<?php class AssociatedPressNewsBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const NAME = 'Associated Press News Bridge'; const URI = 'https://apnews.com/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns newest articles by topic'; const MAINTAINER = 'VerifiedJoseph'; const PARAMETERS = [ 'Standard Topics' => [ 'topic' => [ 'name' => 'Topic', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ 'AP Top News' => 'apf-topnews', 'Sports' => 'apf-sports', 'Entertainment' => 'apf-entertainment', 'Oddities' => 'apf-oddities', 'Travel' => 'apf-Travel', 'Technology' => 'apf-technology', 'Lifestyle' => 'apf-lifestyle', 'Business' => 'apf-business', 'U.S. News' => 'apf-usnews', 'Health' => 'apf-Health', 'Science' => 'apf-science', 'World News' => 'apf-WorldNews', 'Politics' => 'apf-politics', 'Religion' => 'apf-religion', 'Photo Galleries' => 'PhotoGalleries', 'Fact Checks' => 'APFactCheck', 'Videos' => 'apf-videos', ], 'defaultValue' => 'apf-topnews', ], ], 'Custom Topic' => [ 'topic' => [ 'name' => 'Topic', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'europe' ], ] ]; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 900; // 15 mins private $detectParamRegex = '/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?apnews\.com\/(?:[tag|hub]+\/)?([\w-]+)$/'; private $tagEndpoint = 'https://afs-prod.appspot.com/api/v2/feed/tag?tags='; private $feedName = ''; public function detectParameters($url) { $params = []; if (preg_match($this->detectParamRegex, $url, $matches) > 0) { $params['topic'] = $matches[1]; $params['context'] = 'Custom Topic'; return $params; } return null; } public function collectData() { switch ($this->getInput('topic')) { case 'Podcasts': returnClientError('Podcasts topic feed is not supported'); break; case 'PressReleases': returnClientError('PressReleases topic feed is not supported'); break; default: $this->collectCardData(); } } public function getURI() { if (!is_null($this->getInput('topic'))) { return self::URI . $this->getInput('topic'); } return parent::getURI(); } public function getName() { if (!empty($this->feedName)) { return $this->feedName . ' - Associated Press'; } return parent::getName(); } private function getTagURI() { if (!is_null($this->getInput('topic'))) { return $this->tagEndpoint . $this->getInput('topic'); } return parent::getURI(); } private function collectCardData() { $json = getContents($this->getTagURI()); $tagContents = json_decode($json, true); if (empty($tagContents['tagObjs'])) { returnClientError('Topic not found: ' . $this->getInput('topic')); } $this->feedName = $tagContents['tagObjs'][0]['name']; foreach ($tagContents['cards'] as $card) { $item = []; // skip hub peeks & Notifications if ($card['cardType'] == 'Hub Peek' || $card['cardType'] == 'Notification') { continue; } $storyContent = $card['contents'][0]; switch ($storyContent['contentType']) { case 'web': // Skip link only content continue 2; case 'video': $html = $this->processVideo($storyContent); $item['enclosures'][] = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/' . $storyContent['media'][0]['id'] . '/800.jpeg'; break; default: if (empty($storyContent['storyHTML'])) { // Skip if no storyHTML continue 2; } $html = defaultLinkTo($storyContent['storyHTML'], self::URI); $html = str_get_html($html); $this->processMediaPlaceholders($html, $storyContent['id']); $this->processHubLinks($html, $storyContent); $this->processIframes($html); if (!is_null($storyContent['leadPhotoId'])) { $leadPhotoUrl = sprintf('https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/%s/800.jpeg', $storyContent['leadPhotoId']); $leadPhotoImageTag = sprintf('<img src="%s">', $leadPhotoUrl); // Move the image to the beginning of the content $html = $leadPhotoImageTag . $html; // Explicitly not adding it to the item's enclosures! } } $item['title'] = $card['contents'][0]['headline']; $item['uri'] = self::URI . $card['shortId']; if ($card['contents'][0]['localLinkUrl']) { $item['uri'] = $card['contents'][0]['localLinkUrl']; } $item['timestamp'] = $storyContent['published']; if (is_null($storyContent['bylines']) === false) { // Remove 'By' from the bylines if (substr($storyContent['bylines'], 0, 2) == 'By') { $item['author'] = ltrim($storyContent['bylines'], 'By '); } else { $item['author'] = $storyContent['bylines']; } } $item['content'] = $html; foreach ($storyContent['tagObjs'] as $tag) { $item['categories'][] = $tag['name']; } $this->items[] = $item; if (count($this->items) >= 15) { break; } } } private function processMediaPlaceholders($html, $id) { if ($html->find('div.media-placeholder', 0)) { // Fetch page content $json = getContents('https://afs-prod.appspot.com/api/v2/content/' . $id); $storyContent = json_decode($json, true); foreach ($html->find('div.media-placeholder') as $div) { $key = array_search($div->id, $storyContent['mediumIds']); if (!isset($storyContent['media'][$key])) { continue; } $media = $storyContent['media'][$key]; if ($media['type'] === 'Photo') { $mediaUrl = $media['gcsBaseUrl'] . $media['imageRenderedSizes'][0] . $media['imageFileExtension']; $mediaCaption = $media['caption']; $div->outertext = <<<EOD <figure><img loading="lazy" src="{$mediaUrl}"/><figcaption>{$mediaCaption}</figcaption></figure> EOD; } if ($media['type'] === 'YouTube') { $div->outertext = <<<EOD <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{$media['externalId']}" width="560" height="315"> </iframe> EOD; } } } } /* Create full coverage links (HubLinks) */ private function processHubLinks($html, $storyContent) { if (!empty($storyContent['richEmbeds'])) { foreach ($storyContent['richEmbeds'] as $embed) { if ($embed['type'] === 'Hub Link') { $url = self::URI . $embed['tag']['id']; $div = $html->find('div[id=' . $embed['id'] . ']', 0); if ($div) { $div->outertext = <<<EOD <p><a href="{$url}">{$embed['calloutText']} {$embed['displayName']}</a></p> EOD; } } } } } private function processVideo($storyContent) { $video = $storyContent['media'][0]; if ($video['type'] === 'YouTube') { $url = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $video['externalId']; $html = <<<EOD <iframe width="560" height="315" src="{$url}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> EOD; } else { $html = <<<EOD <video controls poster="https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/{$video['id']}/800.jpeg" preload="none"> <source src="{$video['gcsBaseUrl']} {$video['videoRenderedSizes'][0]} {$video['videoFileExtension']}" type="video/mp4"> </video> EOD; } return $html; } // Remove datawrapper.dwcdn.net iframes and related javaScript private function processIframes($html) { foreach ($html->find('iframe') as $index => $iframe) { if (preg_match('/datawrapper\.dwcdn\.net/', $iframe->src)) { $iframe->outertext = ''; if ($html->find('script', $index)) { $html->find('script', $index)->outertext = ''; } } } } }