<?php class WordPressBridge extends FeedExpander { const NAME = 'Wordpress Bridge'; const URI = 'https://wordpress.org/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest full posts of a WordPress powered website'; const MAINTAINER = 'ORelio'; const PARAMETERS = [ [ 'url' => [ 'name' => 'Blog URL', 'exampleValue' => 'https://wordpress.org/', 'required' => true ], 'limit' => self::LIMIT, 'content-selector' => [ 'name' => 'Content Selector (Optional - Advanced users)', 'exampleValue' => '.custom-article-class', ], ]]; public function collectData() { $limit = $this->getInput('limit') ?? 10; if ($this->getInput('url') && substr($this->getInput('url'), 0, strlen('http')) !== 'http') { // just in case someone find a way to access local files by playing with the url returnClientError('The url parameter must either refer to http or https protocol.'); } try { $this->collectExpandableDatas($this->getURI() . '/feed/atom/', $limit); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->collectExpandableDatas($this->getURI() . '/?feed=atom', $limit); } } protected function parseItem(array $item) { $dom = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item['uri']); // Find article body $article = null; switch (true) { case !empty($this->getInput('content-selector')): // custom contect selector (manually specified by user) $article = $dom->find($this->getInput('content-selector'), 0); break; case !is_null($dom->find('[itemprop=articleBody]', 0)): // highest priority content div (used for SEO) $article = $dom->find('[itemprop=articleBody]', 0); break; case !is_null($dom->find('.article-content', 0)): // more precise than article when present $article = $dom->find('.article-content', 0); break; case !is_null($dom->find('article', 0)): // most common content div $article = $dom->find('article', 0); break; case !is_null($dom->find('.single-content', 0)): // another common content div $article = $dom->find('.single-content', 0); break; case !is_null($dom->find('.post-content', 0)): // another common content div $article = $dom->find('.post-content', 0); break; case !is_null($dom->find('.post', 0)): // for old WordPress themes without HTML5 $article = $dom->find('.post', 0); break; } // Remove duplicate title from content foreach ($article->find('h1') as $title) { if (trim(html_entity_decode($title->plaintext) == $item['title'])) { $title->outertext = ''; } } // Find article main image $article = convertLazyLoading($article); $article_image = $dom->find('img.wp-post-image', 0); if (!empty($item['content']) && (!is_object($article_image) || empty($article_image->src))) { $article_image = str_get_html($item['content'])->find('img.wp-post-image', 0); } if (is_object($article_image) && !empty($article_image->src)) { $article_image = $article_image->src; $mime_type = parse_mime_type($article_image); if (strpos($mime_type, 'image') === false) { $article_image .= '#.image'; // force image } if (empty($item['enclosures'])) { $item['enclosures'] = [$article_image]; } else { $item['enclosures'] = array_merge($item['enclosures'], (array) $article_image); } } // Unwrap images figures foreach ($article->find('figure.wp-block-image') as $figure) { $figure->outertext = $figure->innertext; } if (!is_null($article)) { $item['content'] = $this->cleanContent($article->innertext); $item['content'] = defaultLinkTo($item['content'], $item['uri']); } return $item; } private function cleanContent($content) { $content = stripWithDelimiters($content, '<script', '</script>'); $content = preg_replace('/<div class="wpa".*/', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('/<form.*\/form>/', '', $content); return $content; } public function getURI() { $url = $this->getInput('url'); if (empty($url)) { $url = parent::getURI(); } return $url; } }