[ 'required' => false, ] ]; const PARAMETERS = [ 'global' => [ 'limit' => [ 'name' => 'Feed Item Limit', 'required' => true, 'type' => 'number', 'defaultValue' => 10, 'title' => 'Maximum number of returned feed items. Maximum 30, default 10' ] ], 'Topics' => [ 'topic' => [ 'name' => 'Topics', 'type' => 'list', 'title' => 'Select a Topic', 'defaultValue' => 'latest', 'values' => [ 'Latest' => 'latest', 'The world this week' => 'the-world-this-week', 'Letters' => 'letters', 'Leaders' => 'leaders', 'Briefings' => 'briefing', 'Special reports' => 'special-report', 'Britain' => 'britain', 'Europe' => 'europe', 'United States' => 'united-states', 'The Americas' => 'the-americas', 'Middle East and Africa' => 'middle-east-and-africa', 'Asia' => 'asia', 'China' => 'china', 'International' => 'international', 'Business' => 'business', 'Finance and economics' => 'finance-and-economics', 'Science and technology' => 'science-and-technology', 'Books and arts' => 'books-and-arts', 'Obituaries' => 'obituary', 'Graphic detail' => 'graphic-detail', 'Indicators' => 'economic-and-financial-indicators', 'The Economist Reads' => 'the-economist-reads', ] ] ], 'Blogs' => [ 'blog' => [ 'name' => 'Blogs', 'type' => 'list', 'title' => 'Select a Blog', 'values' => [ 'Bagehots notebook' => 'bagehots-notebook', 'Bartleby' => 'bartleby', 'Buttonwoods notebook' => 'buttonwoods-notebook', 'Charlemagnes notebook' => 'charlemagnes-notebook', 'Democracy in America' => 'democracy-in-america', 'Erasmus' => 'erasmus', 'Free exchange' => 'free-exchange', 'Game theory' => 'game-theory', 'Gulliver' => 'gulliver', 'Kaffeeklatsch' => 'kaffeeklatsch', 'Prospero' => 'prospero', 'The Economist Explains' => 'the-economist-explains', ] ] ] ]; public function collectData() { // get if topics or blogs were selected and store the selected category switch ($this->queriedContext) { case 'Topics': $category = $this->getInput('topic'); break; case 'Blogs': $category = $this->getInput('blog'); break; default: $category = 'latest'; } // limit the returned articles to 30 at max if ((int)$this->getInput('limit') <= 30) { $limit = (int)$this->getInput('limit'); } else { $limit = 30; } $url = 'https://www.economist.com/' . $category . '/rss.xml'; $this->collectExpandableDatas($url, $limit); } protected function parseItem(array $item) { $headers = []; if ($this->getOption('cookie')) { $headers = [ 'Authority: www.economist.com', 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7', 'Accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Cache-control: max-age=0', 'Cookie: ' . $this->getOption('cookie'), 'Upgrade-insecure-requests: 1', 'User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' ]; } try { $dom = getSimpleHTMLDOM($item['uri'], $headers); } catch (Exception $e) { $item['content'] = $e->getMessage(); return $item; } $article = $dom->find('#new-article-template', 0); if ($article == null) { $article = $dom->find('main', 0); } if ($article) { $elem = $article->find('div', 0); list($content, $audio_url) = $this->processContent($dom, $elem); $item['content'] = $content; if ($audio_url != null) { $item['enclosures'] = [$audio_url]; } } return $item; } private function processContent($html, $elem) { // Remove extra styles $styles = $elem->find('style'); foreach ($styles as $style) { $style->parent->removeChild($style); } // Remove the section with remaining articles $more_elem = $elem->find('h2.ds-section-headline.ds-section-headline--rule-emphasised', 0); if ($more_elem != null) { if ($more_elem->parent && $more_elem->parent->parent) { $more_elem->parent->parent->removeChild($more_elem->parent); } } // Remove 'capitalization' with tags foreach ($elem->find('small') as $small) { $small->outertext = strtoupper($small->innertext); } // Extract audio $audio_url = null; $audio_elem = $elem->find('#audio-player', 0); if ($audio_elem != null) { $audio_url = $audio_elem->src; $audio_elem->parent->parent->removeChild($audio_elem->parent); } // No idea how this works on the original site foreach ($elem->find('img') as $img) { $img->removeAttribute('width'); $img->removeAttribute('height'); } // Some hacks for 'interactive' sections to make them a bit // more readable. Here's one example: // https://www.economist.com/interactive/briefing/2022/09/24/war-in-ukraine-has-reshaped-worlds-fuel-markets $svelte = $elem->find('svelte-scroller-outer', 0); if ($svelte != null) { $svelte->parent->removeChild($svelte); } foreach ($elem->find('img') as $strange_img) { if (!str_contains($strange_img->src, 'economist.com')) { $strange_img->src = 'https://economist.com' . $strange_img->src; } } // Trying to fix interactive infographics. This doesn't look // quite as well, but fortunately, such elements are rare // (~95% of infographics are plain images) foreach ($elem->find('div.ds-image') as $ds_img) { $ds_img->style = 'max-width: min(100%, 700px); overflow: hidden; margin: 2rem auto;'; $g_artboard = null; foreach ($ds_img->find('div.g-artboard') as $g_artboard_cand) { if (!str_contains($g_artboard_cand->style, 'display: none')) { $g_artboard = $g_artboard_cand; } } if ($g_artboard != null) { $g_artboard->style = $g_artboard->style . 'position: relative;'; $img = $g_artboard->find('img', 0); if ($img != null) { $img->style = 'top: 0; display: block; width: 100% !important;'; foreach ($g_artboard->find('div') as $div) { if ($div->style == null) { $div->style = 'position: absolute;'; } else { $div->style = $div->style . 'position: absolute'; } } } } } $vertical = $elem->find('div[data-test-id=vertical]', 0); if ($vertical != null) { $vertical->parent->removeChild($vertical); } // Section with 'Save', 'Share' and 'Give buttons' foreach ($elem->find('div[data-test-id=sharing-modal]') as $sharing) { $sharing->parent->removeChild($sharing); } // These links become HUGE without