Configuration Instructions.'; const MAINTAINER = 'quickwick'; const CONFIGURATION = [ 'twitterv2apitoken' => [ 'required' => true, ] ]; const PARAMETERS = [ 'global' => [ 'filter' => [ 'name' => 'Filter', 'exampleValue' => 'rss-bridge', 'required' => false, 'title' => 'Specify a single term to search for' ], 'norep' => [ 'name' => 'Without replies', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to exclude reply tweets' ], 'noretweet' => [ 'name' => 'Without retweets', 'required' => false, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to exclude retweets' ], 'nopinned' => [ 'name' => 'Without pinned tweet', 'required' => false, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to exclude pinned tweets' ], 'maxresults' => [ 'name' => 'Maximum results', 'required' => false, 'exampleValue' => '20', 'title' => 'Maximum number of tweets to retrieve (limit is 100)' ], 'imgonly' => [ 'name' => 'Only media tweets', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to show only tweets with media (photo/video)' ], 'nopic' => [ 'name' => 'Hide profile pictures', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to hide profile pictures in content' ], 'noimg' => [ 'name' => 'Hide images in tweets', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to hide images in tweets' ], 'noimgscaling' => [ 'name' => 'Disable image scaling', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to display original sized images (no thumbnails)' ], 'noexternallink' => [ 'name' => 'Hide external link from content html', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to hide the links from the content html field' ], 'idastitle' => [ 'name' => 'Use tweet id as title', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Activate to use tweet id as title (instead of tweet text)' ] ], 'By username' => [ 'u' => [ 'name' => 'username', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'sebsauvage', 'title' => 'Insert a user name' ] ], 'By keyword or hashtag' => [ 'query' => [ 'name' => 'Keyword or #hashtag', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'rss-bridge OR #rss-bridge', 'title' => << [ 'listid' => [ 'name' => 'List ID', 'exampleValue' => '31748', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'Enter a list id' ] ] ]; // $Item variable needs to be accessible from multiple functions without passing private $item = []; public function getName() { switch ($this->queriedContext) { case 'By keyword or hashtag': $specific = 'search '; $param = 'query'; break; case 'By username': $specific = '@'; $param = 'u'; break; case 'By list ID': return 'Twitter List #' . $this->getInput('listid'); default: return parent::getName(); } return 'Twitter ' . $specific . $this->getInput($param); } public function collectData() { // $data will contain an array of all found tweets $data = null; // Contains user data (when in by username context) $user = null; // Array of all found tweets $tweets = []; $hideProfilePic = $this->getInput('nopic'); $hideImages = $this->getInput('noimg'); $hideReplies = $this->getInput('norep'); $hideRetweets = $this->getInput('noretweet'); $hidePinned = $this->getInput('nopinned'); $tweetFilter = $this->getInput('filter'); $maxResults = $this->getInput('maxresults'); if ($maxResults > 100) { $maxResults = 100; } $idAsTitle = $this->getInput('idastitle'); $onlyMediaTweets = $this->getInput('imgonly'); // Read API token from config.ini.php, put into Header $apiToken = $this->getOption('twitterv2apitoken'); $authHeaders = [ 'authorization: Bearer ' . $apiToken, ]; // Try to get all tweets switch ($this->queriedContext) { case 'By username': //Get id from username $params = [ 'user.fields' => 'pinned_tweet_id,profile_image_url' ]; $user = $this->makeApiCall('/users/by/username/' . $this->getInput('u'), $authHeaders, $params); if (isset($user->errors)) { Debug::log('User JSON: ' . json_encode($user)); returnServerError('Requested username can\'t be found.'); } // Set default params $params = [ 'max_results' => (empty($maxResults) ? '10' : $maxResults), 'tweet.fields' => 'created_at,referenced_tweets,entities,attachments', 'user.fields' => 'pinned_tweet_id', 'expansions' => ',entities.mentions.username,attachments.media_keys', 'media.fields' => 'type,url,preview_image_url' ]; // Set params to filter out replies and/or retweets if ($hideReplies && $hideRetweets) { $params['exclude'] = 'replies,retweets'; } elseif ($hideReplies) { $params['exclude'] = 'replies'; } elseif ($hideRetweets) { $params['exclude'] = 'retweets'; } // Get the tweets $data = $this->makeApiCall('/users/' . $user->data->id . '/tweets', $authHeaders, $params); break; case 'By keyword or hashtag': $params = [ 'query' => $this->getInput('query'), 'max_results' => (empty($maxResults) ? '10' : $maxResults), 'tweet.fields' => 'created_at,referenced_tweets,entities,attachments', 'expansions' => ',entities.mentions.username,attachments.media_keys', 'media.fields' => 'type,url,preview_image_url' ]; // Set params to filter out replies and/or retweets if ($hideReplies) { $params['query'] = $params['query'] . ' -is:reply'; } if ($hideRetweets) { $params['query'] = $params['query'] . ' -is:retweet'; } $data = $this->makeApiCall('/tweets/search/recent', $authHeaders, $params); break; case 'By list ID': // Set default params $params = [ 'max_results' => (empty($maxResults) ? '10' : $maxResults), 'tweet.fields' => 'created_at,referenced_tweets,entities,attachments', 'expansions' => ',entities.mentions.username,attachments.media_keys', 'media.fields' => 'type,url,preview_image_url' ]; $data = $this->makeApiCall('/lists/' . $this->getInput('listid') . '/tweets', $authHeaders, $params); break; default: returnServerError('Invalid query context !'); } if ( (isset($data->errors) && !isset($data->data)) || (isset($data->meta) && $data->meta->result_count === 0) ) { Debug::log('Data JSON: ' . json_encode($data)); switch ($this->queriedContext) { case 'By keyword or hashtag': returnServerError('No results for this query.'); // fall-through case 'By username': returnServerError('Requested username cannnot be found.'); // fall-through case 'By list ID': returnServerError('Requested list cannnot be found'); // fall-through } } // figure out the Pinned Tweet Id if ($hidePinned) { $pinnedTweetId = null; if (isset($user) && isset($user->data->pinned_tweet_id)) { $pinnedTweetId = $user->data->pinned_tweet_id; } } // Extract Media data into array isset($data->includes->media) ? $includesMedia = $data->includes->media : $includesMedia = null; // Extract additional Users data into array isset($data->includes->users) ? $includesUsers = $data->includes->users : $includesUsers = null; // Extract additional Tweets data into array isset($data->includes->tweets) ? $includesTweets = $data->includes->tweets : $includesTweets = null; // Extract main Tweets data into array $tweets = $data->data; // Make another API call to get user and media info for retweets // Is there some way to get this info included in original API call? $retweetedData = null; $retweetedMedia = null; $retweetedUsers = null; if (!$hideImages && isset($includesTweets)) { // There has to be a better PHP way to extract the tweet Ids? $includesTweetsIds = []; foreach ($includesTweets as $includesTweet) { $includesTweetsIds[] = $includesTweet->id; } Debug::log('includesTweetsIds: ' . join(',', $includesTweetsIds)); // Set default params for API query $params = [ 'ids' => join(',', $includesTweetsIds), 'tweet.fields' => 'entities,attachments', 'expansions' => 'author_id,attachments.media_keys', 'media.fields' => 'type,url,preview_image_url', 'user.fields' => 'id,profile_image_url' ]; // Get the retweeted tweets $retweetedData = $this->makeApiCall('/tweets', $authHeaders, $params); // Extract retweets Media data into array isset($retweetedData->includes->media) ? $retweetedMedia = $retweetedData->includes->media : $retweetedMedia = null; // Extract retweets additional Users data into array isset($retweetedData->includes->users) ? $retweetedUsers = $retweetedData->includes->users : $retweetedUsers = null; } // Create output array with all required elements for each tweet foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { //Debug::log('Tweet JSON: ' . json_encode($tweet)); // Skip pinned tweet (if selected) if ($hidePinned && $tweet->id === $pinnedTweetId) { continue; } // Check if tweet is Retweet, Quote or Reply $isRetweet = false; $isReply = false; $isQuote = false; if (isset($tweet->referenced_tweets)) { switch ($tweet->referenced_tweets[0]->type) { case 'retweeted': $isRetweet = true; break; case 'quoted': $isQuote = true; break; case 'replied_to': $isReply = true; break; } } // Skip replies and/or retweets (if selected). This check is primarily for lists // These should already be pre-filtered for username and keyword queries if (($hideRetweets && $isRetweet) || ($hideReplies && $isReply)) { continue; } // Initialize empty array to hold feed item values $this->item = []; // Start getting and setting values needed for HTML output $quotedTweet = null; $cleanedQuotedTweet = null; $quotedUser = null; if ($isQuote) { Debug::log('Tweet is quote'); foreach ($includesTweets as $includesTweet) { if ($includesTweet->id === $tweet->referenced_tweets[0]->id) { $quotedTweet = $includesTweet; $cleanedQuotedTweet = nl2br($quotedTweet->text); //Debug::log('Found quoted tweet'); break; } } $quotedUser = $this->getTweetUser($quotedTweet, $retweetedUsers, $includesUsers); } if ($isRetweet || is_null($user)) { Debug::log('Tweet is retweet, or $user is null'); // Replace tweet object with original retweeted object if ($isRetweet) { foreach ($includesTweets as $includesTweet) { if ($includesTweet->id === $tweet->referenced_tweets[0]->id) { $tweet = $includesTweet; break; } } } // Skip self-Retweets (can cause duplicate entries in output) if (isset($user) && $tweet->author_id === $user->data->id) { continue; } // Get user object for retweeted tweet $originalUser = $this->getTweetUser($tweet, $retweetedUsers, $includesUsers); $this->item['username'] = $originalUser->username; $this->item['fullname'] = $originalUser->name; if (isset($originalUser->profile_image_url)) { $this->item['avatar'] = $originalUser->profile_image_url; } else { $this->item['avatar'] = null; } } else { $this->item['username'] = $user->data->username; $this->item['fullname'] = $user->data->name; $this->item['avatar'] = $user->data->profile_image_url; } $this->item['id'] = $tweet->id; $this->item['timestamp'] = $tweet->created_at; $this->item['uri'] = self::URI . $this->item['username'] . '/status/' . $this->item['id']; $this->item['author'] = ($isRetweet ? 'RT: ' : '') . $this->item['fullname'] . ' (@' . $this->item['username'] . ')'; $cleanedTweet = nl2br($tweet->text); //Debug::log('cleanedTweet: ' . $cleanedTweet); // Perform optional keyword filtering (only keep tweet if keyword is found) if (! empty($tweetFilter)) { if (stripos($cleanedTweet, $this->getInput('filter')) === false) { continue; } } // Perform optional non-media tweet skip // This check must wait until after retweets are identified if ( $onlyMediaTweets && !isset($tweet->attachments->media_keys) && (($isQuote && !isset($quotedTweet->attachments->media_keys)) || !$isQuote) ) { // There is no media in current tweet or quoted tweet, skip to next continue; } // Search for and replace URLs in Tweet text $cleanedTweet = $this->replaceTweetURLs($tweet, $cleanedTweet); if (isset($cleanedQuotedTweet)) { Debug::log('Replacing URLs in Quoted Tweet text'); $cleanedQuotedTweet = $this->replaceTweetURLs($quotedTweet, $cleanedQuotedTweet); } // Generate Title text if ($idAsTitle) { $titleText = $tweet->id; } else { $titleText = strip_tags($cleanedTweet); } if ($isRetweet) { if (substr($titleText, 0, 4) === 'RT @') { $titleText = substr_replace($titleText, ':', 2, 0); } else { $titleText = 'RT: @' . $this->item['username'] . ': ' . $titleText; } } elseif ($isReply && !$idAsTitle) { $titleText = 'R: ' . $titleText; } $this->item['title'] = $titleText; // Get external link info $extURL = null; if (isset($tweet->entities->urls) && strpos($tweet->entities->urls[0]->expanded_url, '') === false) { Debug::log('Found an external link!'); $extURL = $tweet->entities->urls[0]->expanded_url; Debug::log($extURL); $extDisplayURL = $tweet->entities->urls[0]->display_url; $extTitle = $tweet->entities->urls[0]->title; $extDesc = $tweet->entities->urls[0]->description; if (isset($tweet->entities->urls[0]->images)) { $extMediaOrig = $tweet->entities->urls[0]->images[0]->url; $extMediaScaled = $tweet->entities->urls[0]->images[1]->url; } else { $extMediaOrig = ''; $extMediaScaled = ''; } } // Generate Avatar HTML block $picture_html = ''; if (!$hideProfilePic && isset($this->item['avatar'])) { $picture_html = << {$this->item['username']} EOD; } // Generate media HTML block $media_html = ''; $quoted_media_html = ''; $ext_media_html = ''; if (!$hideImages) { if (isset($tweet->attachments->media_keys)) { Debug::log('Generating HTML for tweet media'); $media_html = $this->createTweetMediaHTML($tweet, $includesMedia, $retweetedMedia); } if (isset($quotedTweet->attachments->media_keys)) { Debug::log('Generating HTML for quoted tweet media'); $quoted_media_html = $this->createTweetMediaHTML($quotedTweet, $includesMedia, $retweetedMedia); } if (isset($extURL)) { Debug::log('Generating HTML for external link media'); if ($this->getInput('noimgscaling')) { $extMediaURL = $extMediaOrig; } else { $extMediaURL = $extMediaScaled; } $ext_media_html = << EOD; } } // Generate the HTML for Item content $this->item['content'] = << {$picture_html}
{$media_html} EOD; // Add Quoted Tweet HTML, if relevant if (isset($quotedTweet)) { $quotedTweetURI = self::URI . $quotedUser->username . '/status/' . $quotedTweet->id; $quote_html = <<

$quotedUser->name @$quotedUser->username ยท $quotedTweet->created_at

$cleanedQuotedTweet $quoted_media_html
QUOTE; $this->item['content'] .= $quote_html; } // Add External Link HTML, if relevant if (isset($extURL) && !$this->getInput('noexternallink')) { Debug::log('Adding HTML for external link'); $ext_html = << $ext_media_html
$extDesc EXTERNAL; $this->item['content'] .= $ext_html; } $this->item['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->item['content'], ENT_QUOTES); // Add current Item to Items array $this->items[] = $this->item; } // Sort all tweets in array by date usort($this->items, ['TwitterV2Bridge', 'compareTweetDate']); } private static function compareTweetDate($tweet1, $tweet2) { return (strtotime($tweet1['timestamp']) < strtotime($tweet2['timestamp']) ? 1 : -1); } /** * Tries to make an API call to Twitter. * @param $api string API entry point * @param $params array additional URI parmaeters * @return object json data */ private function makeApiCall($api, $authHeaders, $params) { $uri = self::API_URI . $api . '?' . http_build_query($params); $result = getContents($uri, $authHeaders); $data = json_decode($result); return $data; } /** * Change format of URLs in tweet text * @param $tweetObject object current Tweet JSON * @param $tweetText string current Tweet text * @return string modified tweet text */ private function replaceTweetURLs($tweetObject, $tweetText) { $foundUrls = false; // Rewrite URL links, based on URL list in tweet object if (isset($tweetObject->entities->urls)) { foreach ($tweetObject->entities->urls as $url) { $tweetText = str_replace( $url->url, '' . $url->display_url . '', $tweetText ); } $foundUrls = true; } // Regex fallback for rewriting URL links. Should never trigger? if ($foundUrls === false) { $reg_ex = '/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/'; if (preg_match($reg_ex, $tweetText, $url)) { $tweetText = preg_replace( $reg_ex, "{$url[0]} ", $tweetText ); } } // Fix back-to-back URLs by adding a
$reg_ex = '/\/a>\s*
id === $tweetObject->author_id) { $matchedUser = $retweetedUser; Debug::log('Found author_id match in $retweetedUsers'); break; } } } if (!isset($matchedUser->username) && isset($includesUsers)) { Debug::log('Searching for tweet author_id in $includesUsers'); foreach ($includesUsers as $includesUser) { if ($includesUser->id === $tweetObject->author_id) { $matchedUser = $includesUser; Debug::log('Found author_id match in $includesUsers'); break; } } } return $matchedUser; } /** * Generates HTML for embedded media * @param $tweetObject object current Tweet JSON * @param $includesMedia * @param $retweetedMedia * @return string modified tweet text */ private function createTweetMediaHTML($tweetObject, $includesMedia, $retweetedMedia) { $media_html = ''; // Match media_keys in tweet to media list from, put matches into new array $tweetMedia = []; // Start by checking the original list of tweet Media includes if (isset($includesMedia)) { Debug::log('Searching for media_key in $includesMedia'); foreach ($includesMedia as $includesMedium) { if ( in_array( $includesMedium->media_key, $tweetObject->attachments->media_keys ) ) { Debug::log('Found media_key in $includesMedia'); $tweetMedia[] = $includesMedium; } } } // If no matches found, check the retweet Media includes if (empty($tweetMedia) && isset($retweetedMedia)) { Debug::log('Searching for media_key in $retweetedMedia'); foreach ($retweetedMedia as $retweetedMedium) { if ( in_array( $retweetedMedium->media_key, $tweetObject->attachments->media_keys ) ) { Debug::log('Found media_key in $retweetedMedia'); $tweetMedia[] = $retweetedMedium; } } } foreach ($tweetMedia as $media) { switch ($media->type) { case 'photo': if ($this->getInput('noimgscaling')) { $image = $media->url; $display_image = $media->url; } else { $image = $media->url . '?name=orig'; $display_image = $media->url; } // add enclosures $this->item['enclosures'][] = $image; $media_html .= <<
EOD; break; case 'video': // To Do: Is there a way to easily match this // to a direct Video URL? $display_image = $media->preview_image_url; $media_html .= <<Video:

EOD; break; case 'animated_gif': // To Do: Is there a way to easily match this to a // direct animated Gif URL? $display_image = $media->preview_image_url; $media_html .= <<Animated Gif:

EOD; break; default: Debug::log('Missing support for media type: ' . $media->type); } } return $media_html; } }