[ 'name' => 'url to the show', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'https://www.stream.cz/lajna' ] ] ]; public function collectData() { $url = $this->getInput('url'); $validUrl = '/^(https:\/\/www.stream.cz\/[a-z0-9-]+)(\/[a-z0-9-]+-\d+)?$/'; if (!preg_match($validUrl, $url, $match)) { returnServerError('Invalid url'); } $fixedUrl = $match[1]; $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($fixedUrl); $this->feedUri = $fixedUrl; $scriptElement = $html->find('body script', -1); if (null === $scriptElement) { returnServerError('Could not find metadata element on the page'); } $json = extractFromDelimiters($scriptElement->innertext, 'data : ', 'logs : '); if (false === $json) { returnServerError('Could not extract metadata from the page'); } $data = json_decode(trim($json, ",\t\n\r\0\x0B"), true); if (false === $data) { returnServerError('Could not parse metadata on the page'); } $showData = $data['fetchable']['tag']['show']['data']; if (!is_array($showData)) { returnServerError('Show not found in metadata'); } $this->feedName = $showData['name']; $episodes = $showData['allEpisodesConnection']['edges']; if (!is_array($episodes)) { returnServerError('Episodes not found in metadata'); } foreach ($episodes as $episode) { if (!$episode['node']) { continue; } $episodeUrl = $episode['node']['urlName']; $imageUrlNode = reset($episode['node']['images']); $item = [ 'title' => $episode['node']['name'], 'uri' => $fixedUrl . '/' . $episodeUrl, 'content' => $imageUrlNode ? '' : '', 'timestamp' => $episode['node']['publishTime']['timestamp'] ]; $this->items[] = $item; } } public function getURI() { return $this->feedUri ?? parent::getURI(); } public function getName() { return $this->feedName ?? parent::getName(); } }