cache = $cache; $this->authorization = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHtAgAAAAAA%2Bx7ILXNILCqkSGIzy6faIHZ9s3Q%3DQy97w6SIrzE7lQwPJEYQBsArEE2fC25caFwRBvAGi456G09vGR'; $this->data = $cache->loadData() ?? []; } public function fetchUserTweets(string $screenName): \stdClass { $this->fetchGuestToken(); try { $userInfo = $this->fetchUserInfoByScreenName($screenName); } catch (HttpException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === 403) { Logger::info('The guest token has expired'); $this->data['guest_token'] = null; $this->fetchGuestToken(); $userInfo = $this->fetchUserInfoByScreenName($screenName); } else { throw $e; } } try { $timeline = $this->fetchTimeline($userInfo->rest_id); } catch (HttpException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === 403) { Logger::info('The guest token has expired'); $this->data['guest_token'] = null; $this->fetchGuestToken(); $timeline = $this->fetchTimeline($userInfo->rest_id); } else { throw $e; } } $result = $timeline->data->user->result; if ($result->__typename === 'UserUnavailable') { throw new \Exception('UserUnavailable'); } $instructionTypes = [ 'TimelineAddEntries', 'TimelineClearCache', 'TimelinePinEntry', // unclear purpose, maybe pinned tweet? ]; $instructions = $result->timeline_v2->timeline->instructions; if (!isset($instructions[1])) { throw new \Exception('The account exists but has not tweeted yet?'); } $entries = null; foreach ($instructions as $instruction) { if ($instruction->type === 'TimelineAddEntries') { $entries = $instruction->entries; break; } } if (!$entries) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unable to find time line tweets in: %s', implode(',', array_column($instructions, 'type')))); } $tweets = []; foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry->content->entryType !== 'TimelineTimelineItem') { continue; } if (!isset($entry->content->itemContent->tweet_results->result->legacy)) { continue; } $tweets[] = $entry->content->itemContent->tweet_results->result->legacy; } return (object) [ 'user_info' => $userInfo, 'tweets' => $tweets, ]; } private function fetchGuestToken(): void { if (isset($this->data['guest_token'])) { Logger::info('Reusing cached guest token: ' . $this->data['guest_token']); return; } $url = ''; $response = getContents($url, $this->createHttpHeaders(), [CURLOPT_POST => true]); $guest_token = json_decode($response)->guest_token; $this->data['guest_token'] = $guest_token; $this->cache->saveData($this->data); Logger::info("Fetch new guest token: $guest_token"); } private function fetchUserInfoByScreenName(string $screenName) { if (isset($this->data[$screenName])) { return $this->data[$screenName]; } $variables = [ 'screen_name' => $screenName, 'withHighlightedLabel' => true ]; $url = sprintf( '', urlencode(json_encode($variables)) ); $response = json_decode(getContents($url, $this->createHttpHeaders())); if (isset($response->errors)) { // Grab the first error message throw new \Exception(sprintf('From twitter api: "%s"', $response->errors[0]->message)); } $userInfo = $response->data->user; $this->data[$screenName] = $userInfo; $this->cache->saveData($this->data); return $userInfo; } private function fetchTimeline($userId) { $variables = [ 'userId' => $userId, 'count' => 40, 'includePromotedContent' => true, 'withQuickPromoteEligibilityTweetFields' => true, 'withSuperFollowsUserFields' => true, 'withDownvotePerspective' => false, 'withReactionsMetadata' => false, 'withReactionsPerspective' => false, 'withSuperFollowsTweetFields' => true, 'withVoice' => true, 'withV2Timeline' => true, ]; $features = [ 'responsive_web_twitter_blue_verified_badge_is_enabled' => true, 'responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled' => false, 'verified_phone_label_enabled' => false, 'responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled' => true, 'responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled' => false, 'longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled' => true, 'tweetypie_unmention_optimization_enabled' => true, 'vibe_api_enabled' => true, 'responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled' => true, 'graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled' => true, 'view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled' => true, 'freedom_of_speech_not_reach_appeal_label_enabled' => false, 'standardized_nudges_misinfo' => true, 'tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled' => false, 'interactive_text_enabled' => true, 'responsive_web_text_conversations_enabled' => false, 'responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled' => false, ]; $url = sprintf( '', urlencode(json_encode($variables)), urlencode(json_encode($features)) ); $response = json_decode(getContents($url, $this->createHttpHeaders())); return $response; } private function createHttpHeaders(): array { $headers = [ 'authorization' => sprintf('Bearer %s', $this->authorization), 'x-guest-token' => $this->data['guest_token'] ?? null, ]; foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { $headers[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $key, $value); } return $headers; } }