', 'clir' => '
', 'itcb' => '
', 'ctib' => '
', 'co' => '{data_content}', 'io' => '{data_img}' ]; const PARAMETERS = [ 'Blog' => [ 'country' => [ 'name' => 'Country', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ 'Österreich' => 'at', 'Deutschland' => 'de', 'Schweiz' => 'ch', 'Slovensko' => 'sk', 'Cesko' => 'cz', 'Hungary' => 'hu', ], 'defaultValue' => 'at', ], 'style' => [ 'name' => 'Style', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ 'Image left, content right' => 'ilcr', 'Content left, image right' => 'clir', 'Image top, content bottom' => 'itcb', 'Content top, image bottom' => 'ctib', 'Content only' => 'co', 'Image only' => 'io', ], 'defaultValue' => 'ilcr', ] ] ]; //----------------------------------------------------- public function collectData() { // get website content $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI()) or returnServerError('No contents received!'); // Convert relative links in HTML into absolute links $html = defaultLinkTo($html, self::URI); // Convert lazy-loading images and frames (video embeds) into static elements $html = convertLazyLoading($html); foreach ($html->find('div#bmdNewsList div#bmdNewsList-Item') as $element) { $itemScope = $element->find('div[itemscope=itemscope]', 0); $item = []; // set base article data $item['title'] = $this->getMetaItemPropContent($itemScope, 'headline'); $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($this->getMetaItemPropContent($itemScope, 'datePublished')); $item['author'] = $this->getMetaItemPropContent($itemScope->find('div[itemprop=author]', 0), 'name'); // find article image $imageTag = ''; $image = $element->find('div.mediaelement.mediaelement-image img', 0); if ((!is_null($image)) and ($image->src != '')) { $item['enclosures'] = [$image->src]; $imageTag = ''; } // begin with right style $content = self::ITEMSTYLE[$this->getInput('style')]; // render placeholder $content = str_replace('{data_content}', $this->getMetaItemPropContent($itemScope, 'description'), $content); $content = str_replace('{data_img}', $imageTag, $content); // set finished content $item['content'] = $content; // get link to article $link = $element->find('div#bmdNewsList-Text div#bmdNewsList-Title a', 0); if (!is_null($link)) { $item['uri'] = $link->href; } // init categories $categories = []; $tmpOne = []; $tmpTwo = []; // search first categorie span $catElem = $element->find('div#bmdNewsList-Text div#bmdNewsList-Category span.news-list-category', 0); $txt = trim($catElem->innertext); $tmpOne = explode('/', $txt); // split by 2 spaces foreach ($tmpOne as $tmpElem) { $tmpElem = trim($tmpElem); $tmpData = preg_split('/ /', $tmpElem); $tmpTwo = array_merge($tmpTwo, $tmpData); } // split by tabulator foreach ($tmpTwo as $tmpElem) { $tmpElem = trim($tmpElem); $tmpData = preg_split('/\t+/', $tmpElem); $categories = array_merge($categories, $tmpData); } // trim each categorie entries $categories = array_map('trim', $categories); // remove empty entries $categories = array_filter($categories, function ($value) { return !is_null($value) && $value !== ''; }); // set categories if (count($categories) > 0) { $item['categories'] = $categories; } // add item if (($item['title'] != '') and ($item['content'] != '') and ($item['uri'] != '')) { $this->items[] = $item; } } } //----------------------------------------------------- public function detectParameters($url) { try { $parsedUrl = Url::fromString($url); } catch (UrlException $e) { return null; } if (!in_array($parsedUrl->getHost(), ['www.bmd.com', 'bmd.com'])) { return null; } $lang = ''; // extract language from url $path = explode('/', $parsedUrl->getPath()); if (count($path) > 1) { $lang = $path[1]; // validate data if ($this->getURIbyCountry($lang) == '') { $lang = ''; } } // if no country available, find language by browser if ($lang == '') { $srvLanguages = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); if (count($srvLanguages) > 0) { $languages = explode(',', $srvLanguages[0]); if (count($languages) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($languages); $i++) { $langDetails = explode('-', $languages[$i]); if (count($langDetails) > 1) { $lang = $langDetails[1]; } else { $lang = substr($srvLanguages[0], 0, 2); } // validate data if ($this->getURIbyCountry($lang) == '') { $lang = ''; } if ($lang != '') { break; } } } } } // if no URL found by language, use AT as default if ($this->getURIbyCountry($lang) == '') { $lang = 'at'; } $params = []; $params['country'] = strtolower($lang); return $params; } //----------------------------------------------------- public function getURI() { $lURI = $this->getURIbyCountry($this->getInput('country')); return $lURI != '' ? $lURI : parent::getURI(); } //----------------------------------------------------- public function getIcon() { return self::BMD_FAV_ICON; } //----------------------------------------------------- private function getMetaItemPropContent($elem, $key) { if (($key != '') and (!is_null($elem))) { $metaElem = $elem->find('meta[itemprop=' . $key . ']', 0); if (!is_null($metaElem)) { return $metaElem->getAttribute('content'); } } return ''; } //----------------------------------------------------- private function getURIbyCountry($country) { switch (strtolower($country)) { case 'at': return 'https://www.bmd.com/at/ueber-bmd/blog-ohne-filter.html'; case 'de': return 'https://www.bmd.com/de/das-ist-bmd/blog.html'; case 'ch': return 'https://www.bmd.com/ch/das-ist-bmd/blog.html'; case 'sk': return 'https://www.bmd.com/sk/firma/blog.html'; case 'cz': return 'https://www.bmd.com/cz/firma/news-blog.html'; case 'hu': return 'https://www.bmd.com/hu/rolunk/hirek.html'; default: return ''; } } }