* refactor
* fix: bug in previous refactor
* chore: exclude phpcompat sniff due to bug in phpcompat
* fix: do not leak absolute paths
* refactor/fix: batch extensions checking, fix DOS issue
* docs: Do not use constant names when referring to config options
The options are customizable using a config file and no longer hardcoded in index.php since 8ac8e08abf
* Do not use constants for configuration
Since <8ac8e08abf>, they are just set to the configuration object values.
This moves the responsibility for getting a valid class name
to the users of BridgeFactory, avoiding the repeated sanitation.
Improper use can also be checked statically.
* Fixup deprecations on PHP 8
* Configure a default fallback for getInput function
* Appease phpcs
* Avoid changing getInput function
Revert "Configure a default fallback for getInput function"
This reverts commit 94004c5104.
Updates the data-ref tag of each bridge card to use the bridge's full name (eg. Apple Music) instead of its filename (eg. AppleMusic). This fixes issues with the search not returned some bridges.
Updates displayBridgeCard() in BridgeCard to allow configuration options noproxy and cache_timeout to be displayed, if enabled, when a bridge has no parameters in its PARAMETERS array
The current solution for titles on input boxes is not obvious to the
user as support varies between bridges. This commit adds an button to
all input boxes with titles in order to make it clear to the user that
additional information is available.
RSS-Bridge currently has to guess the queried context from the data
provided by the user. This, however, can cause issues for bridges
that have multiple contexts with conflicting parameters (i.e. none).
This commit adds context hinting to queries via '&context=<context>'
which can be omitted in which case the context is determined as before.
The bridge factory can be based on the abstract factory class if it
wasn't static. This allows for higher abstraction and makes future
extensions possible. Also, not all parts of RSS-Bridge need to work
on the same instance of the bridge factory.
References #1001
* Group common selectors
* Fix indentation using tabs
* Use same styles for number and text inputs
* Use grid layout for parameters
Introduces the grid layout for bridge parameters. All parameters are
arranged in a grid to improve readability. Read more on grid layouts
- https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_grid.asp
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Grid_Layout
Grid layouts are not supported in very old browser versions:
This is why @supports checks for browser support (not supported in IE)
In case grid layout is not supported, the displayed form is usable
but not very pretty due to <br> being removed by this commit for
cosmetic reasons (breaks grid layout).
Unfortunately it doesn't seem possible to insert line breaks manually
via '::after { content: '\A' }' in cases where grid layout isn't
* Add padding to card parameters
Adds padding to parameters to improve readability. For bridges without
parameters (count($parameters) === 0), the parameter 'div' is no longer
* Add colon ':' after label via CSS
* Capitalize first letter of label for readability
* Fix checkbox isn't aligned left
Sets the size of the checkbox to 20x20 px for good measure.
* Harmonize formatting
* Add new style to number and select boxes
References #797
* Add fallback solution for browsers without grid support
[html] Generate index and bridge cards using separate clases
Move HTML generating code from 'index.php' to 'Index.php', separating components into static functions.
Move HTML generation code for bridge cards from 'html.php' to 'BridgeCard.php', separating components into static functions.