array( 'name' => 'Category', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Latest' => 10, 'Info' => 11, 'Updates' => 12, 'Events' => 13 ), 'defaultValue' => 10 ) ) ); public function collectData(){ $category = $this->getInput('category'); $url = ''; $url = $url . '?pageSize=3&pageNum=1&channelId=' . $category; $api_response = getContents($url) or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content'); $json_list = json_decode($api_response, true); foreach($json_list['data']['list'] as $json_item) { $article_url = ''; $article_url = $article_url . '?contentId=' . $json_item['contentId']; $article_res = getContents($article_url) or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content'); $article_json = json_decode($article_res, true); $article_time = $article_json['data']['start_time']; $timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai'; $article_timestamp = new DateTime($article_time, new DateTimeZone($timezone)); $item = array(); $item['title'] = $article_json['data']['title']; $item['timestamp'] = $article_timestamp->format('U'); $item['content'] = $article_json['data']['content']; $item['uri'] = $this->getArticleUri($json_item); $item['id'] = $json_item['contentId']; // Picture foreach($article_json['data']['ext'] as $ext) { if ($ext['arrtName'] == 'banner' && count($ext['value']) == 1) { $item['enclosures'] = array($ext['value'][0]['url']); break; } } $this->items[] = $item; } } public function getIcon() { return ''; } private function getArticleUri($json_item) { return '' . $json_item['contentId']; } }