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synced 2025-03-11 02:30:16 +03:00
$ composer require --dev friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer $ echo >.php-cs-fixer.dist.php "<?php $finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create() ->in(__DIR__); $rules = [ '@PSR12' => true, // '@PSR12:risky' => true, '@PHP74Migration' => true, // '@PHP74Migration:risky' => true, // buggy, duplicates existing comment sometimes 'no_break_comment' => false, 'array_syntax' => true, 'lowercase_static_reference' => true, 'visibility_required' => false, // Too much noise 'binary_operator_spaces' => false, 'heredoc_indentation' => false, 'trailing_comma_in_multiline' => false, ]; $config = new PhpCsFixer\Config(); return $config ->setRules($rules) // ->setRiskyAllowed(true) ->setFinder($finder); " $ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer --version PHP CS Fixer 3.8.0 BerSzcz against war! by Fabien Potencier and Dariusz Ruminski. PHP runtime: 8.1.7 $ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix $ rm .php-cs-fixer.cache $ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
88 lines
2.8 KiB
88 lines
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class CeskaTelevizeBridge extends BridgeAbstract
const NAME = 'Česká televize Bridge';
const URI = 'https://www.ceskatelevize.cz';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;
const DESCRIPTION = 'Return newest videos';
const MAINTAINER = 'kolarcz';
const PARAMETERS = [
'url' => [
'name' => 'url to the show',
'required' => true,
'exampleValue' => 'https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/1097181328-udalosti/'
private function fixChars($text)
return html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
private function getUploadTimeFromString($string)
if (strpos($string, 'dnes') !== false) {
return strtotime('today');
} elseif (strpos($string, 'včera') !== false) {
return strtotime('yesterday');
} elseif (!preg_match('/(\d+).\s(\d+).(\s(\d+))?/', $string, $match)) {
returnServerError('Could not get date from Česká televize string');
$date = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $match[3] ?? date('Y'), $match[2], $match[1]);
return strtotime($date);
public function collectData()
$url = $this->getInput('url');
$validUrl = '/^(https:\/\/www\.ceskatelevize\.cz\/porady\/\d+-[a-z0-9-]+\/)(bonus\/)?$/';
if (!preg_match($validUrl, $url, $match)) {
returnServerError('Invalid url');
$category = $match[4] ?? 'nove';
$fixedUrl = "{$match[1]}dily/{$category}/";
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($fixedUrl);
$this->feedUri = $fixedUrl;
$this->feedName = str_replace('Přehled dílů — ', '', $this->fixChars($html->find('title', 0)->plaintext));
if ($category !== 'nove') {
$this->feedName .= " ({$category})";
foreach ($html->find('#episodeListSection a[data-testid=next-link]') as $element) {
$itemTitle = $element->find('h3', 0);
$itemContent = $element->find('div[class^=content-]', 0);
$itemDate = $element->find('div[class^=playTime-] span', 0);
$itemThumbnail = $element->find('img', 0);
$itemUri = self::URI . $element->getAttribute('href');
$item = [
'title' => $this->fixChars($itemTitle->plaintext),
'uri' => $itemUri,
'content' => '<img src="' . $itemThumbnail->getAttribute('src') . '" /><br />'
. $this->fixChars($itemContent->plaintext),
'timestamp' => $this->getUploadTimeFromString($itemDate->plaintext)
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getURI()
return $this->feedUri ?? parent::getURI();
public function getName()
return $this->feedName ?? parent::getName();