addArguments(['--accept-lang=de']); return $chromeOptions; } /** * @throws Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchElementException * @throws Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\TimeoutException */ protected function clickAwayCookieBanner() { $this->getDriver()->wait()->until(WebDriverExpectedCondition::visibilityOfElementLocated(WebDriverBy::id('onetrust-reject-all-handler'))); $buttonRejectCookies = $this->getDriver()->findElement(WebDriverBy::id('onetrust-reject-all-handler')); $buttonRejectCookies->click(); $this->getDriver()->wait()->until(WebDriverExpectedCondition::invisibilityOfElementLocated(WebDriverBy::id('onetrust-reject-all-handler'))); } /** * @throws Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchElementException * @throws Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\TimeoutException */ protected function clickNextPage() { $nextPage = $this->getDriver()->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath('//app-linkable-paginator//li[@id="next-page"]/a')); $href = $nextPage->getAttribute('href'); $nextPage->click(); $this->getDriver()->wait()->until(WebDriverExpectedCondition::not( WebDriverExpectedCondition::presenceOfElementLocated( WebDriverBy::xpath('//app-linkable-paginator//li[@id="next-page"]/a[@href="' . $href . '"]') ) )); } /** * Returns the uri of the 'Projektanbieter' logo or false if there is * no logo present in the item. * * @return string | false */ protected function getLogo(RemoteWebElement $item) { try { $logo = $item->findElement(WebDriverBy::tagName('img'))->getAttribute('src'); if (str_starts_with($logo, 'http')) { // different domain return $logo; } else { // relative path $remove = substr(self::URI, strrpos(self::URI, '/') + 1); return substr(self::URI, 0, -strlen($remove)) . $logo; } } catch (NoSuchElementException $e) { return false; } } /** * Converts a string like "vor einigen Minuten" into a reasonable timestamp. * Long and complicated, but we don't want to be more specific than * the information we have available. * * @throws Exception If the DateInterval can't be parsed. */ protected function getTimestamp(string $timeAgo): int { $dateTime = new DateTime(); $dateArray = explode(' ', $dateTime->format('Y m d H i s')); $quantityStr = explode(' ', $timeAgo)[1]; // convert possible word into a number if (in_array($quantityStr, ['einem', 'einer', 'einigen'])) { $quantity = 1; } else { $quantity = intval($quantityStr); } // subtract time ago + inferior units for lower precision if (str_contains($timeAgo, 'Sekunde')) { $interval = new DateInterval('PT' . $quantity . 'S'); } elseif (str_contains($timeAgo, 'Minute')) { $interval = new DateInterval('PT' . $quantity . 'M' . $dateArray[5] . 'S'); } elseif (str_contains($timeAgo, 'Stunde')) { $interval = new DateInterval('PT' . $quantity . 'H' . $dateArray[4] . 'M' . $dateArray[5] . 'S'); } elseif (str_contains($timeAgo, 'Tag')) { $interval = new DateInterval('P' . $quantity . 'DT' . $dateArray[3] . 'H' . $dateArray[4] . 'M' . $dateArray[5] . 'S'); } else { throw new UnexpectedValueException($timeAgo); } $dateTime = $dateTime->sub($interval); return $dateTime->getTimestamp(); } /** * The main loop which clicks through search result pages and puts * the content into the $items array. * * @throws Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchElementException * @throws Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\TimeoutException */ public function collectData() { parent::collectData(); try { $this->clickAwayCookieBanner(); $this->setIcon($this->getDriver()->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath('//link[@rel="shortcut icon"]'))->getAttribute('href')); while (true) { $items = $this->getDriver()->findElements(WebDriverBy::tagName('app-project-view')); foreach ($items as $item) { $feedItem = new FeedItem(); $heading = $item->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath('.//app-heading-tag/h1/a')); $feedItem->setTitle($heading->getText()); $feedItem->setURI('' . $heading->getAttribute('href')); $info = $item->findElement(WebDriverBy::tagName('app-icon-info-list')); if ($logo = $this->getLogo($item)) { $feedItem->setEnclosures([$logo]); } if (str_contains($info->getText(), 'Projektanbieter:')) { $feedItem->setAuthor($info->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath('.//li/span[2]/span'))->getText()); } else { // mostly "Direkt vom Auftraggeber" or "GULP Agentur" $feedItem->setAuthor($item->findElement(WebDriverBy::tagName('b'))->getText()); } $feedItem->setContent($item->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath('.//p[@class="description"]'))->getText()); $timeAgo = $item->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath('.//small[contains(@class, "time-ago")]'))->getText(); $feedItem->setTimestamp($this->getTimestamp($timeAgo)); $this->items[] = $feedItem; } if (count($this->items) < self::MAXITEMS) { $this->clickNextPage(); } else { break; } } } finally { $this->cleanUp(); } } }