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synced 2025-03-26 03:21:53 +03:00
* Clarify Facebook bridges status Distinguish between both Facebook bridges by their title. This preserves all existing URLs. * Update all URLs to secure HTTPS versions. * Configure author name abbreviation * Improve feed names Use the correct feed name on each bridge. Make sure the feed names don't repeat the "Facebook" name.
307 lines
9.4 KiB
307 lines
9.4 KiB
class FB2Bridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'teromene';
const NAME = 'Facebook Bridge | Touch Site';
const URI = 'https://www.facebook.com/';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1000;
const DESCRIPTION = 'Input a page title or a profile log. For a profile log,
please insert the parameter as follow : myExamplePage/132621766841117';
const PARAMETERS = array( array(
'u' => array(
'name' => 'Username',
'required' => true
'abbrev_name' => array(
'name' => 'Abbreviate author name in title',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultValue' => true,
public function getIcon() {
return 'https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/yo/r/iRmz9lCMBD2.ico';
public function collectData(){
//Utility function for cleaning a Facebook link
$unescape_fb_link = function($matches){
if(is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 1) {
$link = $matches[1];
if(strpos($link, '/') === 0)
$link = self::URI . substr($link, 1);
if(strpos($link, 'facebook.com/l.php?u=') !== false)
$link = urldecode(extractFromDelimiters($link, 'facebook.com/l.php?u=', '&'));
return ' href="' . $link . '"';
//Utility function for converting facebook emoticons
$unescape_fb_emote = function($matches){
static $facebook_emoticons = array(
'smile' => ':)',
'frown' => ':(',
'tongue' => ':P',
'grin' => ':D',
'gasp' => ':O',
'wink' => ';)',
'pacman' => ':<',
'grumpy' => '>_<',
'unsure' => ':/',
'cry' => ':\'(',
'kiki' => '^_^',
'glasses' => '8-)',
'sunglasses' => 'B-)',
'heart' => '<3',
'devil' => ']:D',
'angel' => '0:)',
'squint' => '-_-',
'confused' => 'o_O',
'upset' => 'xD',
'colonthree' => ':3',
'like' => '👍');
$len = count($matches);
if ($len > 1)
for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++)
foreach ($facebook_emoticons as $name => $emote)
if ($matches[$i] === $name)
return $emote;
return $matches[0];
if($this->getInput('u') !== null) {
$page = 'https://touch.facebook.com/' . $this->getInput('u');
$cookies = $this->getCookies($page);
$pageInfo = $this->getPageInfos($page, $cookies);
if($pageInfo['userId'] === null) {
Unable to get the page id. You should consider getting the ID by hand, then importing it into FB2Bridge
} elseif($pageInfo['userId'] == -1) {
This page is not accessible without being logged in.
//Build the string for the first request
$requestString = 'https://touch.facebook.com/page_content_list_view/more/?page_id='
. $pageInfo['userId']
. '&start_cursor=1&num_to_fetch=105&surface_type=timeline';
$fileContent = getContents($requestString);
$html = $this->buildContent($fileContent);
$author = $pageInfo['username'];
foreach($html->find('article') as $content) {
$item = array();
preg_match('/publish_time\\\":([0-9]+),/', $content->getAttribute('data-store', 0), $match);
$timestamp = $match[1];
$timestamp = 0;
$item['uri'] = html_entity_decode('https://touch.facebook.com'
. $content->find("div[class='_52jc _5qc4 _78cz _24u0 _36xo']", 0)->find('a', 0)->getAttribute('href'), ENT_QUOTES);
//Decode images
$imagecleaned = preg_replace_callback('/<i [^>]* style="[^"]*url\(\'(.*?)\'\).*?><\/i>/m', function ($matches) {
return "<img src='" . str_replace(['\\3a ', '\\3d ', '\\26 '], [':', '=', '&'], $matches[1]) . "' />";
}, $content);
$content = str_get_html($imagecleaned);
if($content->find('header', 0) !== null) {
$content->find('header', 0)->innertext = '';
if($content->find('footer', 0) !== null) {
$content->find('footer', 0)->innertext = '';
// Replace emoticon images by their textual representation (part of the span)
foreach($content->find('span[title*="emoticon"]') as $emoticon) {
$emoticon->innertext = $emoticon->find('span[aria-hidden="true"]', 0)->innertext;
//Remove html nodes, keep only img, links, basic formatting
$content = strip_tags($content, '<a><img><i><u><br><p><h3><h4><section>');
//Adapt link hrefs: convert relative links into absolute links and bypass external link redirection
$content = preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', $unescape_fb_link, $content);
//Clean useless html tag properties and fix link closing tags
foreach (array(
'id') as $property_name)
$content = preg_replace('/ ' . $property_name . '=\"[^"]*\"/i', '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<\/a [^>]+>/i', '</a>', $content);
//Convert textual representation of emoticons eg
// "<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" back to ASCII emoticons eg ":)"
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<i><u>([^ <>]+) ([^<>]+)<\/u><\/i>/i', $unescape_fb_emote, $content);
//Remove the "...Plus" tag
$content = preg_replace(
'/… (<span>|)<a href="https:\/\/www\.facebook\.com\/story\.php\?story_fbid=.*?<\/a>/m',
'', $content, 1);
//Remove tracking images
$content = preg_replace('/<img src=\'.*?safe_image\.php.*?\' \/>/m', '', $content);
//Remove the double section tags
$content = str_replace(['<section><section>', '</section></section>'], ['<section>', '</section>'], $content);
//Move the section tag link upper, if it is down
$content = str_get_html($content);
$sectionContent = $content->find('section', 0);
if($sectionContent != null) {
$sectionLink = $sectionContent->nextSibling();
if($sectionLink != null) {
$fullLink = '<a href="' . $sectionLink->getAttribute('href') . '">' . $sectionContent->innertext . '</a>';
$sectionContent->innertext = $fullLink;
//Move the href tag upper if it is inside the section
foreach($content->find('section > a') as $sectionToFix) {
$sectionLink = $sectionToFix->getAttribute('href');
$section = $sectionToFix->parent();
$section->outertext = '<a href="' . $sectionLink . '">' . $section . '</a>';
$item['content'] = html_entity_decode($content, ENT_QUOTES);
$title = $author;
if ($this->getInput('abbrev_name') === true) {
if (strlen($title) > 24)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 24), "\n")) . '...';
$title = $title . ' | ' . strip_tags($content);
if (strlen($title) > 64)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 64), "\n")) . '...';
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['author'] = html_entity_decode($author, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['timestamp'] = html_entity_decode($timestamp, ENT_QUOTES);
if($item['timestamp'] != 0)
array_push($this->items, $item);
//Builds the HTML from the encoded JS that Facebook provides.
private function buildContent($pageContent){
// The html ends with:
// /div>","replaceifexists
$regex = '/\\"html\\":(\".+\/div>"),"replace/';
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $result);
$htmlContent = json_decode($result[1]);
$htmlContent = preg_replace('/(?<!style)="(.*?)"/', '=\'$1\'', $htmlContent);
$htmlContent = html_entity_decode($htmlContent, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return str_get_html($htmlContent);
//Builds the cookie from the page, as Facebook sometimes refuses to give
//the page if no cookie is provided.
private function getCookies($pageURL){
$ctx = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0',
'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
$a = file_get_contents($pageURL, 0, $ctx);
//First request to get the cookie
$cookies = '';
foreach($http_response_header as $hdr) {
if(strpos($hdr, 'Set-Cookie') !== false) {
$cLine = explode(':', $hdr)[1];
$cLine = explode(';', $cLine)[0];
$cookies .= ';' . $cLine;
return substr($cookies, 1);
//Get the page ID and username from the Facebook page.
private function getPageInfos($page, $cookies){
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0',
'header' => 'Cookie: ' . $cookies
$pageContent = file_get_contents($page, 0, $context);
if(strpos($pageContent, 'signup-button') != false) {
return -1;
//Get the username
$usernameRegex = '/data-nt=\"FB:TEXT4\">(.*?)<\/div>/m';
preg_match($usernameRegex, $pageContent, $usernameMatches);
if(count($usernameMatches) > 0) {
$username = strip_tags($usernameMatches[1]);
} else {
$username = $this->getInput('u');
//Get the page ID if we don't have a captcha
$regex = '/page_id=([0-9]*)&/';
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $matches);
if(count($matches) > 0) {
return array('userId' => $matches[1], 'username' => $username);
//Get the page ID if we do have a captcha
$regex = '/"pageID":"([0-9]*)"/';
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $matches);
return array('userId' => $matches[1], 'username' => $username);
public function getName(){
$username = $this->getInput('u');
if (isset($username)) {
return $this->getInput('u') . ' | Facebook';
} else {
return self::NAME;
public function getURI(){
$username = $this->getInput('u');
if (isset($username)) {
return 'https://facebook.com/' . $this->getInput('u') . '/posts';
} else {
return self::URI;