Default bridges are currently statically defined in index.php, which
is not the right place if we want to keep responsibilities separated.
This commit introduces a new file whitelist.default.txt that holds
the default bridges and which is loaded automatically, if whitelist.txt
doesn't exist.
Due to this it is also no longer necessary to have write permission
for the root directory.
References #1001
Fix PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0. Error below triggers when there are no items:
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:\php\rss-bridge\index.php on line 249
Add transformation from legacy items to FeedItems, before transforming
items to the desired format. This allows using legacy bridges alongside
bridges that return FeedItems.
As discussed in #940, instead of throwing exceptions on invalid
parameters, add messages to the debug log instead
Add support for strings to setTimestamp(). If the provided timestamp
is a string, automatically try to parse it using strtotime().
This allows bridges to simply use `$item['timestamp'] = $timestamp;`
instead of `$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($timestamp);`
Support simple_html_dom_node as input paramter for setURI
Support simple_html_dom_node as input parameter for setContent
* core: Add bridge parameter auto detection
This adds a new 'detect' action which accepts a URL from which an
appropriate bridge is selected and relevant parameters are extracted.
The user is then automatically redirected to the selected bridge.
For example to get a feed from:
we could send a request to:
which would redirect to:
This auto detection happens on a per-bridge basis, so a new function
'detectParameters' is added to BridgeInterface which bridges may implement.
It takes a URL for an argument and returns a list of parameters that were
extracted, or null if the URL isn't relevant for the bridge.
* [TwitterBridge] Add parameter auto detection
* [BridgeAbstract] Add generic parameter detection
This adds generic "paramater detection" for bridges that don't have any
parameters defined. If the queried URL matches the URI defined in the
bridge (ignoring https://, www. and trailing /) an emtpy list of parameters is
Requesting `_cache_timeout` on servers where this option is disabled currently results in the error message 'This server doesn\'t support "_cache_timeout"!'. This commit changes that behavior to redirect to the query without `_cache_timeout`.
- Move all whitelisting functionality inside Bridge.php
- Set default whitelist once in index.php using Bridge::setWhitelist()
- Include bridge sanitizing inside Bridge.php
Bridge.php now maintains the whitelist internally.
Also adds documentation to Debug.php!
* Debug::isEnabled()
Checks if the DEBUG file exists on disk on the first call (stored in
memory for the duration of the instance). Returns true if debug mode
is enabled for the client.
This function also sets the internal flag for Debug::isSecure()!
* Debug::isSecure()
Returns true if debuging is enabled for specific IP addresses, false
otherwise. This is checked on the first call of Debug::isEnabled().
If you call this function before Debug::isEnabled(), the default value
is false.
- PATH_LIB_BRIDGES defines the path to bridges
- PATH_LIB_FORMATS defines the path to formats
- PATH_LIB_CACHES defines the path to caches
Include constants in RssBridge.php for consistency
Move CACHE_DIR from index.php to /lib/RssBridge.php and change name
PATH_CACHE is one of the core paths of RSS-Bridge and should therefore
be defined in the core file RssBridge.php.
The parameter is used in error feeds. Since RSS-Bridge returns valid
feeds for error conditions, feed readers may attempt to access the
URI returned for the feed item in order to collect additional data,
thus including the parameter '_error_time' in the query.
This results in another error message, because it is an invalid input
parameter. Filtering the parameter allows RSS-Bridge to return the
original feed.
References #882
Exceptions are reported to users, but they do not necessarily appear
in the error log on the server. Using 'error_log' we can explicitly
write exceptions and error messages to the log file, using the
standard PHP message format.
For more information see
* [Exceptions] Don't return header for bridge exceptions
* [Exceptions] Add link to list in exception message
This is an alternative when the button is not rendered
for some reason.
* [index] Don't return bridge exception for formats
* [index] Return feed item for bridge exceptions
* [BridgeAbstract] Rename 'getCacheTime' to 'getModifiedTime'
* [BridgeAbstract] Move caching to index.php to separate concerns
index.php needs more control over caching behavior in order to cache
exceptions. This cannot be done in a bridge, as the bridge might be
broken, thus preventing caching from working.
This also (and more importantly) separates concerns. The bridge should
not even care if caching is involved or not. Its purpose is to collect
and provide data.
Response times should be faster, as more complex bridge functions like
'setDatas' (evaluates all input parameters to predict the current
context) and 'collectData' (collects data from sites) can be skipped
Notice: In its current form, index.php takes care of caching. This
could, however, be moved into a separate class (i.e. CacheAbstract)
in order to make implementation details cache specific.
* [index] Add '_error_time' parameter to $item['uri']
This ensures that error messages are recognized by feed readers as
new errors after 24 hours. During that time the same item is returned
no matter how often the cache is cleared.
* [index] Include '_error_time' in the title for errors
This prevents feed readers from "updating" feeds based on the title
* [index] Handle "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" client requests
Implementation is based on `BridgeAbstract::dieIfNotModified()`,
introduced in 422c125d8e and
simplified based on
Basically, before returning cached data we check if the client send
the "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" header. If the modification time is
more recent or equal to the cache time, we reply with "HTTP/1.1 304
Not Modified" (same as before). Otherwise send the cached data.
* [index] Don't encode exception message with `htmlspecialchars`
* [Exceptions] Include error message in exception
* [index] Show different error message for error code 0
- Use 'array_diff_key' instead of 'unset'
- Remove parameters for caches
By removing certain parameters for caches, the loading times can be
improved considerably:
* action: It doesn't matter which action the user took to generate
feed items.
* format: This has the biggest impact on performance, because cached
items are now shared between different formats (i.e. try switching
between Atom, Html and Mrss and compare previous vs. now). If a
server handles lots of requests, this may even reduce bandwidth if
the same contents are requested for different formats.
* _noproxy: The proxy behavior has no impact on the produced items,
so it can be ignored.
* _cache_timeout: This is another option which might impact performance
for some servers, especially if 'custom_timeout' has been enabled in
the configuration. Requests with different cache timeouts no longer
result in separate cache files.
* Debug mode improvements
- Improve debug warning message
- Restore error reporting in debug mode
- Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields
* Add parsing utility functions
- extractFromDelimiters
- stripWithDelimiters
- stripRecursiveHTMLSection
- markdownToHtml (partial)
- remove now-duplicate functions
- call functions from html.php instead
* [Anidex] New bridge
Anime torrent tracker
* [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail
* [CNET] Recreate bridge
Full rewrite as the previous one was broken
* [Dilbert] Minor URI fix
Use new self::URI property
* [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction
Bridge was broken
* [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label
... which was taking space in item title
* [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup
Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS
Clean additional useless HTML elements
* [GBATemp] Multiple fixes
- Fix categories: missing "break" statements
- Restore thumbnail as enclosure
- Fix date extraction
- Fix user blog post extraction
- Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached
* [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails
- Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call
- Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS
- Restore thumbnails as enclosures
* [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS
- Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS
- Restore thumbnails using small images
- Fix content extraction
- Fix text encoding issue
* [Nextgov] Fix content extraction
- Restore thumbnail and use small image
- Field extraction fixes
* [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type
- Offer all RSS feeds
- Allow filtering by article type
- Implement extraction for brief articles
- Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once
* [NyaaTorrents] New bridge
Anime torrent tracker
* [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail
- Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached
- Restore thumbnail as enclosure
* [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge
- Fix content extraction including article body
- Restore thumbnail as enclosure
* [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction
- Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS
- Fix content extraction including article body
* [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors
- Reduce timeout to use default one (1h)
- Add new content selector (articleBody)
- Find thumbnail and set as enclosure
- Fix <script> cleanup
* [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache
- Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent
- Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached
* [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander
- Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS
- Use FeedExpander for secondary fields
- Fix content extraction for article body
* [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures
Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content).
One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving)
* [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction
- Add support for passing enclosures
- Improve author and uri extraction
- Fix 'notice' PHP error messages
* [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802
* [Pull] Implementing changes for #802
- Fix coding style issues with str append
- Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT
- Use count() instead of $limit
- Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings
- Use http_build_query()
- Fix missing </em>
- Remove error_reporting(0)
- warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal)
- Fix typo in FeedExpander comment
* [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml
See #802 for more details
Adds a new action '?action=list' to return a list of bridges as JSON formatted text. Each bridge brings following information:
- status (active/inactive)
- uri
- name
- parameters
- maintainer
- description
For inactive bridges only the status is returned.
Bridges that cannot be instantiated are considered inactive.
[html] Generate index and bridge cards using separate clases
Move HTML generating code from 'index.php' to 'Index.php', separating components into static functions.
Move HTML generation code for bridge cards from 'html.php' to 'BridgeCard.php', separating components into static functions.