Updates displayBridgeCard() in BridgeCard to allow configuration options noproxy and cache_timeout to be displayed, if enabled, when a bridge has no parameters in its PARAMETERS array
* [DarkReading] Hide dummy articles
* [FuturaSciences] Strip inline scripts from content
* [FeedExpander] Fix PHP notice on missing uri field
(guid is valid uri AND item uri is not valid)
=> (guid is valid uri AND item uri is empty or not valid)
* [NextInpact] Fix subtitle extraction
* [Markdown] Fix images with empty replacement text
* [TheHackerNews] Fix Author name cleanup
* [LeMondeInformatique] Remove encoding conversion
Was previously needed due to actual encoding on the page
being inconsistent with encoding specified in <meta> tag
* [AnimeUltime] Remove encoding conversion
Was previously needed due to encoding on the page being incorrect
* [FuturaSciences] Fix content extraction
* [FuturaSciences] Fix unneeded unset()
* [GBAtemp] Fix tutorial mode URL extraction
* [GBAtemp] Fix tutorial mode Title extraction
Most of the code in RSS-Bridge uses the long array syntax.
This commit adds a check to enforce using this syntax over
the short array syntax.
All failures have been fixed.
setInputs() currently looks if the global array defines a 'value'
for a given parameter, but that isn't supported by the API. It
needs to be 'defaultValue'.
* action: Add action to check bridge connectivity
It is currently not simply possible to check if the remote
server for a bridge is reachable or not, which means some
of the bridges might no longer work because the server is
no longer on the internet.
In order to find those bridges we can either check each
bridge individually (which takes a lot of effort), or use
an automated script to do this for us.
If a server is no longer reachable it could mean that it is
temporarily unavailable, or shutdown permanently. The results
of this script will at least help identifying such servers.
* [Connectivity] Use Bootstrap container to properly display contents
* [Connectivity] Limit connectivity checks to debug mode
Connectivity checks take a long time to execute and can require a lot
of bandwidth. Therefore, administrators should be able to determine
when and who is able to utilize this action. The best way to prevent
regular users from accessing this action is by making it available in
debug mode only (public servers should never run in debug mode anyway).
* [Connectivity] Split implemenation into multiple files
* [Connectivity] Make web page responsive to user input
* [Connectivity] Make status message sticky
* [Connectivity] Add icon to the status message
* [contents] Add the ability for getContents to return header information
* [Connectivity] Add header information to the reply Json data
* [Connectivity] Add new status (blue) for redirected sites
Also adds titles to status icons (Successful, Redirected, Inactive, Failed)
* [Connectivity] Fix show doesn't work for inactive bridges
* [Connectivity] Fix typo
* [Connectivity] Catch errors in promise chains
* [Connectivity] Allow search by status and update dynamically
* [Connectivity] Add a progress bar
* [Connectivity] Use bridge factory
* [Connectivity] Import Bootstrap v4.3.1 CSS
The current solution for titles on input boxes is not obvious to the
user as support varies between bridges. This commit adds an button to
all input boxes with titles in order to make it clear to the user that
additional information is available.
Allows getting the expected MIME type of the format's output. A
corresponding MIME_TYPE constant is also defined in FormatAbstract for
the format implementations to overwrite.
Error reporting currently takes place for each error. This can result
in many error messages if a server has connectivity issues (i.e. when
it re-connects to the internet every 24 hours).
This commit adds a new option to the configuration file to define the
number of error reports to suppress before returning an error message
to the user.
Error reports are cached and therefore automatically purged after 24
hours. A successful bridge request does **not** clear the error count
as sporadic issues can be the result of actual problems on the server.
The implementation currently makes no assumption on the type of error,
which means it also suppresses bridge errors in debug mode. The default
value is, however, set to 1 which means all errors are reported.
References #994
Bridge errors are currently included as part of the feed to
notify users about erroneous bridges (before that, bridges
silently failed).
This solution, however, can produce a high load of error
messages if servers are down (see #994 for more details).
Admins may also not want to include error messages in feeds
in order to keep those kind of problems away from users or
simply to silently fail by choice.
This commit adds a new configuration section "error" with
one option "output" which can be set to following values:
"feed": To include error messages in the feed (default)
"http": To return a HTTP header for each error
"none": To disable error reporting
Note that errors are always logged to 'error.log' independent
of the settings above.
* [ParameterValidator] Ensure context has all fields
Previously if a bridge had a set of parameters like:
const PARAMETERS = array(
'ContextA' => array(
'Param1' => array(
'name' => 'Param1',
'required' => true
'ContextB' => array(
'Param1' => array(
'name' => 'Param1',
'required' => true
'Param2' => array(
'name' => 'Param2',
'required' => true
and a query specifying both Param1 and Param2 was provided a 'Mixed
context parameters' error would be returned. This change ensures
ContextA in the above example would not be considered a relevant context.
RSS-Bridge currently has to guess the queried context from the data
provided by the user. This, however, can cause issues for bridges
that have multiple contexts with conflicting parameters (i.e. none).
This commit adds context hinting to queries via '&context=<context>'
which can be omitted in which case the context is determined as before.
The format factory can be based on the abstract factory class if it
wasn't static. This allows for higher abstraction and makes future
extensions possible. Also, not all parts of RSS-Bridge need to work
on the same instance of the factory.
References #1001
The cache factory can be based on the abstract factory class if it
wasn't static. This allows for higher abstraction and makes future
extensions possible. Also, not all parts of RSS-Bridge need to work
on the same instance of the factory.
References #1001
The bridge factory can be based on the abstract factory class if it
wasn't static. This allows for higher abstraction and makes future
extensions possible. Also, not all parts of RSS-Bridge need to work
on the same instance of the bridge factory.
References #1001
RSS-Bridge currently sanitizes the format name only for the display
action, which can cause problems if other actions depend on formats
as well.
It is therefore better to do sanitization in the factory class for
formats. Additionally, formats should not require a perfect match,
so 'Atom' and 'aToM' make no difference. This will also allow users
to define formats in their own style (i.e. only lowercase via CLI).
References #1001
Response headers may contain fields with no values.
"Referrer-Policy: "
In this case the current implementation of explode() results in an
error because there is no content after ": ". Changing the delimiter
to ":" and trimming the value manually fixes that issue.
Users currently only get one option: to open a new issue on GitHub.
This can, however, result in duplicate issues, which is not desired.
This commit adds a second button to the error message, which links
to the GitHub issues tracker with the search query set to find
errors for the current bridge. That way, users can collaborate
on the same issue.
Incorrect configuration values are currently handled individually
for each condition, resulting in a lot of repetitive operations.
This commit adds two new private functions to report errors to the
user and end execution of the script.
The configuration files are currently hard-coded in the configuration
classes and error messages. However, the implementation should not
rely on specific details like the file name. Instead, the files should
be part of the global definition.
This commit introduces two global constants for the configuration files
- FILE_CONFIG => 'config.ini.php'
- FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT => 'config.default.ini.php'
RSS-Bridge currently statically sets the timezone to UTC which can
result in incorrect timestamps if the server is hosted in another
This commit adds a new configuration parameter to allow admins to
specify their own timezone for their servers. Invalid values will
result in an error message.
timezone = "UTC"
For compatibility reasons the default value is set to UTC.
This parameter accepts any of the supported timezones listed at
References #1001