[ 'name' => 'username', 'exampleValue' => 'thekidlaroi', 'required' => true ], 't' => [ 'name' => 'Content', 'type' => 'list', 'defaultValue' => 'tracks', 'values' => [ 'All (except likes)' => 'all', 'Tracks' => 'tracks', 'Albums' => 'albums', 'Playlists' => 'playlists', 'Reposts' => 'reposts', 'Likes' => 'likes' ] ] ]]; private $apiUrl = 'https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/'; // Without url=http, player URL returns a 404 private $playerUrl = 'https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http'; private $widgetUrl = 'https://widget.sndcdn.com/'; private $feedTitle = null; private $feedIcon = null; private CacheInterface $cache; private $clientIdRegex = '/client_id.*?"(.+?)"/'; private $widgetRegex = '/widget-.+?\.js/'; public function collectData() { $this->cache = RssBridge::getCache(); $res = $this->getUser($this->getInput('u')); $this->feedTitle = $res->username; $this->feedIcon = $res->avatar_url; $apiItems = $this->getUserItems($res->id, $this->getInput('t')) or returnServerError('No results for ' . $this->getInput('t')); $hasTrackObject = ['all', 'reposts', 'likes']; foreach ($apiItems->collection as $index => $apiItem) { if (in_array($this->getInput('t'), $hasTrackObject) === true) { $apiItem = $apiItem->playlist ?? $apiItem->track; } $item = []; $item['author'] = $apiItem->user->username; $item['title'] = $apiItem->user->username . ' - ' . $apiItem->title; $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($apiItem->created_at); $description = nl2br($apiItem->description ?? ''); $item['content'] = <<{$description}
HTML; if (isset($apiItem->tracks) && $apiItem->track_count > 0) { $list = $this->getTrackList($apiItem->tracks); $item['content'] .= <<Tracks ({$apiItem->track_count}) {$list} HTML; } $item['enclosures'][] = $apiItem->artwork_url; $item['id'] = $apiItem->permalink_url; $item['uri'] = $apiItem->permalink_url; $this->items[] = $item; if (count($this->items) >= 10) { break; } } } public function getIcon() { if ($this->feedIcon) { return $this->feedIcon; } return parent::getIcon(); } public function getURI() { if ($this->getInput('u')) { return self::URI . $this->getInput('u') . '/' . $this->getInput('t'); } return parent::getURI(); } public function getName() { if ($this->feedTitle) { return $this->feedTitle . ' - ' . ucfirst($this->getInput('t')) . ' - ' . self::NAME; } return parent::getName(); } private function getClientID() { $clientID = $this->cache->get('SoundCloudBridge_client_id'); if (!$clientID) { return $this->refreshClientID(); } else { return $clientID; } } private function refreshClientID() { $playerHTML = getContents($this->playerUrl); // Extract widget JS filenames from player page if (preg_match_all($this->widgetRegex, $playerHTML, $matches) == false) { returnServerError('Unable to find widget JS URL.'); } $clientID = ''; // Loop widget js files and extract client ID foreach ($matches[0] as $widgetFile) { $widgetURL = $this->widgetUrl . $widgetFile; $widgetJS = getContents($widgetURL); if (preg_match($this->clientIdRegex, $widgetJS, $matches)) { $clientID = $matches[1]; $this->cache->set('SoundCloudBridge_client_id', $clientID); return $clientID; } } if (empty($clientID)) { returnServerError('Unable to find client ID.'); } } private function buildApiUrl($endpoint, $parameters) { return $this->apiUrl . $endpoint . '?' . http_build_query($parameters); } private function getUser($username) { $parameters = ['url' => self::URI . $username]; return $this->getApi('resolve', $parameters); } private function getUserItems($userId, $type) { $parameters = ['limit' => 10]; $endpoint = 'users/' . $userId . '/' . $type; if ($type === 'playlists') { $endpoint = 'users/' . $userId . '/playlists_without_albums'; } if ($type === 'all') { $endpoint = 'stream/users/' . $userId; } if ($type === 'reposts') { $endpoint = 'stream/users/' . $userId . '/' . $type; } return $this->getApi($endpoint, $parameters); } private function getApi($endpoint, $parameters) { $parameters['client_id'] = $this->getClientID(); $url = $this->buildApiUrl($endpoint, $parameters); try { return json_decode(getContents($url)); } catch (Exception $e) { // Retry once with refreshed client ID $parameters['client_id'] = $this->refreshClientID(); $url = $this->buildApiUrl($endpoint, $parameters); return json_decode(getContents($url)); } } private function getTrackList($tracks) { $trackids = ''; foreach ($tracks as $track) { $trackids .= $track->id . ','; } $apiItems = $this->getApi( 'tracks', ['ids' => $trackids] ); $list = ''; foreach ($apiItems as $track) { $list .= <<{$track->user->username} — {$track->title} HTML; } $html = <<{$list} HTML; return $html; } }