<?php class SQLiteCache implements CacheInterface { private \SQLite3 $db; private string $scope; private string $key; private array $config; public function __construct(array $config) { $default = [ 'file' => null, 'timeout' => 5000, 'enable_purge' => true, ]; $config = array_merge($default, $config); $this->config = $config; if (!$config['file']) { throw new \Exception('sqlite cache needs a file'); } if (is_file($config['file'])) { $this->db = new \SQLite3($config['file']); $this->db->enableExceptions(true); } else { // Create the file and create sql schema $this->db = new \SQLite3($config['file']); $this->db->enableExceptions(true); $this->db->exec("CREATE TABLE storage ('key' BLOB PRIMARY KEY, 'value' BLOB, 'updated' INTEGER)"); $this->db->exec('CREATE INDEX idx_storage_updated ON storage (updated)'); } $this->db->busyTimeout($config['timeout']); } public function loadData() { $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT value FROM storage WHERE key = :key'); $stmt->bindValue(':key', $this->getCacheKey()); $result = $stmt->execute(); if ($result) { $row = $result->fetchArray(\SQLITE3_ASSOC); if ($row !== false) { $blob = $row['value']; $data = unserialize($blob); if ($data !== false) { return $data; } Logger::error(sprintf("Failed to unserialize: '%s'", mb_substr($blob, 0, 100))); } } return null; } public function saveData($data): void { $blob = serialize($data); $stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO storage (key, value, updated) VALUES (:key, :value, :updated)'); $stmt->bindValue(':key', $this->getCacheKey()); $stmt->bindValue(':value', $blob); $stmt->bindValue(':updated', time()); $stmt->execute(); } public function getTime(): ?int { $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT updated FROM storage WHERE key = :key'); $stmt->bindValue(':key', $this->getCacheKey()); $result = $stmt->execute(); if ($result) { $row = $result->fetchArray(\SQLITE3_ASSOC); if ($row !== false) { return $row['updated']; } } return null; } public function purgeCache(int $seconds): void { if (!$this->config['enable_purge']) { return; } $stmt = $this->db->prepare('DELETE FROM storage WHERE updated < :expired'); $stmt->bindValue(':expired', time() - $seconds); $stmt->execute(); } public function setScope(string $scope): void { $this->scope = $scope; } public function setKey(array $key): void { $this->key = json_encode($key); } private function getCacheKey() { return hash('sha1', $this->scope . $this->key, true); } }