2014-05-25 23:23:52 +02:00

187 lines
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* All bridge logic
* Note : adapter are store in other place
interface BridgeInterface{
public function collectData(array $param);
public function getName();
public function getURI();
public function getCacheDuration();
abstract class BridgeAbstract implements BridgeInterface{
protected $cache;
protected $items = array();
* Launch probative exception
protected function returnError($message, $code){
throw new \HttpException($message, $code);
* Return datas store in the bridge
* @return mixed
public function getDatas(){
return $this->items;
* Defined datas with parameters depending choose bridge
* Note : you can defined a cache before with "setCache"
* @param array $param $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST, or array with bridge expected paramters
public function setDatas(array $param){
if( !is_null($this->cache) ){
$time = $this->cache->getTime();
$time = false; // No cache ? No time !
if( $time !== false && ( time() - $this->getCacheDuration() < $time ) ){ // Cache file has not expired. Serve it.
$this->items = $this->cache->loadData();
if( !is_null($this->cache) ){ // Cache defined ? We go to refresh is memory :D
* Define default duraction for cache
public function getCacheDuration(){
return 3600;
* Defined cache object to use
public function setCache(\CacheAbstract $cache){
$this->cache = $cache;
return $this;
class Bridge{
static protected $dirBridge;
public function __construct(){
throw new \LogicException('Please use ' . __CLASS__ . '::create for new object.');
* Create a new bridge object
* @param string $nameBridge Defined bridge name you want use
* @return Bridge object dedicated
static public function create($nameBridge){
if( !static::isValidNameBridge($nameBridge) ){
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Name bridge must be at least one uppercase follow or not by alphanumeric or dash characters.');
$pathBridge = self::getDir() . $nameBridge . '.php';
if( !file_exists($pathBridge) ){
throw new \Exception('The bridge you looking for does not exist.');
require_once $pathBridge;
return new $nameBridge();
static public function setDir($dirBridge){
if( !is_string($dirBridge) ){
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Dir bridge must be a string.');
if( !file_exists($dirBridge) ){
throw new \Exception('Dir bridge does not exist.');
self::$dirBridge = $dirBridge;
static public function getDir(){
$dirBridge = self::$dirBridge;
if( is_null($dirBridge) ){
throw new \LogicException(__CLASS__ . ' class need to know bridge path !');
return $dirBridge;
static public function isValidNameBridge($nameBridge){
return preg_match('@^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$@', $nameBridge);
* Read bridge dir and catch informations about each bridge depending annotation
* @return array Informations about each bridge
static public function searchInformation(){
$pathDirBridge = self::getDir();
$listBridge = array();
$searchCommonPattern = array('maintainer', 'description', 'homepage', 'name');
$dirFiles = scandir($pathDirBridge);
if( $dirFiles !== false ){
foreach( $dirFiles as $fileName ){
if( preg_match('@([^.]+)\.php@U', $fileName, $out) ){ // Is PHP file ?
$infos = array(); // Information about the bridge
$resParse = token_get_all(file_get_contents($pathDirBridge . $fileName)); // Parse PHP file
foreach($resParse as $v){
if( is_array($v) && $v[0] == T_DOC_COMMENT ){ // Lexer node is COMMENT ?
$commentary = $v[1];
foreach( $searchCommonPattern as $name){ // Catch information with common pattern
preg_match('#@' . preg_quote($name, '#') . '\s+(.+)#', $commentary, $outComment);
if( isset($outComment[1]) ){
$infos[$name] = $outComment[1];
preg_match_all('#@use(?<num>[1-9][0-9]*)\s?\((?<args>.+)\)(?:\r|\n)#', $commentary, $outComment); // Catch specific information about "use".
if( isset($outComment['args']) && is_array($outComment['args']) ){
$infos['use'] = array();
foreach($outComment['args'] as $num => $args){ // Each use
preg_match_all('#(?<name>[a-z]+)="(?<value>.*)"(?:,|$)#U', $args, $outArg); // Catch arguments for current use
if( isset($outArg['name']) ){
$usePos = $outComment['num'][$num]; // Current use name
if( !isset($infos['use'][$usePos]) ){ // Not information actually for this "use" ?
$infos['use'][$usePos] = array();
foreach($outArg['name'] as $numArg => $name){ // Each arguments
$infos['use'][$usePos][$name] = $outArg['value'][$numArg];
if( isset($infos['name']) ){ // If informations containt at least a name
$listBridge[$out[1]] = $infos;
return $listBridge;