<?php class HtmlFormat extends FormatAbstract { const MIME_TYPE = 'text/html'; public function stringify() { // This query string is url encoded $queryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $feedArray = $this->getFeed(); $formatFactory = new FormatFactory(); $formats = []; // Create all formats (except HTML) $formatNames = $formatFactory->getFormatNames(); foreach ($formatNames as $formatName) { if ($formatName === 'Html') { continue; } // The format url is relative, but should be absolute in order to help feed readers. $formatUrl = '?' . str_ireplace('format=Html', 'format=' . $formatName, $queryString); $formatObject = $formatFactory->create($formatName); $formats[] = [ 'url' => $formatUrl, 'name' => $formatName, 'type' => $formatObject->getMimeType(), ]; } $items = []; foreach ($this->getItems() as $item) { $items[] = [ 'url' => $item->getURI() ?: $feedArray['uri'], 'title' => $item->getTitle() ?? '(no title)', 'timestamp' => $item->getTimestamp(), 'author' => $item->getAuthor(), 'content' => $item->getContent() ?? '', 'enclosures' => $item->getEnclosures(), 'categories' => $item->getCategories(), ]; } $donationUri = null; if (Configuration::getConfig('admin', 'donations') && $feedArray['donationUri']) { $donationUri = $feedArray['donationUri']; } $html = render_template(__DIR__ . '/../templates/html-format.html.php', [ 'charset' => $this->getCharset(), 'title' => $feedArray['name'], 'formats' => $formats, 'uri' => $feedArray['uri'], 'items' => $items, 'donation_uri' => $donationUri, ]); // Remove invalid characters ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character', 'none'); $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, $this->getCharset(), 'UTF-8'); return $html; } }