'u' => array(
'name' => 'username',
'exampleValue' => 'test',
'required' => true
'By channel id' => array(
'c' => array(
'name' => 'channel id',
'exampleValue' => '15',
'required' => true
'By playlist Id' => array(
'p' => array(
'name' => 'playlist id',
'exampleValue' => '15'
'Search result' => array(
's' => array(
'name' => 'search keyword',
'exampleValue' => 'test'
'pa' => array(
'name' => 'page',
'type' => 'number',
'exampleValue' => 1
'global' => array(
'duration_min' => array(
'name' => 'min. duration (minutes)',
'type' => 'number',
'title' => 'Minimum duration for the video in minutes',
'exampleValue' => 5
'duration_max' => array(
'name' => 'max. duration (minutes)',
'type' => 'number',
'title' => 'Maximum duration for the video in minutes',
'exampleValue' => 10
private $feedName = '';
private function ytBridgeQueryVideoInfo($vid, &$author, &$desc, &$time){
$html = $this->ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . "watch?v=$vid", true);
// Skip unavailable videos
if(strpos($html->innertext, 'IS_UNAVAILABLE_PAGE') !== false) {
$elAuthor = $html->find('span[itemprop=author] > link[itemprop=name]', 0);
if (!is_null($elAuthor)) {
$author = $elAuthor->getAttribute('content');
$elDatePublished = $html->find('meta[itemprop=datePublished]', 0);
$time = strtotime($elDatePublished->getAttribute('content'));
$scriptRegex = '/var ytInitialData = (.*);<\/script>/';
preg_match($scriptRegex, $html, $matches) or returnServerError('Could not find ytInitialData');
$jsonData = json_decode($matches[1]);
$jsonData = $jsonData->contents->twoColumnWatchNextResults->results->results->contents;
$videoSecondaryInfo = null;
foreach($jsonData as $item) {
if (isset($item->videoSecondaryInfoRenderer)) {
$videoSecondaryInfo = $item->videoSecondaryInfoRenderer;
if (!$videoSecondaryInfo) {
returnServerError('Could not find videoSecondaryInfoRenderer');
$desc = nl2br($videoSecondaryInfo->description->runs[0]->text);
private function ytBridgeAddItem($vid, $title, $author, $desc, $time){
$item = array();
$item['id'] = $vid;
$item['title'] = $title;
$item['author'] = $author;
$item['timestamp'] = $time;
$item['uri'] = self::URI . 'watch?v=' . $vid;
$thumbnailUri = str_replace('/www.', '/img.', self::URI) . 'vi/' . $vid . '/0.jpg';
$item['content'] = '
' . $desc;
$this->items[] = $item;
private function ytBridgeParseXmlFeed($xml) {
foreach($xml->find('entry') as $element) {
$title = $this->ytBridgeFixTitle($element->find('title', 0)->plaintext);
$author = $element->find('name', 0)->plaintext;
$desc = $element->find('media:description', 0)->innertext;
// Make sure the description is easy on the eye :)
$desc = htmlspecialchars($desc);
$desc = nl2br($desc);
$desc = preg_replace('/(http[s]{0,1}\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9.\/\?\&=\-_]{4,})/ims',
'$1 ',
$vid = str_replace('yt:video:', '', $element->find('id', 0)->plaintext);
$time = strtotime($element->find('published', 0)->plaintext);
if(strpos($vid, 'googleads') === false)
$this->ytBridgeAddItem($vid, $title, $author, $desc, $time);
$this->feedName = $this->ytBridgeFixTitle($xml->find('feed > title', 0)->plaintext); // feedName will be used by getName()
private function ytBridgeParseHtmlListing($html, $element_selector, $title_selector, $add_parsed_items = true) {
$count = 0;
$duration_min = $this->getInput('duration_min') ?: -1;
$duration_min = $duration_min * 60;
$duration_max = $this->getInput('duration_max') ?: INF;
$duration_max = $duration_max * 60;
if($duration_max < $duration_min) {
returnClientError('Max duration must be greater than min duration!');
foreach($html->find($element_selector) as $element) {
$author = '';
$desc = '';
$time = 0;
$vid = str_replace('/watch?v=', '', $element->find('a', 0)->href);
$vid = substr($vid, 0, strpos($vid, '&') ?: strlen($vid));
$title = trim($this->ytBridgeFixTitle($element->find($title_selector, 0)->plaintext));
if (strpos($vid, 'googleads') !== false
|| $title == '[Private video]'
|| $title == '[Deleted video]'
) {
// The duration comes in one of the formats:
// hh:mm:ss / mm:ss / m:ss
// 01:03:30 / 15:06 / 1:24
$durationText = trim($element->find('div.timestamp span', 0)->plaintext);
$durationText = preg_replace('/([\d]{1,2})\:([\d]{2})/', '00:$1:$2', $durationText);
sscanf($durationText, '%d:%d:%d', $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
$duration = $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds;
if($duration < $duration_min || $duration > $duration_max) {
if ($add_parsed_items) {
$this->ytBridgeQueryVideoInfo($vid, $author, $desc, $time);
$this->ytBridgeAddItem($vid, $title, $author, $desc, $time);
return $count;
private function ytBridgeFixTitle($title) {
// convert both Ӓ and " to UTF-8
return html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
private function ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM($url, $cached = false){
$header = array(
'Accept-Language: en-US'
$opts = array();
$lowercase = true;
$forceTagsClosed = true;
$target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET;
$stripRN = false;
$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT;
$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT;
if ($cached) {
return getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($url,
return getSimpleHTMLDOM($url,
public function collectData(){
$xml = '';
$html = '';
$url_feed = '';
$url_listing = '';
if($this->getInput('u')) { /* User and Channel modes */
$this->request = $this->getInput('u');
$url_feed = self::URI . 'feeds/videos.xml?user=' . urlencode($this->request);
$url_listing = self::URI . 'user/' . urlencode($this->request) . '/videos';
} elseif($this->getInput('c')) {
$this->request = $this->getInput('c');
$url_feed = self::URI . 'feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=' . urlencode($this->request);
$url_listing = self::URI . 'channel/' . urlencode($this->request) . '/videos';
if(!empty($url_feed) && !empty($url_listing)) {
if(!$this->skipFeeds() && $xml = $this->ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM($url_feed)) {
} elseif($html = $this->ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM($url_listing)) {
$this->ytBridgeParseHtmlListing($html, 'li.channels-content-item', 'h3');
} else {
returnServerError("Could not request YouTube. Tried:\n - $url_feed\n - $url_listing");
} elseif($this->getInput('p')) { /* playlist mode */
// TODO: this mode makes a lot of excess video query requests.
// To make less requests, we need to cache following dictionary "videoId -> datePublished, duration"
// This cache will be used to find out, which videos to fetch
// to make feed of 15 items or more, if there a lot of videos published on that date.
$this->request = $this->getInput('p');
$url_feed = self::URI . 'feeds/videos.xml?playlist_id=' . urlencode($this->request);
$url_listing = self::URI . 'playlist?list=' . urlencode($this->request);
$html = $this->ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM($url_listing)
or returnServerError("Could not request YouTube. Tried:\n - $url_listing");
$scriptRegex = '/var ytInitialData = (.*);<\/script>/';
preg_match($scriptRegex, $html, $matches) or returnServerError('Could not find ytInitialData');
// TODO: this method returns only first 100 video items
// if it has more videos, playlistVideoListRenderer will have continuationItemRenderer as last element
$jsonData = json_decode($matches[1]);
$jsonData = $jsonData->contents->twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer->tabs[0];
$jsonData = $jsonData->tabRenderer->content->sectionListRenderer->contents[0]->itemSectionRenderer;
$jsonData = $jsonData->contents[0]->playlistVideoListRenderer->contents;
$item_count = count($jsonData);
if ($item_count <= 15 && !$this->skipFeeds() && ($xml = $this->ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM($url_feed))) {
} else {
$this->feedName = 'Playlist: ' . str_replace(' - YouTube', '', $html->find('title', 0)->plaintext); // feedName will be used by getName()
usort($this->items, function ($item1, $item2) {
return $item2['timestamp'] - $item1['timestamp'];
} elseif($this->getInput('s')) { /* search mode */
$this->request = $this->getInput('s');
$page = 1;
$page = (int)preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $this->getInput('pa'));
$url_listing = self::URI
. 'results?search_query='
. urlencode($this->request)
. '&page='
. $page
. '&filters=video&search_sort=video_date_uploaded';
$html = $this->ytGetSimpleHTMLDOM($url_listing)
or returnServerError("Could not request YouTube. Tried:\n - $url_listing");
$this->ytBridgeParseHtmlListing($html, '', 'h3 > a');
$this->feedName = 'Search: ' . str_replace(' - YouTube', '', $html->find('title', 0)->plaintext); // feedName will be used by getName()
} else { /* no valid mode */
returnClientError("You must either specify either:\n - YouTube
username (?u=...)\n - Channel id (?c=...)\n - Playlist id (?p=...)\n - Search (?s=...)");
private function skipFeeds() {
return ($this->getInput('duration_min') || $this->getInput('duration_max'));
public function getURI()
if (!is_null($this->getInput('p'))) {
return static::URI . 'playlist?list=' . $this->getInput('p');
return parent::getURI();
public function getName(){
// Name depends on queriedContext:
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'By username':
case 'By channel id':
case 'By playlist Id':
case 'Search result':
return htmlspecialchars_decode($this->feedName) . ' - YouTube'; // We already know it's a bridge, right?
return parent::getName();
private function parseJsonPlaylist($jsonData) {
$duration_min = $this->getInput('duration_min') ?: -1;
$duration_min = $duration_min * 60;
$duration_max = $this->getInput('duration_max') ?: INF;
$duration_max = $duration_max * 60;
if($duration_max < $duration_min) {
returnClientError('Max duration must be greater than min duration!');
foreach($jsonData as $item) {
if (!isset($item->playlistVideoRenderer)) {
$vid = $item->playlistVideoRenderer->videoId;
$title = $item->playlistVideoRenderer->title->runs[0]->text;
$author = '';
$desc = '';
$time = 0;
$duration = intval($item->playlistVideoRenderer->lengthSeconds);
if($duration < $duration_min || $duration > $duration_max) {
$this->ytBridgeQueryVideoInfo($vid, $author, $desc, $time);
$this->ytBridgeAddItem($vid, $title, $author, $desc, $time);