sysadminstory 64f95b4990
[PepperBridgeAbstract,DealabsBridge,HotUKDealsBridge,MydealsBridge] Fix missing price, discount and ships from information (#3956)
- DealabsBridge
- HotUKDealsBridge
- MydealsBridge
Add the currency in the i8n data of the bridges

- PepperBridgeAbstract
The Price, discount data ans Ships from information are in the HTML
content anymore, so switched to the js-vue2 attributes
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00

660 lines
22 KiB

class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;
public function collectData()
switch ($this->queriedContext) {
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
return $this->collectDataKeywords();
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
return $this->collectDataGroup();
case $this->i8n('context-talk'):
return $this->collectDataTalk();
* Get the Deal data from the choosen group in the choosed order
protected function collectDataGroup()
$url = $this->getGroupURI();
* Get the Deal data from the choosen keywords and parameters
protected function collectDataKeywords()
/* Even if the original website uses POST with the search page, GET works too */
$url = $this->getSearchURI();
* Get the Deal data using the given URL
protected function collectDeals($url)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url);
$list = $html->find('article[id]');
// Deal Image Link CSS Selector
$selectorImageLink = implode(
' ', /* Notice this is a space! */
// Deal Link CSS Selector
$selectorLink = implode(
' ', /* Notice this is a space! */
// Deal Hotness CSS Selector
$selectorHot = implode(
' ', /* Notice this is a space! */
// Deal Description CSS Selector
$selectorDescription = implode(
' ', /* Notice this is a space! */
// Deal Date CSS Selector
$selectorDate = implode(
' ', /* Notice this is a space! */
// If there is no results, we don't parse the content because it display some random deals
$noresult = $html->find('h3[class*=text--b]', 0);
if ($noresult != null && strpos($noresult->plaintext, $this->i8n('no-results')) !== false) {
$this->items = [];
} else {
foreach ($list as $deal) {
$item = [];
$item['uri'] = $this->getDealURI($deal);
$item['title'] = $this->getTitle($deal);
$item['author'] = $deal->find('span.thread-username', 0)->plaintext;
// Get the JSON Data stored as vue
$jsonDealData = $this->getDealJsonData($deal);
$item['content'] = '<table><tr><td><a href="'
. $item['uri']
. '"><img src="'
. $this->getImage($deal)
. '"/></td><td>'
. $this->getHTMLTitle($item)
. $this->getPrice($jsonDealData)
. $this->getDiscount($jsonDealData)
. $this->getShipsFrom($deal)
. $this->getShippingCost($deal)
. $this->getSource($jsonDealData)
. $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorDescription . ']', 0)->innertext
. '</td><td>'
. $this->getTemperature($jsonDealData)
. '</td></table>';
// Check if a clock icon is displayed on the deal
$clocks = $deal->find('svg[class*=icon--clock]');
if ($clocks !== null && count($clocks) > 0) {
// Get the last clock, corresponding to the deal posting date
$clock = end($clocks);
// Find the text corresponding to the clock
$spanDateDiv = $clock->next_sibling();
$itemDate = $spanDateDiv->plaintext;
// In some case of a Local deal, there is no date, but we can use
// this case for other reason (like date not in the last field)
if ($this->contains($itemDate, $this->i8n('localdeal'))) {
$item['timestamp'] = time();
} elseif ($this->contains($itemDate, $this->i8n('relative-date-indicator'))) {
$item['timestamp'] = $this->relativeDateToTimestamp($itemDate);
} else {
$item['timestamp'] = $this->parseDate($itemDate);
$this->items[] = $item;
* Get the Talk lastest comments
protected function collectDataTalk()
$threadURL = $this->getInput('url');
$onlyWithUrl = $this->getInput('only_with_url');
// Get Thread ID from url passed in parameter
$threadSearch = preg_match('/-([0-9]{1,20})$/', $threadURL, $matches);
// Show an error message if we can't find the thread ID in the URL sent by the user
if ($threadSearch !== 1) {
$threadID = $matches[1];
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri') . 'graphql';
// Get Cookies header to do the query
$cookiesHeaderValue = $this->getCookiesHeaderValue($url);
// GraphQL String
// This was extracted from
// This string was extracted during a Website visit, and minified using this neat tool :
$graphqlString = <<<'HEREDOC'
query comments($filter:CommentFilter!,$limit:Int,$page:Int){comments(filter:$filter,limit:$limit,page:$page){
items{...commentFields}pagination{...paginationFields}}}fragment commentFields on Comment{commentId threadId url
preparedHtmlContent user{...userMediumAvatarFields...userNameFields...userPersonaFields bestBadge{...badgeFields}}
reactionCounts{type count}deletable currentUserReaction{type}reported reportable source status createdAt updatedAt
ignored popular deletedBy{username}notes{content createdAt user{username}}lastEdit{reason timeAgo userId}}fragment
userMediumAvatarFields on User{userId isDeletedOrPendingDeletion imageUrls(slot:"default",variations:
["user_small_avatar"])}fragment userNameFields on User{userId username isUserProfileHidden isDeletedOrPendingDeletion}
fragment userPersonaFields on User{persona{type text}}fragment badgeFields on Badge{badgeId level{...badgeLevelFields}}
fragment badgeLevelFields on BadgeLevel{key name description}fragment paginationFields on Pagination{count current last
next previous size order}
// Construct the JSON object to send to the Website
$queryArray = [
'query' => $graphqlString,
'variables' => [
'filter' => [
'threadId' => [
'eq' => $threadID,
'order' => [
'direction' => 'Descending',
'page' => 1,
$queryJSON = json_encode($queryArray);
// HTTP headers
$header = [
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*',
'X-Request-Type: application/vnd.pepper.v1+json',
'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest',
"Cookie: $cookiesHeaderValue",
// CURL Options
$opts = [
$json = getContents($url, $header, $opts);
$objects = json_decode($json);
foreach ($objects->data->comments->items as $comment) {
$item = [];
$item['uri'] = $comment->url;
$item['title'] = $comment->user->username . ' - ' . $comment->createdAt;
$item['author'] = $comment->user->username;
$item['content'] = $comment->preparedHtmlContent;
$item['uid'] = $comment->commentId;
// Timestamp handling needs a new parsing function
if ($onlyWithUrl == true) {
// Count Links and Quote Links
$content = str_get_html($item['content']);
$countLinks = count($content->find('a[href]'));
$countQuoteLinks = count($content->find('a[href][class=userHtml-quote-source]'));
// Only add element if there are Links ans more links tant Quote links
if ($countLinks > 0 && $countLinks > $countQuoteLinks) {
$this->items[] = $item;
} else {
$this->items[] = $item;
* Extract the cookies obtained from the URL
* @return array the array containing the cookies set by the URL
private function getCookiesHeaderValue($url)
$response = getContents($url, [], [], true);
$setCookieHeaders = $response['headers']['set-cookie'] ?? [];
$cookies = array_map(fn($c): string => explode(';', $c)[0], $setCookieHeaders);
return implode('; ', $cookies);
* Check if the string $str contains any of the string of the array $arr
* @return boolean true if the string matched anything otherwise false
private function contains($str, array $arr)
foreach ($arr as $a) {
if (stripos($str, $a) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the Price from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal price
private function getPrice($jsonDealData)
if ($jsonDealData['props']['thread']['discountType'] == null) {
$price = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['price'];
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('price') . ' : '
. $price . ' ' . $this->i8n('currency') . '</div>';
} else {
return '';
* Get the Title from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal title
private function getTitle($deal)
$titleRoot = $deal->find('div[class*=threadGrid-title]', 0);
$titleA = $titleRoot->find('a[class*=thread-link]', 0);
$titleFirstChild = $titleRoot->first_child();
if ($titleA !== null) {
$title = $titleA->plaintext;
} else {
// In some case, expired deals have a different format
$title = $titleRoot->find('span', 0)->plaintext;
return $title;
* Get the Title from a Talk if it exists
* @return string String of the Talk title
private function getTalkTitle()
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($this->getInput('url'));
$title = $html->find('.thread-title', 0)->plaintext;
return $title;
* Get the HTML Title code from an item
* @return string String of the deal title
private function getHTMLTitle($item)
if ($item['uri'] == '') {
$html = '<h2>' . $item['title'] . '</h2>';
} else {
$html = '<h2><a href="' . $item['uri'] . '">'
. $item['title'] . '</a></h2>';
return $html;
* Get the URI from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal URI
private function getDealURI($deal)
$dealId = $deal->attr['id'];
$uri = $this->i8n('bridge-uri') . $this->i8n('uri-deal') . str_replace('_', '-', $dealId);
return $uri;
* Get the Shipping costs from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal shipping Cost
private function getShippingCost($deal)
if ($deal->find('span[class*=space--ml-2 size--all-s overflow--wrap-off]', 0) != null) {
if ($deal->find('span[class*=space--ml-2 size--all-s overflow--wrap-off]', 0)->children(1) != null) {
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('shipping') . ' : '
. strip_tags($deal->find('span[class*=space--ml-2 size--all-s overflow--wrap-off]', 0)->children(1)->innertext)
. '</div>';
} else {
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('shipping') . ' : '
. strip_tags($deal->find('span[class*=text--color-greyShade flex--inline]', 0)->innertext)
. '</div>';
} else {
return '';
* Get the temperature from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal temperature
private function getTemperature($data)
return $data['props']['thread']['temperature'] . '°';
* Get the Deal data from the "data-vue2" JSON attribute
* @return array Array containg the deal properties contained in the "data-vue2" attribute
private function getDealJsonData($deal)
$data = Json::decode($deal->find('div[class=js-vue2]', 0)->getAttribute('data-vue2'));
return $data;
* Get the source of a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal source
private function getSource($jsonData)
if ($jsonData['props']['thread']['merchant'] != null) {
$path = $this->i8n('uri-merchant') . $jsonData['props']['thread']['merchant']['merchantId'];
$text = $jsonData['props']['thread']['merchant']['merchantName'];
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('origin') . ' : <a href="' . static::URI . $path . '">' . $text . '</a></div>';
} else {
return '';
* Get the original Price and discout from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal original price and discount
private function getDiscount($jsonDealData)
$oldPrice = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['nextBestPrice'];
$newPrice = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['price'];
$percentage = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['percentage'];
if ($oldPrice != 0) {
// If there is no percentage calculated, then calculate it manually
if ($percentage == 0) {
$percentage = round(100 - ($newPrice * 100 / $oldPrice), 2);
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('discount') . ' : <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">'
. $oldPrice . ' ' . $this->i8n('currency')
. '</span>&nbsp; -'
. $percentage
. ' %</div>';
} else {
return '';
* Get the Picture URL from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal Picture URL
private function getImage($deal)
// Get thread Image JSON content
$content = Json::decode($deal->find('div[class*=threadGrid-image]', 0)->find('div[class=js-vue2]', 0)->getAttribute('data-vue2'));
return $content['props']['threadImageUrl'];
* Get the originating country from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal originating country
private function getShipsFrom($deal)
$dealMeta = Json::decode($deal->find('div[class=threadGrid-headerMeta]', 0)->find('div[class=js-vue2]', 1)->getAttribute('data-vue2'));
$metas = $dealMeta['props']['metaRibbons'];
$shipsFrom = null;
foreach ($metas as $meta) {
if ($meta['type'] == 'dispatched-from') {
$shipsFrom = $meta['text'];
if ($shipsFrom != null) {
return '<div>' . $shipsFrom . '</div>';
return '';
* Transforms a local date into a timestamp
* @return int timestamp of the input date
private function parseDate($string)
$month_local = $this->i8n('local-months');
$month_en = [
// A date can be prfixed with some words, we remove theme
$string = $this->removeDatePrefixes($string);
// We translate the local months name in the english one
$date_str = trim(str_replace($month_local, $month_en, $string));
// If the date does not contain any year, we add the current year
if (!preg_match('/[0-9]{4}/', $string)) {
$date_str .= ' ' . date('Y');
// Add the Hour and minutes
$date_str .= ' 00:00';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('j F Y H:i', $date_str);
// In some case, the date is not recognized : as a workaround the actual date is taken
if ($date === false) {
$date = new DateTime();
return $date->getTimestamp();
* Remove the prefix of a date if it has one
* @return the date without prefiux
private function removeDatePrefixes($string)
$string = str_replace($this->i8n('date-prefixes'), [], $string);
return $string;
* Remove the suffix of a relative date if it has one
* @return the relative date without suffixes
private function removeRelativeDateSuffixes($string)
if (count($this->i8n('relative-date-ignore-suffix')) > 0) {
$string = preg_replace($this->i8n('relative-date-ignore-suffix'), '', $string);
return $string;
* Transforms a relative local date into a timestamp
* @return int timestamp of the input date
private function relativeDateToTimestamp($str)
$date = new DateTime();
// The minimal amount of time substracted is a minute : the seconds in the resulting date would be related to the execution time of the script.
// This make no sense, so we set the seconds manually to "00".
$date->setTime($date->format('H'), $date->format('i'), 0);
// In case of update date, replace it by the regular relative date first word
$str = str_replace($this->i8n('relative-date-alt-prefixes'), $this->i8n('local-time-relative')[0], $str);
$str = $this->removeRelativeDateSuffixes($str);
$search = $this->i8n('local-time-relative');
$replace = [
$date->modify(str_replace($search, $replace, $str));
return $date->getTimestamp();
* Returns the RSS Feed title according to the parameters
* @return string the RSS feed Tiyle
public function getName()
switch ($this->queriedContext) {
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-keyword') . ' : ' . $this->getInput('q');
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-group') . ' : ' . $this->getKey('group');
case $this->i8n('context-talk'):
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-talk') . ' : ' . $this->getTalkTitle();
default: // Return default value
return static::NAME;
* Returns the RSS Feed URI according to the parameters
* @return string the RSS feed Title
public function getURI()
switch ($this->queriedContext) {
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
return $this->getSearchURI();
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
return $this->getGroupURI();
case $this->i8n('context-talk'):
return $this->getTalkURI();
default: // Return default value
return static::URI;
* Returns the RSS Feed URI for a keyword Feed
* @return string the RSS feed URI
private function getSearchURI()
$q = $this->getInput('q');
$hide_expired = $this->getInput('hide_expired');
$hide_local = $this->getInput('hide_local');
$priceFrom = $this->getInput('priceFrom');
$priceTo = $this->getInput('priceTo');
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri')
. 'search/advanced?q='
. urlencode($q)
. '&hide_expired=' . $hide_expired
. '&hide_local=' . $hide_local
. '&priceFrom=' . $priceFrom
. '&priceTo=' . $priceTo
/* Some default parameters
* search_fields : Search in Titres & Descriptions & Codes
* sort_by : Sort the search by new deals
* time_frame : Search will not be on a limited timeframe
. '&search_fields[]=1&search_fields[]=2&search_fields[]=3&sort_by=new&time_frame=0';
return $url;
* Returns the RSS Feed URI for a group Feed
* @return string the RSS feed URI
private function getGroupURI()
$group = $this->getInput('group');
$order = $this->getInput('order');
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri')
. $this->i8n('uri-group') . $group . $order;
return $url;
* Returns the RSS Feed URI for a Talk Feed
* @return string the RSS feed URI
private function getTalkURI()
$url = $this->getInput('url');
return $url;
* This is some "localisation" function that returns the needed content using
* the "$lang" class variable in the local class
* @return various the local content needed
protected function i8n($key)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->lang)) {
return $this->lang[$key];
} else {
return null;