<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/CacheInterface.php'); class Cache{ static protected $dirCache; public function __construct(){ throw new \LogicException('Please use ' . __CLASS__ . '::create for new object.'); } static public function create($nameCache){ if( !static::isValidNameCache($nameCache) ){ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Name cache must be at least one uppercase follow or not by alphanumeric or dash characters.'); } $pathCache = self::getDir() . $nameCache . '.php'; if( !file_exists($pathCache) ){ throw new \Exception('The cache you looking for does not exist.'); } require_once $pathCache; return new $nameCache(); } static public function setDir($dirCache){ if( !is_string($dirCache) ){ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Dir cache must be a string.'); } if( !file_exists($dirCache) ){ throw new \Exception('Dir cache does not exist.'); } self::$dirCache = $dirCache; } static public function getDir(){ $dirCache = self::$dirCache; if( is_null($dirCache) ){ throw new \LogicException(__CLASS__ . ' class need to know cache path !'); } return $dirCache; } static public function isValidNameCache($nameCache){ return preg_match('@^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$@', $nameCache); } static public function utf8_encode_deep(&$input) { if (is_string($input)) { $input = utf8_encode($input); } else if (is_array($input)) { foreach ($input as &$value) { Cache::utf8_encode_deep($value); } unset($value); } else if (is_object($input)) { $vars = array_keys(get_object_vars($input)); foreach ($vars as $var) { Cache::utf8_encode_deep($input->$var); } } } static public function purge() { $cacheTimeLimit = time() - 60*60*24 ; $cachePath = 'cache'; if(file_exists($cachePath)) { $cacheIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($cachePath), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST ); foreach ($cacheIterator as $cacheFile) { if (in_array($cacheFile->getBasename(), array('.', '..'))) continue; elseif ($cacheFile->isFile()) { if( filemtime($cacheFile->getPathname()) < $cacheTimeLimit ) unlink( $cacheFile->getPathname() ); } } } } }