[ 'name' => 'feed', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ 'All Top Stories and News Updates' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-all', 'Top Stories' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-top', 'Germany' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-ger', 'World' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-world', 'Europe' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-eu', 'Business' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-bus', 'Science' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss_en_science', 'Environment' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss_en_environment', 'Culture & Lifestyle' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-cul', 'Sports' => 'http://rss.dw.de/atom/rss-en-sports', 'Visit Germany' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-visitgermany', 'Asia' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-en-asia', 'Deutsche Welle Gesamt' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-all', 'Themen des Tages' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-top', 'Nachrichten' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-news', 'Wissenschaft' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-wissenschaft', 'Sport' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-sport', 'Deutschland entdecken' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-deutschlandentdecken', 'Presse' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/presse', 'Politik' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss_de_politik', 'Wirtschaft' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-eco', 'Kultur & Leben' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-cul', 'Kultur & Leben: Buch' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-cul-buch', 'Kultur & Leben: Film' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-cul-film', 'Kultur & Leben: Musik' => 'http://rss.dw.com/atom/rss-de-cul-musik', ] ] ]]; public function collectData() { $this->collectExpandableDatas($this->getInput('feed')); } protected function parseItem(array $item) { $parsedUri = parse_url($item['uri']); unset($parsedUri['query']); $item['uri'] = $this->unparseUrl($parsedUri); $page = getSimpleHTMLDOM($item['uri']); $page = defaultLinkTo($page, $item['uri']); $article = $page->find('article', 0); // author $author = $article->find('.author-link > span', 0); if ($author) { $item['author'] = $author->text(); } $teaser = $article->find('.teaser-text', 0); if (!is_null($teaser)) { $item['content'] = $teaser->outertext(); } else { $item['content'] = ''; } // remove unneeded elements foreach ( $article->find( 'header, .advertisement, [data-tracking-name="sharing-icons-inline"], a.external-link > svg, picture > source, .vjs-wrapper, .dw-widget, footer' ) as $bad ) { $bad->remove(); } // reload html as remove() is buggy $article = str_get_html($article->outertext()); // remove width and height values from img tags foreach ($article->find('img') as $img) { $img->width = null; $img->height = null; } // remove bad img src's added by defaultLinkTo() above // these images should have src="" and will then use // the srcset attribute to load the best image for the displayed size foreach ($article->find('figure > picture > img') as $img) { $img->src = ''; } // replace lazy-loaded images foreach ($article->find('figure.placeholder-image') as $figure) { $img = $figure->find('img', 0); $img->src = str_replace('${formatId}', '906', $img->getAttribute('data-url')); $img->style = null; } $item['content'] .= $article->save(); return $item; } // https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php#106731 private function unparseUrl($parsed_url) { $scheme = isset($parsed_url['scheme']) ? $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' : ''; $host = isset($parsed_url['host']) ? $parsed_url['host'] : ''; $port = isset($parsed_url['port']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['port'] : ''; $user = isset($parsed_url['user']) ? $parsed_url['user'] : ''; $pass = isset($parsed_url['pass']) ? $parsed_url['pass'] : ''; $pass = ($user || $pass) ? "$pass@" : ''; $path = isset($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : ''; $query = isset($parsed_url['query']) ? '?' . $parsed_url['query'] : ''; $fragment = isset($parsed_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'] : ''; return "$scheme$user$pass$host$port$path$query$fragment"; } }