Fix the Deal source link
The HTML does not contain the link to the "Deal source anymore", now only an
attribute does contain the information about the Deal Source.
The JSON data is now extraced for each Deal, and used to get the
Temperature and Deal Source.
The Tiktok Website was totally changed using some "scraping" protection
(passing as parameter value generated somewhere in the bunch of
javascript to the "API URL" that was before). The iframe embed does not
have such protection. It has less information (no date, ...) but it's
better than nothing !
* [FreeTelechargerBridge] Update to the new URL
Website has changed URL and some design : this bridge is now adapted to
thoses changes
* [FreeTelechargerBridge] Fix example value
Example valuse seems to use an "old" template, switch to a newer example
that use the new template
* [FreeTelechargerBridge] Fix notice
Fix notice
* [DagensNyheterDirektBridge] New bridge
* [DagensNyheterDirektBridge] Lint: Replace all tabs with space
* [DagensNyheterDirektBridge] Lint: Lines
Add empty lines and move start brace to new line
* [DagensNyheterDirektBridge] Lint: short- array syntax
* [DagensNyheterDirektBridge] Lint: short array syntax
Fix incorrect line ending
* [DagensNyheterDirektBridge] Lint: further lint fixes
* [DagensNyheterDirektBridge] Lint: final fixes
- CSS styles showing there were no deals found has changed : CSS class
was updated
- Relative Date handling : the minimum granularity of a relative date is
the minute on the site. Seconds are therefore meaningless, and are now deleted.
MydealsBridge was missing one relateve date prefix : now every date is
parsed (I hope so !)
* [MotatosBridge] add bridge
* [MotatosBridge] fix uid as string
* [MotatosBridge] add support for all regions
* [MotatosBridge] fix: region: "required" attribute not supported for list
* [KleinanzeigenBridge] add new bridge
* [KleinanzeigenBridge] fix missing timestamp
* [KleinanzeigenBridge] linting
* [KleinanzeigenBridge] fix end of list detection
* [IdealoBridge] Created
Checks the price of a given item on Can create an Alarm Message if a the price is lower than set or an Priceupdate if the price has changed.
* Changed Exec and syntax
* last fixes for remaining warning
When no result were found using the keyword search, some random deals
were displayed because the "not found" text has been modified : the
text is now up to date.
Some type in the textual name of the Bridge and texte about the website
name was fixed