 * This file is part of RSS-Bridge, a PHP project capable of generating RSS and
 * Atom feeds for websites that don't have one.
 * For the full license information, please view the UNLICENSE file distributed
 * with this source code.
 * @package	Core
 * @license	http://unlicense.org/ UNLICENSE
 * @link	https://github.com/rss-bridge/rss-bridge

 * Throws an exception when called.
 * @throws \Exception when called
 * @param string $message The error message
 * @param int $code The HTTP error code
 * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes List of HTTP
 * status codes
function returnError($message, $code){
	throw new \Exception($message, $code);

 * Returns HTTP Error 400 (Bad Request) when called.
 * @param string $message The error message
function returnClientError($message){
	returnError($message, 400);

 * Returns HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error) when called.
 * @param string $message The error message
function returnServerError($message){
	returnError($message, 500);

 * Stores bridge-specific errors in a cache file.
 * @param string $bridgeName The name of the bridge that failed.
 * @param int $code The error code
 * @return int The total number the same error has appeared
function logBridgeError($bridgeName, $code) {
	$cacheFac = new CacheFactory();

	$cache = $cacheFac->create(Configuration::getConfig('cache', 'type'));
	$cache->setkey($bridgeName . '_' . $code);
	$cache->purgeCache(86400); // 24 hours

	if($report = $cache->loadData()) {
		$report = json_decode($report, true);
		$report['time'] = time();
	} else {
		$report = array(
			'error' => $code,
			'time' => time(),
			'count' => 1,


	return $report['count'];