mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 20:11:53 +03:00
- Do not add spaces after opening or before closing parenthesis // Wrong if( !is_null($var) ) { ... } // Right if(!is_null($var)) { ... } - Add space after closing parenthesis // Wrong if(true){ ... } // Right if(true) { ... } - Add body into new line - Close body in new line // Wrong if(true) { ... } // Right if(true) { ... } Notice: Spaces after keywords are not detected: // Wrong (not detected) // -> space after 'if' and missing space after 'else' if (true) { ... } else{ ... } // Right if(true) { ... } else { ... }
102 lines
2.9 KiB
102 lines
2.9 KiB
class Arte7Bridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'mitsukarenai';
const NAME = 'Arte +7';
const URI = 'http://www.arte.tv/';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1800; // 30min
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns newest videos from ARTE +7';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'Catégorie (Français)' => array(
'catfr' => array(
'type' => 'list',
'name' => 'Catégorie',
'values' => array(
'Toutes les vidéos (français)' => 'toutes-les-videos',
'Actu & société' => 'actu-société',
'Séries & fiction' => 'séries-fiction',
'Cinéma' => 'cinéma',
'Arts & spectacles classiques' => 'arts-spectacles-classiques',
'Culture pop' => 'culture-pop',
'Découverte' => 'découverte',
'Histoire' => 'histoire',
'Junior' => 'junior'
'Catégorie (Allemand)' => array(
'catde' => array(
'type' => 'list',
'name' => 'Catégorie',
'values' => array(
'Alle Videos (deutsch)' => 'alle-videos',
'Aktuelles & Gesellschaft' => 'aktuelles-gesellschaft',
'Fernsehfilme & Serien' => 'fernsehfilme-serien',
'Kino' => 'kino',
'Kunst & Kultur' => 'kunst-kultur',
'Popkultur & Alternativ' => 'popkultur-alternativ',
'Entdeckung' => 'entdeckung',
'Geschichte' => 'geschichte',
'Junior' => 'junior'
public function collectData(){
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'Catégorie (Français)':
$category = $this->getInput('catfr');
$lang = 'fr';
case 'Catégorie (Allemand)':
$category = $this->getInput('catde');
$lang = 'de';
$url = self::URI . 'guide/' . $lang . '/plus7/' . $category;
$input = getContents($url) or die('Could not request ARTE.');
if(strpos($input, 'categoryVideoSet') !== false) {
$input = explode('categoryVideoSet="', $input);
$input = explode('}}', $input[1]);
$input = $input[0] . '}}';
} else {
$input = explode('videoSet="', $input);
$input = explode('}]}', $input[1]);
$input = $input[0] . '}]}';
$input_json = json_decode(html_entity_decode($input, ENT_QUOTES), true);
foreach($input_json['videos'] as $element) {
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = str_replace("autoplay=1", "", $element['url']);
$item['id'] = $element['id'];
$hack_broadcast_time = $element['rights_end'];
$hack_broadcast_time = strtok($hack_broadcast_time, 'T');
$hack_broadcast_time = strtok('T');
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($element['scheduled_on'] . 'T' . $hack_broadcast_time);
$item['title'] = $element['title'];
$item['title'] = $element['title'] . ' | ' . $element['subtitle'];
$item['duration'] = round((int)$element['duration'] / 60);
$item['content'] = $element['teaser']
. '<br><br>'
. $item['duration']
. 'min<br><a href="'
. $item['uri']
. '"><img src="'
. $element['thumbnail_url']
. '" /></a>';
$this->items[] = $item;