<?php function displayBridgeCard($bridgeName, $formats, $isActive = true){ $getHelperButtonsFormat = function($formats){ $buttons = ''; foreach($formats as $name) { $buttons .= '<button type="submit" name="format" value="' . $name . '">' . $name . '</button>' . PHP_EOL; } return $buttons; }; $getFormHeader = function($bridgeName){ return <<<EOD <form method="GET" action="?"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="display" /> <input type="hidden" name="bridge" value="{$bridgeName}" /> EOD; }; $bridge = Bridge::create($bridgeName); if($bridge == false) return ''; $HTTPSWarning = ''; if(strpos($bridge->getURI(), 'https') !== 0) { $HTTPSWarning = '<div class="secure-warning">Warning : This bridge is not fetching its content through a secure connection</div>'; } $name = '<a href="' . $bridge->getURI() . '">' . $bridge->getName() . '</a>'; $description = $bridge->getDescription(); $card = <<<CARD <section id="bridge-{$bridgeName}" data-ref="{$bridgeName}"> <h2>{$name}</h2> <p class="description"> {$description} </p> <input type="checkbox" class="showmore-box" id="showmore-{$bridgeName}" /> <label class="showmore" for="showmore-{$bridgeName}">Show more</label> CARD; // If we don't have any parameter for the bridge, we print a generic form to load it. if(count($bridge->getParameters()) == 0) { $card .= $getFormHeader($bridgeName); $card .= $HTTPSWarning; if($isActive) { if(defined('PROXY_URL') && PROXY_BYBRIDGE) { $idArg = 'arg-' . urlencode($bridgeName) . '-' . urlencode('proxyoff') . '-' . urlencode('_noproxy'); $card .= '<input id="' . $idArg . '" type="checkbox" name="_noproxy" />' . PHP_EOL; $card .= '<label for="' . $idArg . '">Disable proxy (' . ((defined('PROXY_NAME') && PROXY_NAME) ? PROXY_NAME : PROXY_URL) . ')</label><br />' . PHP_EOL; } if(CUSTOM_CACHE_TIMEOUT) { $idArg = 'arg-' . urlencode($bridgeName) . '-' . urlencode('_cache_timeout'); $card .= '<label for="' . $idArg . '">Cache timeout in seconds : </label>' . PHP_EOL; $card .= '<input id="' . $idArg . '" type="number" value="' . $bridge->getCacheTimeout() . '" name="_cache_timeout" /><br />' . PHP_EOL; } $card .= $getHelperButtonsFormat($formats); } else { $card .= '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Inactive</span>'; } $card .= '</form>' . PHP_EOL; } $hasGlobalParameter = array_key_exists('global', $bridge->getParameters()); if($hasGlobalParameter) { $globalParameters = $bridge->getParameters()['global']; } foreach($bridge->getParameters() as $parameterName => $parameter) { if(!is_numeric($parameterName) && $parameterName == 'global') continue; if($hasGlobalParameter) $parameter = array_merge($parameter, $globalParameters); if(!is_numeric($parameterName)) $card .= '<h5>' . $parameterName . '</h5>' . PHP_EOL; $card .= $getFormHeader($bridgeName); $card .= $HTTPSWarning; foreach($parameter as $id => $inputEntry) { $additionalInfoString = ''; if(isset($inputEntry['required']) && $inputEntry['required'] === true) $additionalInfoString .= ' required'; if(isset($inputEntry['pattern'])) $additionalInfoString .= ' pattern="' . $inputEntry['pattern'] . '"'; if(isset($inputEntry['title'])) $additionalInfoString .= ' title="' . $inputEntry['title'] . '"'; if(!isset($inputEntry['exampleValue'])) $inputEntry['exampleValue'] = ''; if(!isset($inputEntry['defaultValue'])) $inputEntry['defaultValue'] = ''; $idArg = 'arg-' . urlencode($bridgeName) . '-' . urlencode($parameterName) . '-' . urlencode($id); $card .= '<label for="' . $idArg . '">' . $inputEntry['name'] . ' : </label>' . PHP_EOL; if(!isset($inputEntry['type']) || $inputEntry['type'] == 'text') { $card .= '<input ' . $additionalInfoString . ' id="' . $idArg . '" type="text" value="' . $inputEntry['defaultValue'] . '" placeholder="' . $inputEntry['exampleValue'] . '" name="' . $id . '" /><br />' . PHP_EOL; } elseif($inputEntry['type'] == 'number') { $card .= '<input ' . $additionalInfoString . ' id="' . $idArg . '" type="number" value="' . $inputEntry['defaultValue'] . '" placeholder="' . $inputEntry['exampleValue'] . '" name="' . $id . '" /><br />' . PHP_EOL; } else if($inputEntry['type'] == 'list') { $card .= '<select ' . $additionalInfoString . ' id="' . $idArg . '" name="' . $id . '" >'; foreach($inputEntry['values'] as $name => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { $card .= '<optgroup label="' . htmlentities($name) . '">'; foreach($value as $subname => $subvalue) { if($inputEntry['defaultValue'] === $subname || $inputEntry['defaultValue'] === $subvalue) { $card .= '<option value="' . $subvalue . '" selected>' . $subname . '</option>'; } else { $card .= '<option value="' . $subvalue . '">' . $subname . '</option>'; } } $card .= '</optgroup>'; } else { if($inputEntry['defaultValue'] === $name || $inputEntry['defaultValue'] === $value) { $card .= '<option value="' . $value . '" selected>' . $name . '</option>'; } else { $card .= '<option value="' . $value . '">' . $name . '</option>'; } } } $card .= '</select><br >'; } elseif($inputEntry['type'] == 'checkbox') { if($inputEntry['defaultValue'] === 'checked') $card .= '<input ' . $additionalInfoString . ' id="' . $idArg . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $id . '" checked /><br />' . PHP_EOL; else $card .= '<input ' . $additionalInfoString . ' id="' . $idArg . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $id . '" /><br />' . PHP_EOL; } } if($isActive) { if(defined('PROXY_URL') && PROXY_BYBRIDGE) { $idArg = 'arg-' . urlencode($bridgeName) . '-' . urlencode('proxyoff') . '-' . urlencode('_noproxy'); $card .= '<input id="' . $idArg . '" type="checkbox" name="_noproxy" />' . PHP_EOL; $card .= '<label for="' . $idArg . '">Disable proxy (' . ((defined('PROXY_NAME') && PROXY_NAME) ? PROXY_NAME : PROXY_URL) . ')</label><br />' . PHP_EOL; } if(CUSTOM_CACHE_TIMEOUT) { $idArg = 'arg-' . urlencode($bridgeName) . '-' . urlencode('_cache_timeout'); $card .= '<label for="' . $idArg . '">Cache timeout in seconds : </label>' . PHP_EOL; $card .= '<input id="' . $idArg . '" type="number" value="' . $bridge->getCacheTimeout() . '" name="_cache_timeout" /><br />' . PHP_EOL; } $card .= $getHelperButtonsFormat($formats); } else { $card .= '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Inactive</span>'; } $card .= '</form>' . PHP_EOL; } $card .= '<label class="showless" for="showmore-' . $bridgeName . '">Show less</label>'; $card .= '<p class="maintainer">' . $bridge->getMaintainer() . '</p>'; $card .= '</section>'; return $card; } function sanitize($textToSanitize, $removedTags = array('script', 'iframe', 'input', 'form'), $keptAttributes = array('title', 'href', 'src'), $keptText = array()){ $htmlContent = str_get_html($textToSanitize); foreach($htmlContent->find('*[!b38fd2b1fe7f4747d6b1c1254ccd055e]') as $element) { if(in_array($element->tag, $keptText)) { $element->outertext = $element->plaintext; } elseif(in_array($element->tag, $removedTags)) { $element->outertext = ''; } else { foreach($element->getAllAttributes() as $attributeName => $attribute) { if(!in_array($attributeName, $keptAttributes)) $element->removeAttribute($attributeName); } } } return $htmlContent; } function backgroundToImg($htmlContent) { $regex = '/background-image[ ]{0,}:[ ]{0,}url\([\'"]{0,}(.*?)[\'"]{0,}\)/'; $htmlContent = str_get_html($htmlContent); foreach($htmlContent->find('*[!b38fd2b1fe7f4747d6b1c1254ccd055e]') as $element) { if(preg_match($regex, $element->style, $matches) > 0) { $element->outertext = '<img style="display:block;" src="' . $matches[1] . '" />'; } } return $htmlContent; } function defaultLinkTo($content, $server){ foreach($content->find('img') as $image) { if(strpos($image->src, 'http') === false && strpos($image->src, '//') === false && strpos($image->src, 'data:') === false) $image->src = $server . $image->src; } foreach($content->find('a') as $anchor) { if(strpos($anchor->href, 'http') === false && strpos($anchor->href, '//') === false && strpos($anchor->href, '#') !== 0 && strpos($anchor->href, '?') !== 0) $anchor->href = $server . $anchor->href; } return $content; }