
 * An alternative abstract class for bridges utilizing XPath expressions
 * This class is meant as an alternative base class for bridge implementations.
 * It offers preliminary functionality for generating feeds based on XPath
 * expressions.
 * As a minimum, extending classes should define XPath expressions pointing
 * to the feed items contents in the class constants below. In case there is
 * more manual fine tuning required, it offers a bunch of methods which can
 * be overridden, for example in order to specify formatting of field values
 * or more flexible definition of dynamic XPath expressions.
 * This class extends {@see BridgeAbstract}, which means it incorporates and
 * extends all of its functionality.
abstract class XPathAbstract extends BridgeAbstract
     * Source Web page URL (should provide either HTML or XML content)
     * You can specify any website URL which serves data suited for display in RSS feeds
     * (for example a news blog).
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getSourceUrl()} to read this parameter
    const FEED_SOURCE_URL = '';

     * XPath expression for extracting the feed title from the source page.
     * If this is left blank or does not provide any data {@see BridgeAbstract::getName()}
     * is used instead as the feed's title.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionTitle()} to read this parameter
    const XPATH_EXPRESSION_FEED_TITLE = './/title';

     * XPath expression for extracting the feed favicon URL from the source page.
     * If this is left blank or does not provide any data {@see BridgeAbstract::getIcon()}
     * is used instead as the feed's favicon URL.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionIcon()} to read this parameter
    const XPATH_EXPRESSION_FEED_ICON = './/link[@rel="icon"]/@href';

     * XPath expression for extracting the feed items from the source page
     * Enter an XPath expression matching a list of dom nodes, each node containing one
     * feed article item in total (usually a surrounding <div> or <span> tag). This will
     * be the context nodes for all of the following expressions. This expression usually
     * starts with a single forward slash.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItem()} to read this parameter

     * XPath expression for extracting an item title from the item context
     * This expression should match a node contained within each article item node
     * containing the article headline. It should start with a dot followed by two
     * forward slashes, referring to any descendant nodes of the article item node.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItemTitle()} to read this parameter

     * XPath expression for extracting an item's content from the item context
     * This expression should match a node contained within each article item node
     * containing the article content or description. It should start with a dot
     * followed by two forward slashes, referring to any descendant nodes of the
     * article item node.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItemContent()} to read this parameter

     * XPath expression for extracting an item link from the item context
     * This expression should match a node's attribute containing the article URL
     * (usually the href attribute of an <a> tag). It should start with a dot
     * followed by two forward slashes, referring to any descendant nodes of
     * the article item node. Attributes can be selected by prepending an @ char
     * before the attributes name.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItemUri()} to read this parameter

     * XPath expression for extracting an item author from the item context
     * This expression should match a node contained within each article item
     * node containing the article author's name. It should start with a dot
     * followed by two forward slashes, referring to any descendant nodes of
     * the article item node.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItemAuthor()} to read this parameter

     * XPath expression for extracting an item timestamp from the item context
     * This expression should match a node or node's attribute containing the
     * article timestamp or date (parsable by PHP's strtotime function). It
     * should start with a dot followed by two forward slashes, referring to
     * any descendant nodes of the article item node. Attributes can be
     * selected by prepending an @ char before the attributes name.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItemTimestamp()} to read this parameter

     * XPath expression for extracting item enclosures (media content like
     * images or movies) from the item context
     * This expression should match a node's attribute containing an article
     * image URL (usually the src attribute of an <img> tag or a style
     * attribute). It should start with a dot followed by two forward slashes,
     * referring to any descendant nodes of the article item node. Attributes
     * can be selected by prepending an @ char before the attributes name.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItemEnclosures()} to read this parameter

     * XPath expression for extracting an item category from the item context
     * This expression should match a node or node's attribute contained
     * within each article item node containing the article category. This
     * could be inside <div> or <span> tags or sometimes be hidden
     * in a data attribute. It should start with a dot followed by two
     * forward slashes, referring to any descendant nodes of the article
     * item node. Attributes can be selected by prepending an @ char
     * before the attributes name.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getExpressionItemCategories()} to read this parameter

     * Fix encoding
     * Set this to true for fixing feed encoding by invoking PHP's utf8_decode
     * function on all extracted texts. Try this in case you see "broken" or
     * "weird" characters in your feed where you'd normally expect umlauts
     * or any other non-ascii characters.
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getSettingFixEncoding()} to read this parameter
    const SETTING_FIX_ENCODING = false;

     * Use raw item content
     * Whether to use the raw item content or to replace certain characters with
     * special significance in HTML by HTML entities (using the PHP function htmlspecialchars).
     * Use {@see XPathAbstract::getSettingUseRawItemContent()} to read this parameter

     * Internal storage for resulting feed name, automatically detected
     * @var string
    private $feedName;

     * Internal storage for resulting feed name, automatically detected
     * @var string
    private $feedUri;

     * Internal storage for resulting feed favicon, automatically detected
     * @var string
    private $feedIcon;

    public function getName()
        return $this->feedName ?: parent::getName();

    public function getURI()
        return $this->feedUri ?: parent::getURI();

    public function getIcon()
        return $this->feedIcon ?: parent::getIcon();

     * Source Web page URL (should provide either HTML or XML content)
     * @return string
    protected function getSourceUrl()
        return static::FEED_SOURCE_URL;

     * XPath expression for extracting the feed title from the source page
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionTitle()
        return static::XPATH_EXPRESSION_FEED_TITLE;

     * XPath expression for extracting the feed favicon from the source page
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionIcon()
        return static::XPATH_EXPRESSION_FEED_ICON;

     * XPath expression for extracting the feed items from the source page
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItem()
        return static::XPATH_EXPRESSION_ITEM;

     * XPath expression for extracting an item title from the item context
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItemTitle()
        return static::XPATH_EXPRESSION_ITEM_TITLE;

     * XPath expression for extracting an item's content from the item context
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItemContent()
        return static::XPATH_EXPRESSION_ITEM_CONTENT;

     * XPath expression for extracting an item link from the item context
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItemUri()
        return static::XPATH_EXPRESSION_ITEM_URI;

     * XPath expression for extracting an item author from the item context
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItemAuthor()
        return static::XPATH_EXPRESSION_ITEM_AUTHOR;

     * XPath expression for extracting an item timestamp from the item context
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItemTimestamp()

     * XPath expression for extracting item enclosures (media content like
     * images or movies) from the item context
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItemEnclosures()

     * XPath expression for extracting an item category from the item context
     * @return string
    protected function getExpressionItemCategories()

     * Fix encoding
     * @return bool
    protected function getSettingFixEncoding(): bool
        return static::SETTING_FIX_ENCODING;

     * Use raw item content
     * @return bool
    protected function getSettingUseRawItemContent(): bool
        return static::SETTING_USE_RAW_ITEM_CONTENT;

     * Internal helper method for quickly accessing all the user defined constants
     * in derived classes
     * @param $name
     * @return bool|string
    private function getParam($name)
        switch ($name) {
            case 'url':
                return $this->getSourceUrl();
            case 'feed_title':
                return $this->getExpressionTitle();
            case 'feed_icon':
                return $this->getExpressionIcon();
            case 'item':
                return $this->getExpressionItem();
            case 'title':
                return $this->getExpressionItemTitle();
            case 'content':
                return $this->getExpressionItemContent();
            case 'uri':
                return $this->getExpressionItemUri();
            case 'author':
                return $this->getExpressionItemAuthor();
            case 'timestamp':
                return $this->getExpressionItemTimestamp();
            case 'enclosures':
                return $this->getExpressionItemEnclosures();
            case 'categories':
                return $this->getExpressionItemCategories();
            case 'fix_encoding':
                return $this->getSettingFixEncoding();
            case 'raw_content':
                return $this->getSettingUseRawItemContent();

     * Should provide the source website HTML content
     * can be easily overwritten for example if special headers or auth infos are required
     * @return string
    protected function provideWebsiteContent()
        return getContents($this->feedUri);

     * Should provide the feeds title
     * @param \DOMXPath $xpath
     * @return string
    protected function provideFeedTitle(\DOMXPath $xpath)
        $title = $xpath->query($this->getParam('feed_title'));
        if (count($title) === 1) {
            return $this->fixEncoding($this->getItemValueOrNodeValue($title));

     * Should provide the URL of the feed's favicon
     * @param \DOMXPath $xpath
     * @return string
    protected function provideFeedIcon(\DOMXPath $xpath)
        $icon = $xpath->query($this->getParam('feed_icon'));
        if (count($icon) === 1) {
            return $this->cleanMediaUrl($this->getItemValueOrNodeValue($icon));

     * Should provide the feed's items.
     * @param \DOMXPath $xpath
     * @return \DOMNodeList|false
    protected function provideFeedItems(\DOMXPath $xpath)
        return @$xpath->query($this->getParam('item'));

    public function collectData()
        $this->feedUri = $this->getParam('url');

        $webPageHtml = new \DOMDocument();

        // fix relative links
        defaultLinkTo($webPageHtml, $webPageHtml->baseURI ?? $this->feedUri);

        $xpath = new \DOMXPath($webPageHtml);

        $this->feedName = $this->provideFeedTitle($xpath);
        $this->feedIcon = $this->provideFeedIcon($xpath);

        $entries = $this->provideFeedItems($xpath);
        if ($entries === false) {
            // malformed

        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $item = new FeedItem();
            foreach (['title', 'content', 'uri', 'author', 'timestamp', 'enclosures', 'categories'] as $param) {
                $expression = $this->getParam($param);
                if ('' === $expression) {

                //can be a string or DOMNodeList, depending on the expression result
                $typedResult = @$xpath->evaluate($expression, $entry);
                if (
                    $typedResult === false || ($typedResult instanceof \DOMNodeList && count($typedResult) === 0)
                    || (is_string($typedResult) && strlen(trim($typedResult)) === 0)
                ) {

                if ('categories' === $param && $typedResult instanceof \DOMNodeList) {
                    $value = [];
                    foreach ($typedResult as $domNode) {
                        $value[] = $this->getItemValueOrNodeValue($domNode, false);
                } else {
                    $value = $this->getItemValueOrNodeValue($typedResult, 'content' === $param);

                $item->__set($param, $this->formatParamValue($param, $value));

            $itemId = $this->generateItemId($item);
            if (null !== $itemId) {

            $this->items[] = $item;

     * @param $param
     * @param $value
     * @return string|array
    protected function formatParamValue($param, $value)
        $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('trim', $value) : trim($value);
        $value = is_array($value) ? array_map([$this, 'fixEncoding'], $value) : $this->fixEncoding($value);
        switch ($param) {
            case 'title':
                return $this->formatItemTitle($value);
            case 'content':
                return $this->formatItemContent($value);
            case 'uri':
                return $this->formatItemUri($value);
            case 'author':
                return $this->formatItemAuthor($value);
            case 'timestamp':
                return $this->formatItemTimestamp($value);
            case 'enclosures':
                return $this->formatItemEnclosures($value);
            case 'categories':
                return $this->formatItemCategories($value);
        return $value;

     * Formats the title of a feed item. Takes extracted raw title and returns it formatted
     * as string.
     * Can be easily overwritten for in case the value needs to be transformed into something
     * else.
     * @param string $value
     * @return string
    protected function formatItemTitle($value)
        return $value;

     * Formats the timestamp of a feed item. Takes extracted raw timestamp and returns unix
     * timestamp as integer.
     * Can be easily overwritten for example if a special format has to be expected on the
     * source website.
     * @param string $value
     * @return string
    protected function formatItemContent($value)
        return $this->getParam('raw_content') ? $value : htmlspecialchars($value);

     * Formats the URI of a feed item. Takes extracted raw URI and returns it formatted
     * as string.
     * Can be easily overwritten for in case the value needs to be transformed into something
     * else.
     * @param string $value
     * @return string
    protected function formatItemUri($value)
        if (strlen($value) === 0) {
            return '';
        if (
            strpos($value, 'http://') === 0
            || strpos($value, 'https://') === 0
        ) {
            return $value;

        return urljoin($this->feedUri, $value);

     * Formats the author of a feed item. Takes extracted raw author and returns it formatted
     * as string.
     * Can be easily overwritten for in case the value needs to be transformed into something
     * else.
     * @param string $value
     * @return string
    protected function formatItemAuthor($value)
        return $value;

     * Formats the timestamp of a feed item. Takes extracted raw timestamp and returns unix
     * timestamp as integer.
     * Can be easily overwritten for example if a special format has to be expected on the
     * source website.
     * @param string $value
     * @return false|int
    protected function formatItemTimestamp($value)
        return strtotime($value);

     * Formats the enclosures of a feed item. Takes extracted raw enclosures and returns them
     * formatted as array.
     * Can be easily overwritten for in case the values need to be transformed into something
     * else.
     * @param string $value
     * @return array
    protected function formatItemEnclosures($value)
        return [$this->cleanMediaUrl($value)];

     * Formats the categories of a feed item. Takes extracted raw categories and returns them
     * formatted as array.
     * Can be easily overwritten for in case the values need to be transformed into something
     * else.
     * @param string|array $value
     * @return array
    protected function formatItemCategories($value)
        return is_array($value) ? $value : [$value];

     * @param $mediaUrl
     * @return string|void
    protected function cleanMediaUrl($mediaUrl)
        $pattern = '~(?:http(?:s)?:)?[\/a-zA-Z0-9\-=_,\.\%]+\.(?:jpg|gif|png|jpeg|ico|mp3|webp){1}~i';
        $result = preg_match($pattern, $mediaUrl, $matches);
        if (1 !== $result) {
        return urljoin($this->feedUri, $matches[0]);

     * @param $typedResult
     * @param bool $returnXML
     * @param bool $escapeHtml
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    protected function getItemValueOrNodeValue($typedResult, $returnXML = false)
        if ($typedResult instanceof \DOMNodeList) {
            $typedResult = $typedResult->item(0);

        if ($typedResult instanceof \DOMElement) {
            return $returnXML ? ($typedResult->ownerDocument ?? $typedResult)->saveXML($typedResult) : $typedResult->nodeValue;
        } elseif ($typedResult instanceof \DOMAttr) {
            return $typedResult->value;
        } elseif ($typedResult instanceof \DOMText) {
            return $typedResult->wholeText;
        } elseif (is_string($typedResult)) {
            return $typedResult;
        } elseif (null === $typedResult) {
            return '';

        throw new \Exception('Unknown type of XPath expression result: ' . gettype($typedResult));

     * Fixes feed encoding by invoking PHP's utf8_decode function on extracted texts.
     * Useful in case of "broken" or "weird" characters in the feed where you'd normally
     * expect umlauts.
     * @param $input
     * @return string
    protected function fixEncoding($input)
        return $this->getParam('fix_encoding') ? utf8_decode($input) : $input;

     * Allows overriding default mechanism determining items Uid's
     * @param FeedItem $item
     * @return string|null
    protected function generateItemId(FeedItem $item)
        return null;