`WebDriverAbstract` extends [`BridgeAbstract`](./02_BridgeAbstract.md) and adds functionality for generating feeds from active websites that use XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to load content and / or JavaScript to modify content. It highly depends on the php-webdriver library which offers Selenium WebDriver bindings for PHP. - https://github.com/php-webdriver/php-webdriver (Project Repository) - https://php-webdriver.github.io/php-webdriver/latest/ (API) Please note that this class is intended as a solution for websites _that cannot be covered by the other classes_. The WebDriver starts a browser and is therefore very resource-intensive. # Configuration You need a running WebDriver to use bridges that depend on `WebDriverAbstract`. The easiest way is to start the Selenium server from the project of the same name: ``` docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size="2g" docker.io/selenium/standalone-chrome:latest ``` - https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium With these parameters only one browser window can be started at a time. On a multi-user site, Selenium Grid should be used and the number of sessions should be adjusted to the number of processor cores. Finally, the `config.ini.php` file must be adjusted so that the WebDriver can find the Selenium server: ``` [webdriver] selenium_server_url = "http://localhost:4444" ``` # Development While you are programming a new bridge, it is easier to start a local WebDriver because then you can see what is happening and where the errors are. I've also had good experience recording the process with a screen video to find any timing problems. ``` chromedriver --port=4444 ``` - https://chromedriver.chromium.org/ If you start rss-bridge from a container, then Chrome driver is only accessible if you call it with the `--allowed-ips` option so that it binds to all network interfaces. ``` chromedriver --port=4444 --allowed-ips= ``` The **most important rule** is that after an event such as loading the web page or pressing a button, you often have to explicitly wait for the desired elements to appear. A simple example is the bridge `ScalableCapitalBlogBridge.php`. A more complex and relatively complete example is the bridge `GULPProjekteBridge.php`. # Template Use this template to create your own bridge. ```PHP <?php class MyBridge extends WebDriverAbstract { const NAME = 'My Bridge'; const URI = 'https://www.example.org'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Further description'; const MAINTAINER = 'your name'; public function collectData() { parent::collectData(); try { // TODO } finally { $this->cleanUp(); } } } ```