<?php /** * Cache based on SQLite 3 <https://www.sqlite.org> */ class SQLiteCache implements CacheInterface { protected $scope; protected $key; private $db = null; public function __construct() { if (!extension_loaded('sqlite3')) { throw new \Exception('"sqlite3" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); } if (!is_writable(PATH_CACHE)) { throw new \Exception('The cache folder is not writable'); } $section = 'SQLiteCache'; $file = Configuration::getConfig($section, 'file'); if (!$file) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Configuration for %s missing.', $section)); } if (dirname($file) == '.') { $file = PATH_CACHE . $file; } elseif (!is_dir(dirname($file))) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Invalid configuration for %s', $section)); } if (!is_file($file)) { // The instantiation creates the file $this->db = new \SQLite3($file); $this->db->enableExceptions(true); $this->db->exec("CREATE TABLE storage ('key' BLOB PRIMARY KEY, 'value' BLOB, 'updated' INTEGER)"); } else { $this->db = new \SQLite3($file); $this->db->enableExceptions(true); } $this->db->busyTimeout(5000); } public function loadData() { $Qselect = $this->db->prepare('SELECT value FROM storage WHERE key = :key'); $Qselect->bindValue(':key', $this->getCacheKey()); $result = $Qselect->execute(); if ($result instanceof \SQLite3Result) { $data = $result->fetchArray(\SQLITE3_ASSOC); if (isset($data['value'])) { return unserialize($data['value']); } } return null; } public function saveData($data) { $Qupdate = $this->db->prepare('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO storage (key, value, updated) VALUES (:key, :value, :updated)'); $Qupdate->bindValue(':key', $this->getCacheKey()); $Qupdate->bindValue(':value', serialize($data)); $Qupdate->bindValue(':updated', time()); $Qupdate->execute(); return $this; } public function getTime() { $Qselect = $this->db->prepare('SELECT updated FROM storage WHERE key = :key'); $Qselect->bindValue(':key', $this->getCacheKey()); $result = $Qselect->execute(); if ($result instanceof \SQLite3Result) { $data = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); if (isset($data['updated'])) { return $data['updated']; } } return null; } public function purgeCache($seconds) { $Qdelete = $this->db->prepare('DELETE FROM storage WHERE updated < :expired'); $Qdelete->bindValue(':expired', time() - $seconds); $Qdelete->execute(); } public function setScope($scope) { if (is_null($scope) || !is_string($scope)) { throw new \Exception('The given scope is invalid!'); } $this->scope = $scope; return $this; } public function setKey($key) { if (!empty($key) && is_array($key)) { $key = array_map('strtolower', $key); } $key = json_encode($key); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \Exception('The given key is invalid!'); } $this->key = $key; return $this; } private function getCacheKey() { if (is_null($this->key)) { throw new \Exception('Call "setKey" first!'); } return hash('sha1', $this->scope . $this->key, true); } }