[ 'name' => 'Emission', 'type' => 'list', 'title' => 'Sélectionner l\'emission', 'values' => [ 'Faux Raccord' => 'faux-raccord', 'Fanzone' => 'fanzone', 'Game In Ciné' => 'game-in-cine', 'Pour la faire courte' => 'pour-la-faire-courte', 'Home Cinéma' => 'home-cinema', 'PILS - Par Ici Les Sorties' => 'pils-par-ici-les-sorties', 'AlloCiné : l\'émission, sur LeStream' => 'allocine-lemission-sur-lestream', 'Give Me Five' => 'give-me-five', 'Aviez-vous remarqué ?' => 'aviez-vous-remarque', 'Et paf, il est mort' => 'et-paf-il-est-mort', 'The Big Fan Theory' => 'the-big-fan-theory', 'Clichés' => 'cliches', 'Complètement...' => 'completement', '#Fun Facts' => 'fun-facts', 'Origin Story' => 'origin-story', ] ] ]]; public function getURI() { if (!is_null($this->getInput('category'))) { $categories = [ 'faux-raccord' => '/video/programme-12284/', 'fanzone' => '/video/programme-12298/', 'game-in-cine' => '/video/programme-12288/', 'pour-la-faire-courte' => '/video/programme-20960/', 'home-cinema' => '/video/programme-12287/', 'pils-par-ici-les-sorties' => '/video/programme-25789/', 'allocine-lemission-sur-lestream' => '/video/programme-25123/', 'give-me-five' => '/video/programme-21919/saison-34518/', 'aviez-vous-remarque' => '/video/programme-19518/', 'et-paf-il-est-mort' => '/video/programme-25113/', 'the-big-fan-theory' => '/video/programme-20403/', 'cliches' => '/video/programme-24834/', 'completement' => '/video/programme-23859/', 'fun-facts' => '/video/programme-23040/', 'origin-story' => '/video/programme-25667/' ]; $category = $this->getInput('category'); if (array_key_exists($category, $categories)) { return static::URI . $this->getLastSeasonURI($categories[$category]); } else { returnClientError('Emission inconnue'); } } return parent::getURI(); } private function getLastSeasonURI($category) { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached(static::URI . $category, 86400); $seasonLink = $html->find('section[class=section-wrap section]', 0)->find('div[class=cf]', 0)->find('a', 0); $URI = $seasonLink->href; return $URI; } public function getName() { if (!is_null($this->getInput('category'))) { return self::NAME . ' : ' . $this->getKey('category'); } return parent::getName(); } public function collectData() { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI()); foreach ($html->find('div[class=gd-col-left]', 0)->find('div[class*=video-card]') as $element) { $item = []; $title = $element->find('a[class*=meta-title-link]', 0); $content = trim(defaultLinkTo($element->outertext, static::URI)); // Replace image 'src' with the one in 'data-src' $content = preg_replace('@src="data:image/gif;base64,[A-Za-z0-9+\/]*"@', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('@data-src=@', 'src=', $content); // Remove date in the content to prevent content update while the video is getting older $content = preg_replace('@
@', '', $content); $item['content'] = $content; $item['title'] = trim($title->innertext); $item['uri'] = static::URI . '/' . substr($title->href, 1); $this->items[] = $item; } } }