item[0]): Debug::log('Detected RSS 1.0 format'); $this->feedType = self::FEED_TYPE_RSS_1_0; $this->collectRss1($rssContent, $maxItems); break; case isset($rssContent->channel[0]): Debug::log('Detected RSS 0.9x or 2.0 format'); $this->feedType = self::FEED_TYPE_RSS_2_0; $this->collectRss2($rssContent, $maxItems); break; case isset($rssContent->entry[0]): Debug::log('Detected ATOM format'); $this->feedType = self::FEED_TYPE_ATOM_1_0; $this->collectAtom1($rssContent, $maxItems); break; default: Debug::log('Unknown feed format/version'); throw new \Exception('The feed format is unknown!'); } return $this; } /** * Collect data from a RSS 1.0 compatible feed * * @link RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 * * @param string $rssContent The RSS content * @param int $maxItems Maximum number of items to collect from the feed * (`-1`: no limit). * @return void * * @todo Instead of passing $maxItems to all functions, just add all items * and remove excessive items later. */ protected function collectRss1($rssContent, $maxItems) { $this->loadRss2Data($rssContent->channel[0]); foreach ($rssContent->item as $item) { Debug::log(sprintf('Parsing item %s', var_export($item, true))); $tmp_item = $this->parseItem($item); if (!empty($tmp_item)) { $this->items[] = $tmp_item; } if ($maxItems !== -1 && count($this->items) >= $maxItems) { break; } } } /** * Collect data from a RSS 2.0 compatible feed * * @link RSS 2.0 Specification * * @param object $rssContent The RSS content * @param int $maxItems Maximum number of items to collect from the feed * (`-1`: no limit). * @return void * * @todo Instead of passing $maxItems to all functions, just add all items * and remove excessive items later. */ protected function collectRss2($rssContent, $maxItems) { $rssContent = $rssContent->channel[0]; Debug::log('RSS content is ===========\n' . var_export($rssContent, true) . '==========='); $this->loadRss2Data($rssContent); foreach ($rssContent->item as $item) { Debug::log('parsing item ' . var_export($item, true)); $tmp_item = $this->parseItem($item); if (!empty($tmp_item)) { $this->items[] = $tmp_item; } if ($maxItems !== -1 && count($this->items) >= $maxItems) { break; } } } /** * Collect data from a Atom 1.0 compatible feed * * @link The Atom Syndication Format * * @param object $content The Atom content * @param int $maxItems Maximum number of items to collect from the feed * (`-1`: no limit). * @return void * * @todo Instead of passing $maxItems to all functions, just add all items * and remove excessive items later. */ protected function collectAtom1($content, $maxItems) { $this->loadAtomData($content); foreach ($content->entry as $item) { Debug::log('parsing item ' . var_export($item, true)); $tmp_item = $this->parseItem($item); if (!empty($tmp_item)) { $this->items[] = $tmp_item; } if ($maxItems !== -1 && count($this->items) >= $maxItems) { break; } } } /** * Load RSS 2.0 feed data into RSS-Bridge * * @param object $rssContent The RSS content * @return void * * @todo set title, link, description, language, and so on */ protected function loadRss2Data($rssContent) { $this->title = trim((string)$rssContent->title); $this->uri = trim((string)$rssContent->link); if (!empty($rssContent->image)) { $this->icon = trim((string)$rssContent->image->url); } } /** * Load Atom feed data into RSS-Bridge * * @param object $content The Atom content * @return void */ protected function loadAtomData($content) { $this->title = (string)$content->title; // Find best link (only one, or first of 'alternate') if (!isset($content->link)) { $this->uri = ''; } elseif (count($content->link) === 1) { $this->uri = (string)$content->link[0]['href']; } else { $this->uri = ''; foreach ($content->link as $link) { if (strtolower($link['rel']) === 'alternate') { $this->uri = (string)$link['href']; break; } } } if (!empty($content->icon)) { $this->icon = (string)$content->icon; } elseif (!empty($content->logo)) { $this->icon = (string)$content->logo; } } /** * Parse the contents of a single Atom feed item into a RSS-Bridge item for * further transformation. * * @param object $feedItem A single feed item * @return object The RSS-Bridge item * * @todo To reduce confusion, the RSS-Bridge item should maybe have a class * of its own? */ protected function parseATOMItem($feedItem) { // Some ATOM entries also contain RSS 2.0 fields $item = $this->parseRss2Item($feedItem); if (isset($feedItem->id)) { $item['uri'] = (string)$feedItem->id; } if (isset($feedItem->title)) { $item['title'] = html_entity_decode((string)$feedItem->title); } if (isset($feedItem->updated)) { $item['timestamp'] = strtotime((string)$feedItem->updated); } if (isset($feedItem->author)) { $item['author'] = (string)$feedItem->author->name; } if (isset($feedItem->content)) { $item['content'] = (string)$feedItem->content; } //When "link" field is present, URL is more reliable than "id" field if (count($feedItem->link) === 1) { $item['uri'] = (string)$feedItem->link[0]['href']; } else { foreach ($feedItem->link as $link) { if (strtolower($link['rel']) === 'alternate') { $item['uri'] = (string)$link['href']; } if (strtolower($link['rel']) === 'enclosure') { $item['enclosures'][] = (string)$link['href']; } } } return $item; } /** * Parse the contents of a single RSS 0.91 feed item into a RSS-Bridge item * for further transformation. * * @param object $feedItem A single feed item * @return object The RSS-Bridge item * * @todo To reduce confusion, the RSS-Bridge item should maybe have a class * of its own? */ protected function parseRss091Item($feedItem) { $item = []; if (isset($feedItem->link)) { $item['uri'] = (string)$feedItem->link; } if (isset($feedItem->title)) { $item['title'] = html_entity_decode((string)$feedItem->title); } // rss 0.91 doesn't support timestamps // rss 0.91 doesn't support authors // rss 0.91 doesn't support enclosures if (isset($feedItem->description)) { $item['content'] = (string)$feedItem->description; } return $item; } /** * Parse the contents of a single RSS 1.0 feed item into a RSS-Bridge item * for further transformation. * * @param object $feedItem A single feed item * @return object The RSS-Bridge item * * @todo To reduce confusion, the RSS-Bridge item should maybe have a class * of its own? */ protected function parseRss1Item($feedItem) { // 1.0 adds optional elements around the 0.91 standard $item = $this->parseRss091Item($feedItem); $namespaces = $feedItem->getNamespaces(true); if (isset($namespaces['dc'])) { $dc = $feedItem->children($namespaces['dc']); if (isset($dc->date)) { $item['timestamp'] = strtotime((string)$dc->date); } if (isset($dc->creator)) { $item['author'] = (string)$dc->creator; } } return $item; } /** * Parse the contents of a single RSS 2.0 feed item into a RSS-Bridge item * for further transformation. * * @param object $feedItem A single feed item * @return object The RSS-Bridge item * * @todo To reduce confusion, the RSS-Bridge item should maybe have a class * of its own? */ protected function parseRss2Item($feedItem) { // Primary data is compatible to 0.91 with some additional data $item = $this->parseRss091Item($feedItem); $namespaces = $feedItem->getNamespaces(true); if (isset($namespaces['dc'])) { $dc = $feedItem->children($namespaces['dc']); } if (isset($namespaces['media'])) { $media = $feedItem->children($namespaces['media']); } if (isset($feedItem->guid)) { foreach ($feedItem->guid->attributes() as $attribute => $value) { if ( $attribute === 'isPermaLink' && ( $value === 'true' || ( filter_var($feedItem->guid, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && (empty($item['uri']) || !filter_var($item['uri'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) ) ) ) { $item['uri'] = (string)$feedItem->guid; break; } } } if (isset($feedItem->pubDate)) { $item['timestamp'] = strtotime((string)$feedItem->pubDate); } elseif (isset($dc->date)) { $item['timestamp'] = strtotime((string)$dc->date); } if (isset($feedItem->author)) { $item['author'] = (string)$feedItem->author; } elseif (isset($feedItem->creator)) { $item['author'] = (string)$feedItem->creator; } elseif (isset($dc->creator)) { $item['author'] = (string)$dc->creator; } elseif (isset($media->credit)) { $item['author'] = (string)$media->credit; } if (isset($feedItem->enclosure) && !empty($feedItem->enclosure['url'])) { $item['enclosures'] = [(string)$feedItem->enclosure['url']]; } return $item; } /** * Parse the contents of a single feed item, depending on the current feed * type, into a RSS-Bridge item. * * @param object $item The current feed item * @return object A RSS-Bridge item, with (hopefully) the whole content */ protected function parseItem($item) { switch ($this->feedType) { case self::FEED_TYPE_RSS_1_0: return $this->parseRss1Item($item); case self::FEED_TYPE_RSS_2_0: return $this->parseRss2Item($item); case self::FEED_TYPE_ATOM_1_0: return $this->parseATOMItem($item); default: throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown version %s!', $this->getInput('version'))); } } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getURI() { if (!empty($this->uri)) { return $this->uri; } return parent::getURI(); } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getName() { if (!empty($this->title)) { return $this->title; } return parent::getName(); } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIcon() { if (!empty($this->icon)) { return $this->icon; } return parent::getIcon(); } }