'01', 'februari' => '02', 'mars' => '03', 'april' => '04', 'maj' => '05', 'juni' => '06', 'juli' => '07', 'augusti' => '08', 'september' => '09', 'oktober' => '10', 'november' => '11', 'december' => '12' ]; // Split the date string into parts list($day, $monthName, $year) = explode(' ', $dateString); // Convert month name to month number $month = $monthNames[$monthName]; // Format to a string recognizable by DateTime $formattedDate = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $year, $month, $day); // Create a DateTime object $dateValue = new DateTime($formattedDate); if ($dateValue) { $dateValue->setTime(0, 0); // Set time to 00:00 return $dateValue->getTimestamp(); } return $dateValue ? $dateValue->getTimestamp() : false; } public function collectData() { $NEWSURL = self::URI; $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($NEWSURL, 18000); foreach ($html->find('a.main-news-item') as $element) { // Debug::log($element); $title = trim($element->find('h2', 0)->plaintext); $category = trim($element->find('.category-tag', 0)->plaintext); $url = self::URI . $element->getAttribute('href'); $published = $this->parseSwedishDates(trim($element->find('.published', 0)->plaintext)); $article_html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($url, 18000); $article_content = $article_html->find('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_NewsArticleVeiw_pnlArticle', 0); $figure = self::URI . $article_content->find('img.news-image', 0)->getAttribute('src'); $figure_caption = $article_content->find('.image-description', 0)->plaintext; $author = $article_content->find('span.main-article-author', 0)->plaintext; $preamble = $article_content->find('h4.main-article-ingress', 0)->plaintext; $article_text = ''; foreach ($article_content->find('div') as $div) { if (!$div->hasAttribute('class')) { $article_text = $div; } } // Use a regular expression to extract the name if (preg_match('/Text:\s*(.*?)\s*Foto:/', $author, $matches)) { $author = $matches[1]; // This will contain 'Jonna Jansson' } $content = ' [' . $category . '] ' . $preamble . '

'; $content .= '
'; $content .= ''; $content .= '
' . $figure_caption . '
'; $content .= '
'; $content .= $article_text; $this->items[] = [ 'uri' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'author' => $author, 'timestamp' => $published, 'content' => trim($content), ]; } } }