<?php class BrutBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const NAME = 'Brut Bridge'; const URI = 'https://www.brut.media'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns 5 newest videos by category and edition'; const MAINTAINER = 'VerifiedJoseph'; const PARAMETERS = array(array( 'category' => array( 'name' => 'Category', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'News' => 'news', 'International' => 'international', 'Economy' => 'economy', 'Science and Technology' => 'science-and-technology', 'Entertainment' => 'entertainment', 'Sports' => 'sport', 'Nature' => 'nature', 'Health' => 'health', ), 'defaultValue' => 'news', ), 'edition' => array( 'name' => ' Edition', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'United States' => 'us', 'United Kingdom' => 'uk', 'France' => 'fr', 'Spain' => 'es', 'India' => 'in', 'Mexico' => 'mx', ), 'defaultValue' => 'us', ) ) ); const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1800; // 30 mins private $videoId = ''; private $videoType = ''; private $videoImage = ''; public function collectData() { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI()); $results = $html->find('div.results', 0); foreach($results->find('li.col-6.col-sm-4.col-md-3.col-lg-2.px-2.pb-4') as $index => $li) { $item = array(); $videoPath = self::URI . $li->children(0)->href; $videoPageHtml = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($videoPath, 3600); $this->videoImage = $videoPageHtml->find('meta[name="twitter:image"]', 0)->content; $this->processTwitterImage(); $description = $videoPageHtml->find('div.description', 0); $item['uri'] = $videoPath; $item['title'] = $description->find('h1', 0)->plaintext; if ($description->find('div.date', 0)->children(0)) { $description->find('div.date', 0)->children(0)->outertext = ''; } $item['content'] = $this->processContent( $description ); $item['timestamp'] = $this->processDate($description); $item['enclosures'][] = $this->videoImage; $this->items[] = $item; if (count($this->items) >= 5) { break; } } } public function getURI() { if (!is_null($this->getInput('edition')) && !is_null($this->getInput('category'))) { return self::URI . '/' . $this->getInput('edition') . '/' . $this->getInput('category'); } return parent::getURI(); } public function getName() { if (!is_null($this->getInput('edition')) && !is_null($this->getInput('category'))) { $parameters = $this->getParameters(); $editionValues = array_flip($parameters[0]['edition']['values']); $categoryValues = array_flip($parameters[0]['category']['values']); return $categoryValues[$this->getInput('category')] . ' - ' . $editionValues[$this->getInput('edition')] . ' - Brut.'; } return parent::getName(); } private function processDate($description) { if ($this->getInput('edition') === 'uk') { $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i', $description->find('div.date', 0)->innertext); return strtotime($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } return strtotime($description->find('div.date', 0)->innertext); } private function processContent($description) { $content = '<video controls poster="' . $this->videoImage . '" preload="none"> <source src="https://content.brut.media/video/' . $this->videoId . '-' . $this->videoType . '-web.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>'; $content .= '<p>' . $description->find('h2.mb-1', 0)->innertext . '</p>'; if ($description->find('div.text.pb-3', 0)->children(1)->class != 'date') { $content .= '<p>' . $description->find('div.text.pb-3', 0)->children(1)->innertext . '</p>'; } return $content; } private function processTwitterImage() { /** * Extract video ID + type from twitter image * * Example (wrapped): * https://img.brut.media/thumbnail/ * the-life-of-rita-moreno-2cce75b5-d448-44d2-a97c-ca50d6470dd4-square.jpg * ?ts=1559337892 */ $fpath = parse_url($this->videoImage, PHP_URL_PATH); $fname = basename($fpath); $fname = substr($fname, 0, strrpos($fname, '.')); $parts = explode('-', $fname); if (end($parts) === 'auto') { $key = array_search('auto', $parts); unset($parts[$key]); } $this->videoId = implode('-', array_splice($parts, -6, 5)); $this->videoType = end($parts); } }