<?php declare(strict_types=1); class TldrTechBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const MAINTAINER = 'sqrtminusone'; const NAME = 'TLDR Tech Newsletter Bridge'; const URI = 'https://tldr.tech/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Return newsletter articles from TLDR Tech'; const PARAMETERS = [ '' => [ 'limit' => [ 'name' => 'Maximum number of articles to return', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => true, 'defaultValue' => 10 ], 'topic' => [ 'name' => 'Topic', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ 'Tech' => 'tech', 'Web Dev' => 'webdev', 'AI' => 'ai', 'Information Security' => 'infosec', 'Product Management' => 'product', 'DevOps' => 'devops', 'Crypto' => 'crypto', 'Design' => 'design', 'Marketing' => 'marketing', 'Founders' => 'founders', ], 'defaultValue' => 'tech' ] ] ]; public function collectData() { $topic = $this->getInput('topic'); $limit = $this->getInput('limit'); $url = self::URI . 'api/latest/' . $topic; $response = getContents($url, [], [], true); $location = $response->getHeader('Location'); $locationUrl = Url::fromString($location); $this->extractItem($locationUrl); $archives_url = self::URI . $topic . '/archives'; $archives_html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($archives_url); $entries_root = $archives_html->find('div.content-center.mt-5', 0); foreach ($entries_root->children() as $child) { if ($child->tag != 'a') { continue; } $itemUrl = Url::fromString(self::URI . ltrim($child->href, '/')); $this->extractItem($itemUrl); if (count($this->items) >= $limit) { break; } } } private function extractItem(Url $url) { $pathParts = explode('/', $url->getPath()); $date = strtotime(end($pathParts)); try { [$content, $title] = $this->extractContent($url); $this->items[] = [ 'uri' => (string) $url, 'title' => $title, 'timestamp' => $date, 'content' => $content, ]; } catch (HttpException $e) { // archive occasionally returns broken URLs return; } } private function extractContent($url) { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($url); $content = $html->find('div.content-center.mt-5', 0); if (!$content) { throw new \Exception('Could not find content'); } $subscribe_form = $content->find('div.mt-5 > div > form', 0); if ($subscribe_form) { $content->removeChild($subscribe_form->parent->parent); } $privacy_link = $content->find("a[href='/privacy']", 0); if ($privacy_link) { $content->removeChild($privacy_link->parent->parent); } $headers = $content->find('h6.text-center.font-bold'); foreach ($headers as $header) { $elem = $html->createElement('h3', $header->parent->plaintext); $elem->style = 'margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;'; $header_root = $header->parent; foreach ($header_root->children() as $child) { $header_root->removeChild($child); } $header_root->appendChild($elem); } foreach ($content->find('a.font-bold') as $a) { $a->removeAttribute('class'); $elem = $html->createElement('b', $a->plaintext); $a->removeChild($a->firstChild()); $a->appendChild($elem); } foreach ($content->children() as $child) { if ($child->tag != 'div') { continue; } foreach ($child->children() as $grandchild) { if ($grandchild->tag == 'div') { $grandchild->style = 'margin-bottom: 12px;'; } } } $title = $content->find('h2', 0); return [$content->innertext, $title->plaintext]; } }