertext);
$item_desc = '';
foreach ($divs as $text)
if (strpos($text, '') === false)
$item_desc = $item_desc . '<div class="align-center">' . $text;
$item_desc = preg_replace('/<h2 class="align-center">LIENS DE T..?L..?CHARGEMENT<\/h2>/i', '', $item_desc);
//Build and add final item
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = $item_uri;
$item['title'] = $item_title;
$item['author'] = $item_author;
$item['timestamp'] = $item_date;
$item['content'] = $item_desc;
$this->items[] = $item;