cache = RssBridge::getCache(); $this->logger = RssBridge::getLogger(); } public function __invoke(Request $request): Response { $bridgeName = $request->get('bridge'); $format = $request->get('format'); $noproxy = $request->get('_noproxy'); $cacheKey = 'http_' . json_encode($request->toArray()); /** @var Response $cachedResponse */ $cachedResponse = $this->cache->get($cacheKey); if ($cachedResponse) { $ifModifiedSince = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ?? null; $lastModified = $cachedResponse->getHeader('last-modified'); if ($ifModifiedSince && $lastModified) { $lastModified = new \DateTimeImmutable($lastModified); $lastModifiedTimestamp = $lastModified->getTimestamp(); $modifiedSince = strtotime($ifModifiedSince); if ($lastModifiedTimestamp <= $modifiedSince) { $modificationTimeGMT = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s ', $lastModifiedTimestamp); return new Response('', 304, ['last-modified' => $modificationTimeGMT . 'GMT']); } } return $cachedResponse->withHeader('rss-bridge', 'This is a cached response'); } if (!$bridgeName) { return new Response(render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/error.html.php', ['message' => 'Missing bridge parameter']), 400); } $bridgeFactory = new BridgeFactory(); $bridgeClassName = $bridgeFactory->createBridgeClassName($bridgeName); if (!$bridgeClassName) { return new Response(render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/error.html.php', ['message' => 'Bridge not found']), 404); } if (!$format) { return new Response(render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/error.html.php', ['message' => 'You must specify a format']), 400); } if (!$bridgeFactory->isEnabled($bridgeClassName)) { return new Response(render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/error.html.php', ['message' => 'This bridge is not whitelisted']), 400); } if ( Configuration::getConfig('proxy', 'url') && Configuration::getConfig('proxy', 'by_bridge') && $noproxy ) { // This const is only used once in getContents() define('NOPROXY', true); } $bridge = $bridgeFactory->create($bridgeClassName); $response = $this->createResponse($request, $bridge, $format); if ($response->getCode() === 200) { $ttl = $request->get('_cache_timeout'); if (Configuration::getConfig('cache', 'custom_timeout') && $ttl) { $ttl = (int) $ttl; } else { $ttl = $bridge->getCacheTimeout(); } $this->cache->set($cacheKey, $response, $ttl); } if (in_array($response->getCode(), [403, 429, 503])) { // Cache these responses for about ~20 mins on average $this->cache->set($cacheKey, $response, 60 * 15 + rand(1, 60 * 10)); } if ($response->getCode() === 500) { $this->cache->set($cacheKey, $response, 60 * 15); } if (rand(1, 100) === 2) { $this->cache->prune(); } return $response; } private function createResponse(Request $request, BridgeAbstract $bridge, string $format) { $items = []; $feed = []; try { $bridge->loadConfiguration(); // Remove parameters that don't concern bridges $remove = [ 'token', 'action', 'bridge', 'format', '_noproxy', '_cache_timeout', '_error_time', '_', // Some RSS readers add a cache-busting parameter (_=) to feed URLs, detect and ignore them. ]; $requestArray = $request->toArray(); $input = array_diff_key($requestArray, array_fill_keys($remove, '')); $bridge->setInput($input); $bridge->collectData(); $items = $bridge->getItems(); if (isset($items[0]) && is_array($items[0])) { $feedItems = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $feedItems[] = FeedItem::fromArray($item); } $items = $feedItems; } $feed = $bridge->getFeed(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Probably an exception inside a bridge if ($e instanceof HttpException) { // Reproduce (and log) these responses regardless of error output and report limit if ($e->getCode() === 429) { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Exception in DisplayAction(%s): %s', $bridge->getShortName(), create_sane_exception_message($e))); return new Response(render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/exception.html.php', ['e' => $e]), 429); } if ($e->getCode() === 503) { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Exception in DisplayAction(%s): %s', $bridge->getShortName(), create_sane_exception_message($e))); return new Response(render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/exception.html.php', ['e' => $e]), 503); } } $this->logger->error(sprintf('Exception in DisplayAction(%s)', $bridge->getShortName()), ['e' => $e]); $errorOutput = Configuration::getConfig('error', 'output'); $reportLimit = Configuration::getConfig('error', 'report_limit'); $errorCount = 1; if ($reportLimit > 1) { $errorCount = $this->logBridgeError($bridge->getName(), $e->getCode()); } // Let clients know about the error if we are passed the report limit if ($errorCount >= $reportLimit) { if ($errorOutput === 'feed') { // Render the exception as a feed item $items[] = $this->createFeedItemFromException($e, $bridge); } elseif ($errorOutput === 'http') { return new Response(render(__DIR__ . '/../templates/exception.html.php', ['e' => $e]), 500); } elseif ($errorOutput === 'none') { // Do nothing (produces an empty feed) } } } $formatFactory = new FormatFactory(); $format = $formatFactory->create($format); $format->setItems($items); $format->setFeed($feed); $now = time(); $format->setLastModified($now); $headers = [ 'last-modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s ', $now) . 'GMT', 'content-type' => $format->getMimeType() . '; charset=' . $format->getCharset(), ]; return new Response($format->stringify(), 200, $headers); } private function createFeedItemFromException($e, BridgeAbstract $bridge): FeedItem { $item = new FeedItem(); // Create a unique identifier every 24 hours $uniqueIdentifier = urlencode((int)(time() / 86400)); $title = sprintf('Bridge returned error %s! (%s)', $e->getCode(), $uniqueIdentifier); $item->setTitle($title); $item->setURI(get_current_url()); $item->setTimestamp(time()); // Create an item identifier for feed readers e.g. "staysafetv twitch videos_19389" $item->setUid($bridge->getName() . '_' . $uniqueIdentifier); $content = render_template(__DIR__ . '/../templates/bridge-error.html.php', [ 'error' => render_template(__DIR__ . '/../templates/exception.html.php', ['e' => $e]), 'searchUrl' => self::createGithubSearchUrl($bridge), 'issueUrl' => self::createGithubIssueUrl($bridge, $e, create_sane_exception_message($e)), 'maintainer' => $bridge->getMaintainer(), ]); $item->setContent($content); return $item; } private function logBridgeError($bridgeName, $code) { // todo: it's not really necessary to json encode $report $cacheKey = 'error_reporting_' . $bridgeName . '_' . $code; $report = $this->cache->get($cacheKey); if ($report) { $report = Json::decode($report); $report['time'] = time(); $report['count']++; } else { $report = [ 'error' => $code, 'time' => time(), 'count' => 1, ]; } $ttl = 86400 * 5; $this->cache->set($cacheKey, Json::encode($report), $ttl); return $report['count']; } private static function createGithubIssueUrl(BridgeAbstract $bridge, \Exception $e, string $message): string { $maintainer = $bridge->getMaintainer(); if (str_contains($maintainer, ',')) { $maintainers = explode(',', $maintainer); } else { $maintainers = [$maintainer]; } $maintainers = array_map('trim', $maintainers); $query = [ 'title' => $bridge->getName() . ' failed with: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'body' => sprintf( "```\n%s\n\n%s\n\nQuery string: %s\nVersion: %s\nOs: %s\nPHP version: %s\n```\nMaintainer: @%s", $message, implode("\n", trace_to_call_points(trace_from_exception($e))), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ?? '', Configuration::getVersion(), PHP_OS_FAMILY, phpversion() ?: 'Unknown', implode(', @', $maintainers), ), 'labels' => 'Bridge-Broken', 'assignee' => $maintainer[0], ]; return '' . http_build_query($query); } private static function createGithubSearchUrl($bridge): string { return sprintf( '', urlencode('is:issue is:open ' . $bridge->getName()) ); } }